Documentation for Administrators

Version 2019.05.03

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective May 6, 2019.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items not contained in previous back-merges are marked as new in parentheses.

Technical Notes

Added the following tables **NEW**:

FASTER_BATCHES - table that tracks the outgoing request/response totals that are compared against the edit reports. Should be one batch a night.

FASTER_PROCESS_TRACKER - tracks the three separate FASTER processes: build, send, & receive

INOUT_DUAL_CERT_REQUIREMENTS - this is the crosswalk table the Florida In/Out logic uses for the dual certifications


Discipline Extract 

  • No longer pulls enrollment records with the “Out of District” enrollment fields populated.
  • No longer outputs “Out of District” District and School Numbers.

Fed State Indicator Extract  - Now pulls students with empty string in the student enrollment “Out of District” fields.

Industry Certification Extract

  • Modified to handle new “Exclude from State Reporting” log column.
  • Added “Exclude from State Reporting” column to Industry Certification student logging field.

Transportation Extract  - Now limited to students that were in membership at some point during survey week.

Student Course Schedule Extract 

  • Modified the Student Course extract to no longer solely consider course numbers beginning with an alphabetical character as off campus dual enrollment, and instead look at the dual enrollment indicator in conjunction with the FISH number for the schedule record.
  • Fixed an issue when a student withdrew during the survey week to go to homeschool solely, where prior enrollment schedule records would not pull.
  • Implemented a change that factors students’ scheduled days when counting days in membership and days absent for the purpose of nulling FTE due to attendance. **NEW**

Demographic Verification Report - Now only displays errors for students with grades 9-12 for errors 57 & 58.

Discipline Verification Report - Added Incident Date to all edits.

Fed State Indicator Verification Report - Modified edit 14 to no longer count null errors if there is no DOP log record.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Fixed edits that needed to check against the term in surveys 3 and 5 that were not correct for enrollment records with no drop code.
  • Fixed edits dealing with withdrawal date comparisons.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Added edit 31.
  • Added fix for edit 10 not outputting errors for sections with trailing spaces.

Verification Reports - Updated reports with DOE changes made on 01/11.


WDIS AGE Student Course

  • Now halves Attendance Hours Override values on schedule records marked by fiscal split.
  • Modified schedule fields for attendance threshold from <= 10 to < 10 hours.
  • Modified extract to use current date for active schedule end dates when extracting for survey window in future.

WDIS CTE Student Course - Modified extract to use current date for schedule active end dates when extracting for survey window in future.

WDIS Supplemental Information Extract - Modified to handle new “Exclude from State Reporting” log column.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 54 would not display for students that never attended the course.
  • Modified edit 82 to not count during surveys G & X.
  • Modified verification reports to always show the entry and exit date fields for all edits.

WDIS CTE Schedule Verification Report

  • Added T as valid code for edit 51.
  • Modified verification reports to always show the entry and exit date fields for all edits.

WDIS Verification Reports - Fixed an issue relating to future date edits on verification reports.

  • Updated JCL templates based on recommendations from FASTER.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple outgoing requests/transcripts could cause a student to send more records than expected.
  • Fixed an issue when creating transcripts where the search filters were being bypassed.
  • Modified outgoing transcript process to prioritize the date the transcript was marked to transmit and the order the transcript was created in when building FASTER export files.
  • Now refreshes incoming requests screen after matching a student.
  • Limited the number of transcripts sent nightly to 7500, down from prior 9000 limit. This is to help try to be under the 1GB cap imposed by FASTER.
  • Modified AGEFILE program JCL based on guidance from FASTER.
  • Fixed an issue where an exception would occur when a user selected all students when creating an outgoing transcript but there were no results returned.
  • Modified Term and Course Records in Post-Secondary transcripts to be split by the school number in Focus.
  • Added FASTER batch and process tracking for fixing false positive sent records. **NEW**
  • Now prevents the SAT/ACT process from being run on non-production sites.

No longer pulls Exceptional Student Log Entries with the FORM_ID column populated; this fixes an issue some districts were having with duplicate ESE records across various programs. **NEW**

Fixed an issue where discipline logging field information was not being checked against correctly in Focus SIS 9.0+.

Updated WDIS Appendix O based on changes made by DOE.

Added new industry certs to dropdown for K12 & WDIS. Updated WDIS_INDUSTRY_CERT table used for edit purposes.

Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 Report

  • Fixed an issue where selecting both genders would only display one.
  • Now displays survey 2 school of enrollment when it changed between the two surveys.
  • Made birthdate format user friendly.
  • Fixed an issue where birthdate and Florida student ID wasn't returning results when searching the report.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims) - Added new process to Florida Reports. **NEW**

Generate DOE Extracts - Extract history now shows when edit and validation files are downloaded into Focus.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Added F70589 DOP Students Not Found With W26.
  • Fixed an issue where report F70589 wouldn't download.
  • Fixed an issue where page breaks were not being included in PDF versions of the Class Size TIBCO reports.
  • Class Size Reports are now marked as TIBCO only. **NEW**
  • Modified how program handles TIBCO files in the backend for additional future reports. **NEW**
  • Added Learnfare file to survey “Other,” provided the district has the Learnfare process set up.
  • Added the TIBCO Postsecondary CAPE Bonus Funding file to Download DOE & Error Reports. **NEW**
  • Added DOE Report 70685, PE Course Enrollments.
  • Added more files to check for file number 71423.

EOY Processing - Fixed an issue where days present wasn't being set if the student had perfect attendance.

EWS Report - Teacher version of EWS report is now available. **NEW**

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report

  • Clarified Fed State Indicator DOP log field logic.
  • Added logic for Incident ID field for discipline.

FLEID Processes - Staff FLEID Export/Import now supported for clients with Finance. **NEW**

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added a new district option labeled “WDIS - Pulling Survey F 2019-2020 from current school year 2018-2019,” which modifies how survey F related processes output/check fiscal year.
  • Importing files will no longer strip characters out of certain fields.
  • Added Course Indicator column to the CCD table.
  • Modified how program imports F71452 files to match DOE changes to file format.
  • Modified file imports for speed. **NEW**

FTE Summary Reports Breakdown

  • Fixed an issue where minutes on the Students Receiving More Than Full Funding report were being underreported.
  • No longer pulls data for students enrolled at schools marked as exclude from state reporting.
  • Disabling Print/Push buttons while ajax call is running.

Print FTE Detail Report

  • Now lists the period range for schedules that span multiple periods rather than just showing the start period.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Scale FTE in surveys 2 & 3 based on number of days in term” district option was not taken into account.

FTE Null Students Report

  • Added student name to the report. Also added link that will open a pop-up to each student's attendance screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Scale FTE in surveys 2 & 3 based on number of days in term” district option was not taken into account.

FTE Summary Report - Fixed an issue where the “Scale FTE in surveys 2 & 3 based on number of days in term” district option was not taken into account.

Teachers In/Out Field Report

  • Changed how the teacher certifications are displayed with level leading first to match how Course Catalog certs are assumed to be.
  • Added permission to hide SSN by default. All users that need the SSN will need to have the permission enabled under their respective profiles.
  • No longer considers sections as out of field if the licensure status is “N” and the user SSN begins with “CS.”
  • Fixed “Show Out-of-Field Only” with new change for CS teachers with dual enrolled students and Cert Status of N.
  • Fixed an issue in affidavit checks where a database value of “N” would count as meeting the affidavit requirement.
  • Added new table to track dual certification requirements via crosswalk, and modified logic to reference table when associated dual requirement certification number is on the Course Catalog.


  • Removed the “Z” option on “EOC Achievement Level” student report card grade field.
  • Fixed an issue where the Total Survey Hours column in an advanced report would cause incorrect data to be displayed for all calculated survey fields.
  • Modified schedule fields for WDIS AGE attendance threshold from <= 10 to < 10 hours.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Now ensures that transportation only students are not sent in extracts.
  • Updated FSA Spring EOC Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019.
  • Added Spring NGSSS EOC and Science Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019.
  • Removed comma from teacher name to prevent Pearson error in Spring NGSSS EOC and Science.
  • Modified FSA Spring ELA Reading, ELA Writing, and Mathematics extract to fix Testing Accommodations pulling for math students grade 3-6.
  • Spring NGSSS EOC & FCAT Science Extract modified to not output 504 of  “Y” if student has primary active exceptionality.
  • Spring NGSSS and FCAT Science Extract modified to only check currently active schedule records for EOC courses.
  • Pulls subject code of “D6” for ACT test as well for concordant scores.
  • Fixed an issue where the science test accommodations were not pulling.
  • Modified FSA Spring EOC extract to fix an issue for students not pulling to test Algebra I for the first time with a passing PERT score.

Process Assessments

  • Changed average for ACT concordant to be 18 based on DOE documentation.
  • Fixed ACT average concordant scores for cohorts greater than and equal to 2010-2011.
  • Now updates previously unused “EOC Achievement Level” field on Course History records with the achievement level for the specific EOC test when running the Course Assessment Status process.
  • Added SG as a valid subject code for PSA (Concordant ALG).
  • Now prioritizes earliest passing concordant score when updating graduation requirement met date field.
  • Now updates student graduation Date and Assessment Passed fields for Algebra I and ELA Alternate Assessment tests.

School Grade Accuracy Reports - Added date earned to industry cert report.

School Grade Scheduler Reports - Added New School Grade Scheduling Report. **NEW**

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed an issue where students with less than 150 minutes of PE weren't being flagged.
  • Now looks at inclusion details when determining whether student is enrolled in a therapy course.
  • Added additional courses and exceptionalities when determining if students are or aren't scheduled in a therapy course.
  • Adjusted MS Students PE report to be more inline with DOE's numbers.
  • Added new report to identify sections where school of instruction is different from the school the section is built at.
  • Fixed an issue with the PE less than 150 report, where a student with no PE courses scheduled was not showing on the report.
  • Added access courses to Elem Students with Less than 450 ELA.
  • Added new report: Virtual Course History Grades With No Matching Schedule, also converted to datatable. **NEW**
  • Modified Intermittent HHB report to only display students that have a current active exceptionality of M. **NEW**

WDIS Accuracy Reports - No longer looks at o-files for missing industry certs.

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