Documentation for Administrators

Version 2023.07.28.SURVEY1F

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective July 28, 2023.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items are marked with **NEW**.



  • Added speed improvements for survey 5 & 9.

Exceptional Student

  • Added logic that when the corresponding newly added district option is enabled, any dismissed ESE student that has a Virtual Grade Record with a 'Virtual, Date of Completion' set and is between the students placement and dismissal dates of their primary exceptionality will allow them to pull an ESE record & update their FEFP to the ESE FEFP that corresponds to their current grade level for the corresponding schedule record for which they completed while they were still ESE.


  • Added element 'HOPE Scholarship Notification' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Student Course

  • Modified surveys 1 & 4 logic to check the new school 'DJJ Carry Over Days Override' logging field to use that number of carry over days in place of calculated if desired.
  • Added logic that when the corresponding newly added district option is enabled, any dismissed ESE student that has a Virtual Grade Record with a 'Virtual, Date of Completion' set and is between the students placement and dismissal dates of their primary exceptionality will allow them to pull an ESE record & update their FEFP to the ESE FEFP that corresponds to their current grade level for the corresponding schedule record for which they completed while they were still ESE.
  • Now pulling Location of Student from Grades table for records marked as Credit By Exam.

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 60 which was causing all students with AICE FTE to be flagged as an error.

CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed issue where invalid characters were being included in section numbers.

CTE Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Added edit 20.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated edits 03, 18, 19, 31, & 5C for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Removed edit 25 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Discipline Verification Report

  • Updated edit 17 to include code N.
  • Updated edits 06, 17, 33, 34, 37, 39, & 3A for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Dropout Prevention Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 29 where records weren't being flagged as duplicates when the Term was NULL.
  • Updated edit 51 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

End of Year Verification Report

  • Updated edits 09, 10, 16, 32, & 33 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edits 4K & 4L for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Fed/State Indicator Verification Report

  • Updated edits 27, 28, 42, & 43 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edit 17 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

SESIR Verification Report

  • Updated edit 11 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edits 1G, 1H, & 1J for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 19, 54, 5K, & 5U for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Removed edits 2J, 2N, 58, & 5O for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Student Transcript Verification Report

  • Updated edits 13 & 29 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Transportation Verification Report

  • Updated edits 12 & 19 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edit 25 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS AGE Student Course

  • Removed elements for 2023-2024 (**NEW**):
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level, Initial (Listening ESOL/ELCATE)
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level, Initial (Reading ESOL/ELCATE)
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level, Initial
    • Adult Test Name
    • Post Test Status
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (1)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (1)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (2)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (2)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (3)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (3)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (4)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (4)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (5)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (5)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point (6)
    • AGE Literacy Completion Point Date Earned (6)
  • Added elements for 2023-2024 (**NEW**):
    • Adult High School Credits Earned in Course
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 1
    • Pre-Test ID 1
    • Post-Test ID 1
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 2
    • Pre-Test ID 2
    • Post-Test ID 2
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 3
    • Pre-Test ID 3
    • Post-Test ID 3

WDIS CTE Student Course

  • Element 'Full Program Completer' renamed to 'Program Completer' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS Demographic

  • Added element 'Adult High School Credits at Entry' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS Supplemental Information

  • Fixed an issue were industry certs wouldn't pull if the school on their latest enrollment record was marked as Exclude From State Reporting.
  • Renamed elements for 2023-2024 (**NEW**):
    • 'Diploma Type' to 'Diploma Type (Earned in Year After Exit)'
    • 'Adult General Education Diploma Date' to 'Adult General Education Diploma Date (Earned in Year After Exit)'


  • Renamed format in interface from 'Adult Test' to 'AGE Test and Performance Record' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added elements for 2023-2024 (**NEW**):
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level
    • Test ID
  • Now pulling 'GED' tests for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Now pulling subject codes 'T' & 'C' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Adjusted logic to catch dates with invalid year.
  • Updated edits 18, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, & 92 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Removed edits 14, 31, 42, 43, 44, 57, 58, 59, & 60 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edits 94, 96, 9B, 9C, 9D, & 9E for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 34 to match DOE.
  • Updated edits 13, 14, 34, 46, 67, 68, 69, & F2 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated edits 01 & 41 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edit 83 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS Supplemental Information Verification Report

  • Updated edit 22 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

WDIS Test Verification Report

  • Updated edit 08 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added edit 21 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Staff Demographic

  • Fixed an issue where other extracts would fail to complete based on Demographic queries.
  • Fixed an issue related to format fields.
  • Fixed issue where district number failed to output.
  • Removed Reading Competency elements for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added elements for 2023-2024 (**NEW**):
    • 'Literacy Micro-Credential'
    • 'Youth Mental Health Awareness Training'
    • 'Reading Endorsement'

Staff Fiscal Year Benefits

  • Fixed issue where benefit code wasn't being extracted correctly.

Staff Professional Development

  • Fixed an issue where activity would not pull if dates were populated.
  • Added support for CLT test to SAT/ACT Process, limited to specific districts now while still in testing phase.
  • Updated SAT/ACT process file names when requesting files from the test server.
  • Added the Institutional Student Number as a valid student identifier when checking whether to import a request record.

Bonus FTE Student Detail Report

  • Added Report for AICE. Also added FTE total at the top of each report. The report now looks at new crosswalk table florida_assessment_courses.
  • Added new column to AICE report "DOE Reported Course." This column identifies students that have no AICE courses scheduled during the survey 2 or 3 timeframe.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Fixed an issue that prevented select districts from downloading the Recalibrated FTE and Adjusted Revenue Data file (F60493).
  • Removed survey 8 from Demographic and Staff Demographic for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

EOY Processing

  • Updated interface, added logging for each process, and queries can now be dumped straight to a file by checking Download SQL. When using FTE Validation option, the process will now look at new crosswalk table: florida_assessment_courses. AICE Bonus FTE calculation is going through final testing and will be released soon.
  • Added ability to calculate AICE Bonus FTE.
  • Fixed issue where AICE FTE wasn't being cleared when the process was run. Also the process will now prevent FTE from being awarded if one or more AICE courses weren't scheduled during surveys 2 or 3.

EWS Report

  • Added logic to look at FST test when determining if student is Level 1 for ELA.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added district option "Pull dismissed ESE students as Active if their Virtual Grade Completion date falls in between their placement and dismissal dates for their primary exceptionality in survey 4".
  • Added ability to specify current day as the default for the effective date for Process Assessments.
  • Added support to background tables for 23-24 files. Please note the following appendices are still not available: K12 O & FF, WDIS Z & ZZ. Also, there is currently an issue with WDIS O that is preventing it from loading. DOE is working to correct it, and it should load once the corrected file is available.
  • Changed district option 'District Cost Differential (DCD)' to 'Comparable Wage Factor (CWF)'. (**NEW**)
  • Added district option 'Small District Factor (SDF)'. (**NEW**)
  • Appendices can now be loaded for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown)

  • Removed header text in PDF version of FTE Summary & FTE Summary District reports incorrectly indicating Spring Count when running for Survey 4.

FTE Summary Report

  • DCD -> CWF; floor value of 1. (**NEW**)
  • Added SDF for 2023 and added it to calculation. (**NEW**)

Generate DOE Extracts

  • Now redirecting to extract interface when user attempts to download a changelog file but no available O/D-File.
  • Removed survey 8 and disassociated formats from survey 8 for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)

Teachers In/Out Field Report

  • Moved the column 'Out of Field Reason' to be after 'Section Num' and before 'In Field'.
  • Also, now only displays the 'School' column if the 'Show All Schools' checkbox is checked to cut down on the number of static left side columns.


  • Added Virtual, Date of Completion field (virtual_completion_date) to student_report_card_grades for use in future processes.
  • Adding new schedule field "Exclude From LCP Job." This field will be used with an upcoming update to the Assign LCP scheduled job that when checked will prevent the job from making modifications to the schedule record to allow manual modification to the LCP fields and other fields that are modified by the Assign LCP job.
  • Added option 'O' for Program Completer for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Updated Virtual Instruction Providers for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Updated Online Course Provider list for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added 'PL' & 'FE' for 'Course Substituted, Subject Area' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)


  • Fixed issue with EOY Crosswalk migration failing on testing sites.
  • Added new school logging field titled 'DJJ Carry Over Days Override' to be used in conjunction with the district option 'Carry over DJJ survey 2 & 3 days to summer sessions'.
  • Added option 'C' for 'Adult High School Diploma Option' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added option 'WMA' to drop/diploma codes for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Set max school year to 2022 for 'Y' option for 'Homeless Unaccompanied Youth' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added options 'C' & 'U' for 'Homeless Unaccompanied Youth' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Set max school year to 2022 for 'HSN' option for 'Incident, Type' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added option 'P' for 'Transportation Membership Category' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Added new Discipline Incident field 'Hope Scholarship Notification' for 2023-2024. (**NEW**)
  • Updated Florida FEFP Cost Factors for 2023-2024 school year. (**NEW**)
  • Added '2023-2024' through '2032-2033' options to 'Year Entered Ninth Grade'. (**NEW**)

Process Assessments

  • Now enforces cohort checks for FSA & FST tests (student who shouldn't have taken FSA based on cohort being evaluated for an FSA test administration).
  • Fixed issue where the ALG/Math Pass date was empty for students who have a ESE Waiver for ALG1 when using the Process Assessments scheduled job.
  • Fixed an issue where student in cohorts prior to 20212022 would not be evaluated for ELA FST PM3.

Verification Reports

  • Added district 82 as a valid district.
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