Documentation for Administrators

Version 2018.08.24

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Texas State Reporting update, effective August 27, 2018. 

New Changes

Implemented Texas 18-19 extract changes.

Back Merged



Student Extract - Updated to sort homeless status records by dates ascending instead of descending.


Student Attendance Extract - Now outputs Primary and Secondary PK funding source codes if program type is 01 or 03 in submission 3.


Student Discipline Extract - Fixed an issue where duplicate Discipline Incident Association records would pull if there were overlapping SPED or LAU records on a given action date.


Student Enrollment Extract

  • No longer pulls a graduation program element for students that were demoted from 9th grade to 8th grade.
  • No longer only pulls active campus of residence log records as of the effective date for current year students.

Student Restraint Extract - Converted restraint ID to integer.


Transcript Extract - Onramps Dual Enrollment indicator now pulls from new Course Catalog and Course History fields as well as existing student field.



  • No longer pulls students_join_people records that have been flagged as deleted.
  • Now outputs the WithdrawGrade element for CurrentCoursework elements.
  • Now splits out currently scheduled full year high school courses into separate semesters in CurrentCoursework.
  • Adjusted logic for how special explanation codes are processed.




Added new process “UniqueID Enrollment Tracking (PET)” which replaces the old PET process.


Added user fields "CTE Certified" and "CTE Certified Begin Date," which will be checked when determining if a section can be counted for CTE contact hours.


Changed student field for STAAR Above Grade Code from text field to logging field with school year and the above grade code.


C022 Table - Added 18-19 school year data.


PEIMS Exception Reports - Added new report to identify overlapping schedules where one or both of the schedules are CTE courses.


Precode Extracts - Modified extracts to pull logging field instead of student field for the above grade code.


TEA Reports

  • No longer pulls students_join_people records that have been flagged as deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where students checked as “Exclude from State Reporting” were pulling in program.

TSDS Extracts

  • Fixed downloading a file from HTML view so that the file is CSV with column headings.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records were being output if a student was enrolled with multiple second school records at different schools in Focus but with the same school number.
  • Now shows currently selected file in interface instead of just HTML view.
  • Fixed an issue where user preferences weren't saving if the district had already rolled over to the new school year for extracts ran under the prior school year.

TSDS Student Attendance Reports - Added new printable PDF reports that read from the generated TSDS Extract Attendance data.

Unique ID Process - Updated Unique ID based on format change in 3.0 documentation.

Previous Article Version 2019.10.04