Documentation for Administrators

Version 2021.06.11.SURVEY45S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective June 14, 2021.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 


Additional Funding Extract

  • Added new FTE Earned fields to format.
  • Updated format based on DOE manual update 04/30/2021.

CTE Student Course Extract

  • Updated per DOE manual update 05/14/2021.

Exceptional Student Extract

  • Now outputting Z for primary exceptionality when survey equals 5 and placement status is R, E, I, or N.

Extract Field Defaults

  • Updated language for Student Discipline/Resultant Action for school number fields.

Student Course Schedule

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records could output for students who withdrew from a secondary school during survey week to be re-enrolled in the same school as primary during survey week.
  • Modified how the FTE multiplier gets set in surveys 1 & 4 for extended year students to go from actual scheduled days in the week to a constant 5 days per DOE.

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Added edit rules 20, 21, 22, 61, 62, 63, & 64.

CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated per DOE manual update 05/14/2021.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 35 would flag students enrolled at 9995 with a lunch status code of Z incorrectly as errors.
  • Modified validation 5E to show the NSLP Type listed on the file for the school for easier determination of what values are acceptable for the student to have.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Added W3D & W3E as valid codes for edit 16.

English Language Learner Verification Report

  • Fixed database error.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 2F flagged incorrectly.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Fixed edit F6 not working correctly for FISH records with multiple active schools.
  • Now excludes school of instruction starting with C, U, or P for local edit F6.
  • For local edit F6, now excludes virtual schools from flagging as errors.

Transportation Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 7 would not flag a record if days in term was NULL/Empty.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where validation 73 did not match the logic for how the field "Adult General Education, Withdrawal Reason" is output in the WDIS End of Term extract.

WDIS Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated grade level edits to include 06, 07, 08 grade levels as valid.

WDIS End of Term Verification Report

  • Updated grade level edits to include 06, 07, 08 grade levels as valid.
  • Updated edits 08 & 29 to match latest updates from DOE.
  • Fixed a bug that caused edit 08 to not consider W60 and WCO valid for surveys F & S.

Updated all staff extracts to use common criteria to select active records.

Staff Additional Job Assignments

  • Updated FTE calculations for district employees, was rewritten to properly handle duplicate rows, and fixed fund source.
  • Fixed fund sources.
  • Corrected code column for facility table.

Staff Benefits

  • Now allows fractional amounts for frequency.
  • Opened up holding value for amount check from 9,2 to 16,2.
  • Added reference to wage data for rates and frequencies; fixed misc SQL errors; added cap to benefit value.
  • Fixed benefit codes not grouping properly.

Staff Demographic

  • Updated source on teacher certification and defaulting to 77777777777 for district-issued certs
  • Added extra logic to make sure Highest Degree Earned is only 1 character.
  • Updated check for employee inclusion to include teachers that are currently teaching a class, regardless of whether or not they show up in payroll history.
  • Now allows race/ethnicity flags to treat "1" as "Y", in cases where the flag value uses a number instead of a character.
  • Updated survey 2 and 3 attendance calculation to produce all zeros for those surveys.
  • Broadened criteria for resolving employee names, and SSN cleanup now preserves CS designation.
  • Fixed pay type survey flag for all extracts, and fixed SQL statement for charter side of union.

Staff Experience

  • Moved default experience records into extract.
  • Fixed pay type survey flag, and SQL statement for charter side of union.

Staff Fiscal Year Salaries

  • Updated methodology for determining number of duty days separately for district and charter employees.

Staff Payroll Info

  • Added conditional SQL to pull from multiple fund sources where necessary.
  • Updated handling for grandfathered salary schedule type.
  • Now checks explicitly for termination dates in the future.
  • Changed way paid leave is described in SQL.
  • Added additional filtering to enforce rule #16.
  • Added default value for salary schedule pay type, and removed unused variables.
  • Updated contract status to consider derived scheduled pay type instead of the stored one.
  • Now allows districts with missing/unset fields in district FASTER config for demographic to continue to operate normally with config.sample merge change.
  • Fixed an issue where transcripts were unable to be imported due to database error.
  • Added a new FASTER option Allow FASTER to create requests/transcripts for students without Student Number Identifier, Florida.
  • No longer outputs industry cert date earned if the outcome is F.
  • Now uses student enrollment fields Days Absent & Days Present for FASTER Absent & Present Fields.
  • Added ability to import ELL data for incoming transcripts.
  • Fixed an issue where in-progress quarter schedules did not output correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where attendance from the default syear was being pushed down for all years for the I/S03 format.
  • Fixed error stating "This student does not exist in the current school" when trying to view a student.
  • Tweaked performance of Outgoing Transcripts pulling up student lists.

FASTER Schools Setup

  • Fixed an issue where a user could not enter a SPEEDE school entry.

SAT/ACT Process

  • Fixed an issue where past report history wasn't showing on the report.
  • Made changes for new CSV and TAB delimited files.

Updated Appendix GG for 20-21 school year.

Increased the width of the pop-table box that displays the FTP output for programs that use FTP.

Set a few custom fields as system that were incorrectly set as local.

Fixed an issue where a user with multiple user enrollment entries could mistakenly be granted all schools access for select reports under Florida Reports.

Added student fields FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Associate Degree, FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Course, and FTE Earned, College Board Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma.

DMV Attendance

  • Removed KEY record from FTP & Text files per DOE/DMV.

DOE Data Verification District Usage Report

  • Added back more verification report detail.
  • Now shows only percentage of errors by default, but added option to show details/old layout.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Fixed an issue where F72001 would fail to download.

EOY Processing

  • Added Bonus FTE calculation for FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Course.
  • No longer considers B & C DE Indicator codes when calculating FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Course.
  • Updated bonus DE FTE calculation to only award FTE for core college courses.
  • Fixed issue with DE Bonus calculation that would cause grades to not be matched to schedules.

FES Payment Confirmation Reports

  • Fixed a database error.

FLEID Extract

  • Now excludes negative student IDs from transmitting.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Updated Master School Identification Format based on DOE change for Neglected Delinquent Class field from school year 2020-2021 and beyond.
  • Added columns nine_hundred_annually, school_improvement, si_turnaround_monitor, si_turnaround_monitor_yr, si_turnaround_cycle, si_turnaround_option, and si_region_code to master_school_identification.
  • K12 & WDIS appendix Z now available in list of imports. FL_APPENDIX_FF now imports all cert columns. Fixed issue with FF failing to import and causing a database error.
  • Added the Special Certification Coverage File (F62059) to Florida Files tab to be able to update the table on demand used for the In/Out Field process.
  • Fixed error for K12 Appendix Z caused by DOE updating the format slightly.
  • Now removes invalid certs from FLORIDA_INDUSTRY_CERTIFICATIONS; to be removed they must not be present in the current industry cert file, and not be used anywhere in Focus.

Print FTE Detail Report

  • Modified underlying Student Course class to include all valid enrollment records when pulling based on a specific school. This allows users to run the FTE Detail Report at a secondary enrolled school for a particular student and still see the primary enrolled school schedule records.
  • Fixed an issue where students were pulling for the current school if they were enrolled at the current school previously.

Teachers In/Out of Field Report

  • Now marks T3 Reading Intervention Teachers as out-of-field without reading endorsement based on DOE response.
  • Added courses 7721020, 7755020, 7763010, 7763020, 7763060, 7763080, 7763090, 7763100, 7763110, 7763120, 7863080, and 7963050 to 100% ASD Endorsement exception.
  • Modified process to sort the course certification requirements based on cert length in ascending order.
  • Updated course->course catalog join based on information defined in In/Out Field Logic class as they did not match.
  • Tweaked how certain districts determine course matches to course catalog.
  • Added instructional level L to grade level check function.
  • Automatically translates instructional level of A to L; change also considers CCD level of A as L during level comparisons.
  • Modified how teacher certification records are ordered so that scopes that evaluate to an out-of-field Cert/Lic/Qual status are checked last.
  • No longer ignores the scope of N for teachers failing to meet subject area certification. (N scope is not changed to O)
  • Redid interface using datatable mostly for the toggle columns ability.


  • Updated title on virtual instruction providers for Florida Virtual School.
  • Added Career Pathway drop down on Course Catalog for future use.

P-EBT Data Collection

  • Added for use.
  • Added a student log field that can act as an override when generating the PEBT records.
  • Now considers students with Lunch Status of N as FRL for pulling.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records were being generated.
  • No longer generates/deletes charter school records when district all schools is generated.
  • Tweaked how valid schools are checked against the latest enrollment record to allow more students to pull.
  • Added new generation option titled Generate with Override Records Only which will only generate the records for students with an override student log field defined for the year and submission that has been marked as Include.
  • Students with override log records no longer have to be enrolled in an NSLP school in order to generate.
  • Fixed an issue where a database error would occur if users had input more than 3 digits for the override log field days.
  • Fixed sort order for people associated with students.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Removed retake override log fields from Spring WRM, Science, EOC Extract since there is an explicit Spring Retake format.

Process Assessments

  • Fixed database error when test administration date is left blank.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Now checks schedule when determining which courses are considered Dual Enrollment.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Tweaked report Student Course Records (Missing From Ofile) for speed.
  • Fixed an issue where a student with a 254 ESE FEFP wouldn't be considered full time hospital homebound if all other conditions were met.
  • Now ignores active schedule records for PE 150 report that are located at a school that the student is no longer actively enrolled at.
  • Fixed issue where Sections Where School Instruction Differs from Section Location was not displaying the proper data.
  • Modified Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Grade to better mirror how the extract matches grades to schedules.
  • Added option to limit results of virtual schedules/grades reports to current district of instruction.

Survey - Production Discrepancies Report

  • Updated report to always display the student grade level.

Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 Report

  • Fixed an issue where the header was out of alignment.
  • Added ability to search on FLEID, and fixed search box headers out of alignment.

Talented Twenty

  • Fixed an issue where a database error could occur if a district changed select options in Talented Twenty Student Field. The report will now issue a warning if this occurs.
  • Modified report so that Algebra 1 A/B and Applied Mathematics courses are capped to 1 Credit for State University System credit requirements.

Verification Reports

  • Now designates Focus Local edits as either exceptions or edits.

View Background Tables

  • Added fix for WDIS Industry Certs pointing to the wrong background table.
Previous Article Version 2021.07.09.SURVEY1F
Next Article Version 2021.01.29.SURVEY3W