Documentation for Administrators

Version 2022.06.24.SURVEY45S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective June 24, 2022.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items are marked as (**NEW**).

PK - 12

Fed State Extract

  • Fixed issue where 3900 students were pulling if enrolled at previous school in the district.

Student Course

  • Fixed an issue in Survey 4 where failing letter grades would be overwritten with failing percent grades if there were multiple failing grades for the same class.


  • Now pulls grade records with a null value for the grade level in the extract rather than just the verification report to allow users to catch errors in DQ2/DOE.

CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Adjusted logic for how the verification reports analyze marking periods.

CTE Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Swapped out teacher SSN for Staff ID.
  • Fix for Term not displaying correctly for edits.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Adjusted how other exceptionalities are pulled to match ESE extract. Also excluded students with PK gradelevel for edit 5C.
  • Excluded students primarily enrolled at 3900 from being flagged for edit 5C.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where a referral issued at a previous school of enrollment was showing under current school of enrollment.

Drop Out Prevention Verification Report

  • Fixed issue where school or district instruction would be cut off if the log field contained leading or trailing spaces.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where errors did not pull for edit 4B.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Modified rule 3D to ignore students in McKay/FES courses (2222222) and to also check against the inclusion course number.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 3D where some students with an inclusion schedule were being incorrectly flagged.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 3D where students previously enrolled in access courses at another school were prevented from being flagged as errors at their current school.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 09 where a NULL plan date wasn't being flagged as an error.

Industry Certification Verification Report

  • Updated edit 09 to match current DOE logic.
  • Now padding leading zeros for CAPE ID on the industry cert log field to match extract logic.

SESIR Verification Report

  • Added edit 2D.
  • Updated 46 & 47 to match current DOE edit description.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where students who were enrolled at a second school were not showing up unless all schools was selected.

Student & Teacher Course Verification Reports

  • Adjusted edit 10 (Section Number Allowable Characters) to match DOE edit description.
  • Adjusted edit 35 logic to pull the same term codes to prevent false errors.
  • Adjusted logic for how the verification reports analyze marking periods.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Adjusted edit 06 (Section Number Allowable Characters) to match DOE edit description.
  • Adjusted edit 49 logic to pull the same term codes to prevent false errors.
  • Adjusted logic for how the verification reports analyze marking periods.

WDIS Extract Field Defaults Report

  • Updated First Time Student Indicator language to match current extract logic.

WDIS Supplemental Extract

  • Removed requirement to enter industry cert under same school year as the students last enrollment record. This applies to log field certs only.

WDIS Supplemental Verification Report

  • Added edit 81.
  • Added Industry Cert code to columns for edit 81.

WDIS Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed issue where log field certs weren't pulling. Also added FLEID column.
  • Adjusted logic to match WDIS Supplemental extract changes. Also tweaked enrollment queries to increase performance on larger districts.

Staff Extracts

  • Updated SSN validation to include CS prefix as valid.

Staff Demographic

  • Changed joins due to gl_facilities.school_id being deprecated. (**NEW**)
  • Fixed issue where select user records were being duplicated.
  • Fixed an issue where charter employees did not pull the correct Personnel Evaluation based on the drop-down query.

Staff Experience

  • No longer inserts school year specific default experience records for charter experience log field.
  • No longer accepts a NULL transcript value for test history parts.
  • Now pulls test part SS for PSA test for test records.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing a transcript through the Focus FASTER interface gave different result than what was actually sent for FASTER for Industry Certifications.
  • Now pulls the CAPE value on the industry certification log field if it exists.
  • Enabled support for more than 10 immunization dates for a particular immunization log record.
  • Fixed an issue where PF scores stored as 1 & 0 weren't extracting correctly.
  • Updated manual links to the latest year.
  • Now downloads PDF versions of TSCRIPT files if available.
  • Fixed an issue where a database error could occur when importing requests from DOE due to encoding issues.
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to download the High School and Postsecondary Transcript PDF files.
  • Added a new checkbox labeled Exclude MSIX to the Outgoing Transcripts screen.
  • Now pulls industry certs from course history if the district option is enabled to pull certs from course history.

Added Virtual Instruction Provider 320 to Florida Appendix CC.

Set the user fields to system:

  • ELL Certification Status
  • National Board Certified Teacher
  • Athletic Coaching Endorsement
  • Clinical Education Trained

Students in Both Survey Two and Three Report

  • Added export to csv option; this new export option is not subject to the 5k record limit the interface has.
  • Added error message to indicate when a site is missing the required data for the report to run.

Bus Rosters

  • Added logic to allow select option queries for bus driver select field.

DMV Attendance

  • Speed improvements for larger districts.

DOE Data Verification District Usage

  • No longer displays percent symbol when no errors are present for school/format.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Added F71538 Access Course listing to list of downloadable files.
  • Fixed an issue where SESIR edit listing did not push to school folders.
  • Fixed an issue where the SESIR Validation Report did not push to school folders.
  • Added format file for F71373.


  • Speed improvements for test history and attendance queries.

FES Payment Confirmation Reports

  • Reworked both sets of edits; list of fixes includes:
    • better formatted names
    • now displays demo and student course initial last run dates
    • adjusted some edits to account for 4444 school
    • enabled export to csv/xls
    • dropped columns that would never show data due to the logic of the edit
    • adjusted some columns names to more accurately reflect the data being displayed
    • all reports now sort by student name

FES Payment Data Reconciliation

  • Fixed and issue with edit three where not all students were being flagged.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Modified process that imports files from DOE to tables in the database so that each file gets a new FTP connection.
  • Added new district option for WDIS Supplemental Extract; when checked it will allow a cert from any school year to pull for the extract if the date reported is within the survey window. By default, it will only check the current and previous school years.
  • No longer limits the height of the main window in the interface.
  • Modified the Pre-ID option "Output 'Student Identifier, Local' in 'District Use' fields" checkbox to a pull-down titled "Output the selected field for the 'District Use' element" with the options School Title, Student Identifier, Local, and Year Entered Ninth Grade.
  • Added WDIS Appendix ZZ for download under Background Tables for use with edit 81 on WDIS Supplemental.
  • Updated background tables appendix FF format to prevent error while loading file.
  • Added support to import the C4 files for formats F71372 & F71373.
  • Added a new column SURVEY to table DOE_INDIVIDUAL_PRORATE_STATEWIDE_FTE to distinguish the survey value for the record in the file vs the file survey number.
  • Fixed background tables issue that prevented WDIS Appendix O from being loaded.
  • Now updates the cert_type value for existing certs when the industry cert table is updated in the background tables process.
  • Added ability to import the FES Student List csv files into a background table: FLORIDA_FES_STUDENT_LIST. (**NEW**)

FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown)

  • Performance enhancements for larger districts. (**NEW**)
  • Added two new reports for Survey 4, Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Grade and Virtual Course History Grades With No Matching Schedule. (**NEW**)

Print FTE Detail

  • Fixed an issue where inactive McKay/FES students would not pull.

Teachers In/Out of Field Logic

  • Sections with a primary scheduling method of inclusion will no longer flag teachers as out-of-field for ELL requirement.
  • Updated to exclude scope of Z to be considered certified for the ANY certification requirement.
  • Added French (035) to group code table for group code 914.
  • Added primary instructor checkbox field to co-teacher tab.
  • Modified process to only actually update a course_period record if the existing values differ from process calculations.

Insert HSN Process

  • Added a warning message when a user attempts to run process on a survey site.

K12 Extract Field Defaults

  • Updated for apprenticeship sponsor code and removal of Florida Identifier and Florida Alias.


  • Now displays N/A for schedule records without inclusion configured for the course section.
  • Added IET Program Number field to schedules, sections, courses, grades, and course catalog entries.

PEER Integration

  • Added three new fields for import (Matrix Rating, Matrix Cost Factor, Matrix Date Completed).
  • Now deletes records from accommodation log fields when the records no longer exist in the source files from PEER.
  • Fixed an issue where the data within some of the source csv files was causing an issue on import due to their encoding.
  • Added new Peer ESY Services logging field for import.
  • Excludes records with future initiation date from importing into student fields for IEP LRE data. Also, added ability to selectively import tables when using the manual import screen.
  • Added ability to import into new Peer IEP Related Services Log Field.
  • Fixed issue where data would be cleared for background tables not being imported when using new table selection drop-down.
  • Fix for database error when a negative number exists for domains A-F on the matrix of services file.
  • Modified so that clients with RSA access to SSO account can use process.
  • Fixed issue where the process would fail to connect to the SFTP site for districts using key based authentication.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Fixed an issue in the Spring and Spring Retake extracts where the 504 status did not output correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the Spring Retakes extract where adult students (with district option) did not pull for Reading/Writing Retake.
  • Fixed Stanford 10 Online Pre-ID DB errors preventing the extract from running. Also, updated florida_preid_records schema to accept the two character gender code of NS when no gender is set a student.
  • Adjusted logic in FSA Spring to prevent retakes from pulling.
  • Updated the Summer EOC Pre-ID extract for 2021-2022.
  • Fixed issue in Spring Writing, Reading, Math, Science, EOC, and FCLE Pre-ID where certain students were always outputting Y for Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan.

Process Assessments

  • Pushed the 2018-2019 cohort changes to 2019-2020 per DOE.
  • Added ability to set pass flag & course assessment status for Florida Civics Literacy Exam.
  • Enabled non-college reportable ACT and SAT tests to be used for concordant scores [Ex: Test Short Name ACT, Test Part Subject Code 10NR, CRNR, 92NR, D6NR, etc.]
  • Fixed an issue where exams were inserted for orphaned schedule records (schedule records with no matching enrollment record based on syear, school_id, student_id).
  • Modified the EOC Scale Score Setup page to include Scale Sets which allow users to designate EOC Scale Scores to a specific subset of applicable courses. (**NEW**)

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed spelling error on industry certs report.

School List Setup

  • Modified code to update the school listing if the fiscal year in the database is less than the default school year.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Added FLEID column to all applicable reports.
  • Fixed database error with industry certifications with bad date earned/reported when no certs had been entered yet.
  • Fixed issue with ESE Exceptionalities With Missing Placement Dates where no records were found.
  • Adjusted logic for CTE Scheduled with Invalid CTE Courses to more closely match CTE Student Course.

Talented Twenty

  • Now excludes students who previously withdrew with a WD1 code.

Verification Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong school folder file would pull for the current school in the School Folder Summary tab.

View Background Tables

  • Added FLORIDA_INOUT_CERT_GROUPS to the list of tables that can be viewed.
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