Documentation for Administrators

Version 2024.02.02.SURVEY3W

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective February 7, 2024.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items are marked as(**NEW**).

PK - 12

English Language Learners

  • Now capitalizing Form and Level fields as DOE does the same in the o-files (fixes unneeded change records in batches).

Student Course

  • Updated logic to Null FTE and set FEFP to 999 for school of instruction 3450 (Edit 17).
  • Swapped 3450 school check from instruction to enrollment.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Adjusted logic for edit 35 to match current DOE description.
  • Updated edit 35 to match updated logic from DOE.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Adjusted edit 38 to flag records as errors when Migrant Status Term is empty/NULL.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Modified edits 2J & 2K to not flag false positives errors for action codes other than E, F, or U.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Updated edit 3X to swap from code 'M' to code 'I'.

Industry Certification Verification Report

  • Updated edits 09, 11, & 41.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edits 17, 35, & 38.
  • Removed WPP from edit 35.

SESIR Verification Report

  • Updated edit 09.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 07 & 43.
  • Removed Error 4E.

Student Transcript Verification Report

  • Updated edit 13.

Staff Extracts

  • Now ensures every instance of Charter Payroll Information log record reference is school year based.
  • Implemented Teacher Course logic to replace the first '99' with 'CS' for SSN values.

Staff Additional Job Assignments

  • No longer pulls staff job positions that have been marked as deleted.

Staff Benefits

  • No longer pulls staff job positions that have been marked as deleted.

Staff Demographic

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records could output if multiple schools in Focus shared the same ERP Facility ID.

Staff FY Salaries

  • No longer pulls staff job positions that have been marked as deleted.
  • Tweaked the Job Code Fund Source logic to be based on staff/job code instead of staff job position IDs to remove duplicate fund source codes from pulling.

Staff Payroll Info

  • No longer pulls staff job positions that have been marked as deleted.
  • Now matches demographic logic where charter users pull if charter status is still active.

WDIS AGE Extract

  • Adult High School Credits will now pull based on the first 7 digits of the course.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause duplicates for students with Adult High School Credits when two or more grade record's course numbers were the same for the first seven characters of the course.

WDIS End of Term

  • Fixed issue preventing AGE Withdrawal Reason from extracting.

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 57 to recognize K as a valid code.

WDIS Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue with edit 83 not catching students who are not taking adult high school courses during the survey.
  • Fixed an issue where false positive errors would display for edit 83 if district option 'Verification Reports - Output errors for fields with missing data and an incorrect default code set' is flagged.
  • No longer showing 'Report & Logs' tab if user does not have access to all schools.
  • Added a new FASTER option titled 'Do not send Immunization Records for Bright Futures Transcripts'; if option is flagged then outgoing transcripts to Bright Futures do not include the Immunization record.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate outgoing transcripts could be displayed in the FASTER interface.
  • Reverted a prior change to automatically word wrap the raw transcript when printing through incoming transcripts and instead opting for this to be a FASTER option under FASTER > Setup.
  • Fixed issue where select users had access to All Schools checkbox but didn't actually have All School access.
  • Added Postsecondary tests PS1, SA5, CLT.
  • Added more APT subject codes for Postsecondary test records.
  • Added 'Credits Needed, Local Subject Area Requirements FINANCIAL LITERACY' to demographic record.
  • Updated 'Credits Needed, Local Subject Area Requirements - PRACTICAL ARTS' to include 'CAREER & TECHNICAL'.
  • Fixed an issue where graduation programs did not link correctly with graduation subjects.
  • Added missing message type code definitions.
  • Fixed an issue for MSIX transcripts where the summer term log record was not being prioritized over the annual (if split).
  • Removed logic that did not output enrollment/dates for migrant students enrolled during the months of June/July.
  • Now includes second school enrollment records for MSIX transcripts provided there are no other overlapping enrollment records.

Added WPP drop code if it doesn't already exist in the system.

Fixed issue that prevented the All Schools checkbox on reports from displaying for select users.

Added 'APS' Alternate Passing Score score type to FST & BST tests if it did not exist before.

The following programs have been deprecated/removed: (**NEW**)

  • McKay/FES Payment Confirmation Reports
  • Generate McKay/FES Extracts
  • P-EBT Data Collection

Added code 'D' to 'Civic Literacy Course Completion (Postsecondary FASTER)' student field.

Added code 'D' to 'Civic Literacy Assessment Requirement (Postsecondary FASTER)' student field.

Added code 'I' to 'Diploma Designation' student field.

Added tests PS1 & SA5 if they did not already exist.

Class Size Report

  • Fixed an issue where the logic that determines the grade level range was not in certain cases.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • For Student Demographic, moved F70752 to be under Extra Reports rather than Validation/Exception.
  • Fixed issue preventing users from downloading F71423.

FLEID Processes

  • No longer pulls staff records if the job position has been marked as deleted.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Fixed an issue where Magic Batch School Control would not set records properly.
  • Updated FEFP 103 cost factor for 2023 on the FLORIDA_FEFP_COST_FACTORS table from 0.988 to 0.998.
  • Fixed WDIS Appendix P not loading into background table.

Florida Test ID Job

  • Fixed issue that could cause duplicates in the FL_TESTID_LOG table.

FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown)

  • Now hides Null FTE Records (Due to Attendance) report when running reports against the o-file.
  • Now prevents duplicates with FTE Earned By Teacher and School if more than one user record existed with the same SSN.

Generate DOE Extracts

  • Fixed an issue where the append files feature did not work as expected.

Teachers In/Out of Field Logic

  • Now requiring endorsements for special group code cert 917 (Level 'E') except for sub certification code 172 (Level '6').
  • Now excludes WDIS only schools from showing in report.
  • Fixed an issue where not meeting the grade level check for the course would stop the process from looking for additional certification/levels which do meet the grade level check.
  • Fixed an issue where the inclusion course number was not being passed to the Cert/Lic/Qual determination logic.
  • Modified student count logic for inclusion teachers to only count the inclusion students (fixes ELL non-inclusion students in section counting against inclusion teacher for ESOL requirements).
  • Modified student counts displayed in report for inclusion co-teachers to be only the inclusion students.
  • Cleaned up micro-credential check.
  • No longer excludes course 5010020 from Reading endorsement requirement check.
  • If section is flagged as reading intervention, bypass legacy sixth grade check for Reading courses.

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report

  • Transportation: Updated Extract Logic to indicate that a student's Vehicle Category must be populated in order for students to pull.
  • Updated extract logic for Neg Del Institute Number 2 (custom_808) & 3 (custom_100000106).


  • For Course Flag fields when no flag has been set, the field will now show blank instead of N/A.
  • Now no longer requiring meeting pattern days to fall within the days of the week specified on the schedule when calculating hours.
  • Fixed issue preventing meeting pattern hours from being summed when the days of the week for the meeting pattern is outside of the section meeting pattern days.
  • Adult Educational Functioning Level: Added codes T & U, and updated code descriptions for N & L.
  • Added subject 'CT' to 'Course Substituted, Subject Area'.
  • When under the 2022-2023 school year or earlier, the function level titles will display correctly as N = Level 5 & L Level 6.
  • Added N/A option for Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area schedule fields.
  • Fixed issue where functioning levels were not displaying correctly on the student's schedule.
  • Fixed issue where hours on a schedule could be off compared to the extract if meeting periods were configured for a particular section.

Import Peer Data

  • Fixed issue where students that are no longer present in the current peer files were being imported with previous years data.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Pre-ID Extract for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Added Spring FAA Pre-ID Extract.
  • Updated FAA Spring extract to automatically pull students rather than solely relying on Pre-ID Extract Overrides log field.
  • No longer pulling out-of-district enrolled students for the PM Pre-ID Extract.
  • Fixed an issue in the Winter EOC extract that was pulling students with grade records for the Winter term qualified for Algebra I retake.
  • Updated the Spring 2023-2024 Pre-ID extract format.
  • Now excluding grade levels KG & 31 from Winter and Spring Pre-ID Extracts.

Process Assessments

  • Fixed database error that occurred when trying to process CLT scores.
  • Updated the FSA/FST ELA Process for the new cut scores.
  • Students who entered 9th grade in 2021-2022 will check provisional scores based on test administration school year and administration and otherwise will use the alternate passing score.
  • Fixed an issue where FA1 & FA2 students were not being updated for graduation pass/met date.
  • Fixed logic for new APS scores.
  • Fixed an issue where the provisional scores were being checked against the cohort rather than just when the test was taken.
  • Fixed an issue when processing Algebra 1 records for ESE Waiver students where the dates would always be updated with the effective date.
  • ESE Waiver students now only process if one of the updated student fields are missing/null.
  • Fixed an issue where an error would occur running Course Assessment status for Civics, CLE, and alternate assessments.
  • Added support for FSTP/BSTP tests (to be changed later on Appendix L update).
  • Updated to handle Algebra I and Geometry APS scores.
  • Added logic for PS1 and SA5 tests.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed an error generated when running the 'School Grade Acceleration One or more' report.

School Grade Scheduler Reports

  • Level 1 & 2 report now will look at and display FST scores. Also, clicking the student link will now open in a new tab and go straight to the Test History tab.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Added new report - Sections with Invalid Characters.

Verification reports

  • Implemented better duplicate record checks when comparing FLEID values.
  • Not evaluating edits that compare the FLEID values of other records in the dataset in environments where FLEID values are cleared (DEV instances).
  • Tweaked the edit result numbers to only count a specific record once for each edit (fixes duplicate records in error results).
  • Updated edits that check for duplicate records for query speed.
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