Documentation for Administrators

Version 2021.07.09.SURVEY1F

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective July 9, 2021.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items are marked as (**NEW**).


Additional Funding Extract

  • Modified process to accommodate Dual Enrollment Course, FTE Earned change to log field.


  • Now pulling ASV test.


  • Changed wording of element District Number, Reporting District to District Number, Where Incident Occurred. (**NEW**)
  • Added Discipline Incidents field for override for element District Number, Where Incident Occurred. (**NEW**)
  • Added element School Personnel - Incident Outcome. (**NEW**)

Student Course

  • Fixed an issue where the district option Scale FTE in surveys 2 & 3 based on number of days in term was applying during surveys 1 & 4.
  • Tweaked extract for speed in survey 4.
  • Fixed an issue where WP/WF grades were pulling even with district option checked if there were multiple grades for the same course and semester content.
  • Implemented a priority based on grade earned, used to determine if a schedule record has a WF/WP grade or not for the exclude WF/WP district option.

Student Discipline

  • Added element District Number, Where Incident Occurred; pulled with same logic as SESIR. (**NEW**)

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Updated edit 62. (**NEW**)

Assessment Verification Report

  • Updated edits 28 & 31. (**NEW**)

Dropout Prevention Verification Report

  • Updated edit 06. (**NEW**)

End of Year Verification Report

  • Updated edits 09, 32, & 3C. (**NEW**)

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Updated edit 32. (**NEW**)
  • Added edit 3D. (**NEW**)

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edits, 17, 35, 36, & 45. (**NEW**)

SESIR Verification Report

  • Added F1 local edit to flag incidents that have a linked referral that has an entry date that doesn't match the incident date.
  • Added edits 2A, 2B, & 2C. (**NEW**)
  • Updated edits 01, 10, 38, & 41. (**NEW**)
  • Fixed an issue with edit 55 where the Incident, Involvement Type did not output correctly in the interface. (**NEW**)

Student Course Verification Report

  • Removed edit 5S since the extract will automatically output FEFP as 999 and FTE as 0000 for the two courses mentioned in the edit.
  • Updated edits 25, 4B, 4E, 4I, & 54. (**NEW**)
  • Removed edits 4H & 65. (**NEW**)

Student Discipline Verification Report

  • Added edit 25. (**NEW**)

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 27 & 2A. (**NEW**)

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 18, 31, 44, 58, & 60. (**NEW**)
  • Removed edits 32 & 59. (**NEW**)

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 06 & 14. (**NEW**)
  • Deleted edit 49. (**NEW**)

WDIS End of Term Verification Report

  • Updated edits 08, 21, & 29. (**NEW**)

WDIS Supplemental Information Verification Report

  • Edit 22 fixed issue where W60 was being flagged as an error for survey S.
  • Updated edits 22 & 23. (**NEW**)

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where a section could be over 900 hours in class length but not show on edit 10.

Added Industry Certifications for 2021 from 2020 until DOE releases official list of certs.

Student field FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Course has been changed from a numeric to a log field with the School Number and FTE Earned.

Updated background processes to account for summer school year 2020-2021. (**NEW**)

Removed codes WCO & W60 from PK-12 extracts.(**NEW**)

Added code O to Educational Choice student enrollment field. (**NEW**)

Added codes O and P to Incident, Involvement Type. (**NEW**)

Removed code C from Reading Intervention for the 2021-2022 school year. (**NEW**)

Removed code I from Location of Student for the 2021-2022 school year. (**NEW**)

Added codes A-M and O-X and deprecated code Y for Incident, Basis  Religion. (**NEW**)

Added Online Course Provider 321. (**NEW**)

Bonus FTE Detail

  • Reworked interface and added DE Bonus FTE to report.

EOY Processing

  • Modified process to accommodate change for Dual Enrollment Course, FTE Earned log field.
  • Fixed an issue with updating enrollment attendance fields that could cause high number of days present in certain students.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Fixed an error loading WDIS Appendix S related to DOE recently updating the column names on the file.
  • Added new district option that when enabled will limit virtual grades to course history only for survey 4.
  • Added new district option to exclude records with course grades of WF or WP from pulling in survey 4.
  • Added fix for WDIS Appendix Z not downloading to background table.
  • Added new district option to set a default for Teachers In/Out of Field Report page size.

Generate Survey R

  • New program added to handle monthly submissions to DOE for SESIR/Discipline data.

Teachers In/Out of Field Report

  • Added option for users to adjust the number of records per page for ease of use.
  • Defaulted page size to 20 records per page.


  • Fixed an issue where a database error would occur under some conditions when a user posted final grades.

Peer Integration

  • Added new process to import csv files that Peer provides. Please note that this is a rather large update and it is recommended you take this update after peak hours.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated the Summer EOC Pre-ID for 2020-2021.
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Next Article Version 2021.06.11.SURVEY45S