Documentation for Administrators

Version 2023.02.10.SURVEY3W

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective February 10, 2023.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 


Generate DOE Extracts

  • Modified how Survey 9 windows are displayed for a cleaner look.
  • Now deletes background table edit/validation records for formats if DOE file is missing.

Surveys 2 & 3 Extracts

  • When pulling ESE data, now uses the effective date (date certain) for the end of the survey window for districts with different survey windows that do not encompass survey week.

Demographic Extract

  • Updated logic to prevent Homeschool and Private school students without a valid grade level from being extracted to PEER.
  • Reworked Neglected/Delinquent School Number logic to allow for duplicate school numbers to be reported if a student has multiple enrollments at the same school during the selected enrollment window.


  • The Discipline Referral checkbox field 'County/District Sponsored Event (School 9001)' has been changed to affect the output of 'School Number, Where Incident Occurred' rather than 'School Number, Where Discipline/Resultant Action Occurred'.
  • Updated logic for 'District Number, Where Incident Occurred' field change.


  • Action Code - Added code N.
  • Reported to Law Enforcement - Added codes A, D, I, L, M & set max year to 2021 for codes C & Y.
  • Updated logic for 'District Number, Where Incident Occurred' field change.

Student Course

  • In surveys 2 & 3 now requiring student membership/attendance during survey window in order to generate FTE rather than assuming present due to survey window not necessarily containing survey week.
  • Adjusted logic to default to zero class minutes weekly for inclusion schedules if the minutes field on the inclusion tab is left blank/NULL.
  • If student is enrolled in FES and the FES payment file exists then output the FES Payment File FEFP number for the student course record.

Teacher Course

  • Modified extract so that co-teachers with missing scheduling method fall back to section scheduling method and then to 'S' rather than automatically 'S'.
  • Updated so that if inclusion teacher does not have scheduling method set then default to 'I'.

Assessment Verification Report

  • Modified edit #26 to also allow the next school year as test publication year since DOE seems to allow it as well.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue with edit 45 & 46 that could prevent students from being flagged when no default code was set.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Added code N as a valid action code for edit 06.

Fed/State Indicator Verification Report

  • Updated edit 63 to exclude district 80.
  • Fixed issue with edit F1 where it was counting the days that the student was enrolled in the applicant school.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edit 14 to consider district 80 as valid.

SESIR Verification Report

  • Updated edit 11 to allow codes Y & C to pass the edit if the Incident, Date is before 2023-01-17.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 31 wasn'ttaking into account the student's ESE FEFP.
  • Clarified language of edit 19 a bit more (removed 3518) and added FES Attending School field to edit 19.

Student Transcript Verification Report

  • Modified edit 16 to only pull errors if the district option 'Verification Reports - Output errors for fields with missing data that get defaults in the extracts' is set.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Updated description for edit 53.

Transportation Verification Report

  • Updated edits 1 & 16 to allow for district 80.

WDIS Teacher Course

  • Updated edit 05 to check prior year CCD in Survey F.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated so that edit 50 checks the prior year school year for the CCD in Survey F.
  • Fixed issue with edit 50 where it was looking at the previous syear instead of the current for surveys other than F.
  • Fixed issue where edit 85 was incorrectly flagging some records as errors.

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 05 where it was looking at the previous syear instead of the current for surveys other than F.

Staff Extracts

  • Fixed an issue where the Job Code did not properly output.

Staff Benefits Extract

  • Fixed issue where multiple benefits of the same benefit type were outputting.

Staff Demographic

  • Now checks the charter_final_eval field in Survey 5 for charter employees when pulling Personnel Evaluation.
  • Now outputs the MSP staff field for charter if set regardless of 1U rule logic for charter employees.
  • Now pulls in charter eval fields during survey 5.

Staff Verification Reports

  • Now hides edits with zero errors by default, similar to how Student Verification Reports currently works.
  • Fixed issue where some edits would display a negative percentage.
  • Fixed issue where split schools were displaying more than once in the schools select field.
  • Converted school select field to swiftbox for better filtering.
  • Added support for split schools.

Staff Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed edit 12.
  • Removed edit F10.
  • Modified test history import process to convert Test Name 'AFE' Score Type 'AL' to decimal score on import. Example: 0019 -> 1.9
  • Implemented FASTER cutover changes.
  • Added a new 'MSIX School Year' dropdown to be displayed when creating MSIX outgoing transcripts. This new option tells FASTER which school year to check for when pulling the Fed/State Migrant information for districts that rolled over school year before sending summer migrants to MSIX.
  • Also added a sort order to prioritize summer Federal/State Migrant term log records in case a district opted to separate annual and summer log records (only one can be sent via FASTER).
  • Added the following Student fields for FASTER:
    • 'Civic Literacy Course Completion (Postsecondary FASTER)'
    • 'Civic Literacy Assessment Requirement (Postsecondary FASTER)'
    • 'Critical/Chronic Health Information - 911 Medical Alert [Indicator] (FASTER)'
    • 'Critical/Chronic Health Information - 911 Medical Alert [Information] (FASTER)'
    • 'English Language Learners: Post Reclassification Date [First Report Card] (FASTER)'
    • 'English Language Learners: Post Reclassification Date [First Semiannual Review] (FASTER)'
    • 'English Language Learners: Post Reclassification Date [Second Semi-annual Review] (FASTER)'
    • 'English Language Learners: Post Reclassification Date [End of the Second Year] (FASTER)'
  • Fixed an issue where the District Where Credit Earned for out-of-state schools was being set to 'FL'.
  • Setting the fallback value for the element 'General Education Core Met' to 'X' as blank is not allowed.
  • Updated manual links from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 year.
  • Adjusted sort order for QAD records so the newest record based on LOG_FIELD1 will be output first.
  • Fixed an issue where schools marked as exclude from state reporting or second school enrollment records were pulling for MSIX transcripts.
  • When the option Allow FASTER to create requests/transcripts for students without 'Student Number Identifier, Florida' is set, no longer matches students with the value 'FL000000000000' to avoid duplicate records in interface.
  • Now excludes FES 3900 records from outgoing transcripts other than MSIX.

Added a column titled is_local to florida_industry_certifications that will tell Florida Reports processes to ignore for extracts/reports.

Added new student select multiple field titled 'Alt Assess Grad Pathway for ESOL' to be used in Process Assessments.

Added a background table for the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List and inserted records for 2022-2023.

Added entries for school years 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 to Florida CAPE Industry Certification Funding List background table.

Updated Discipline Incident field: 'District Number, Where Incident Occurred' to be a dropdown field instead of a text field with a number. (#205188)

Class Size Nightly Job

  • Fixed an issue where the class size averages would be off for schools sharing the same Room/FISH Number and Period Number combinations.

Class Size Report

  • Fixed an issue where room and periods would be combined for schools with the same combination when running all schools.
  • Fixed an issue where a section wouldn't pull for a section marked with an alternate date certain set but no student schedules met on the given day.
  • The student schedules will pull in such a case if students are scheduled on Fridays to match the logic in how student course extract outputs the Days of Week, Scheduled and Alternate Date Certain elements.
  • Modified logic so that inclusion teacher with no scheduling method set will default to 'I'.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Updated DOP Match reports to get files from NWRDC.
  • Fixed issue preventing users from downloading F71517.

Enrollment Discrepancies Report

  • Added new Florida Reports Setup district option 'Enrollment Discrepancies - Do not show future enrollment records.' which will disable future enrolled students from showing in the report.

EWS Report

  • Now displays grade levels based on defined sort order.
  • Fixed issue that prevented the report from loading for districts with SSS when trying to view PMP categories.
  • Adjusted schedule sort order to prioritize EN and MA grad subjects for more accurate display of ELA and MA teacher names.
  • Added ability to show alert icons next to name.

FES Enrollment Process

  • Added local ID match process. This process will allow districts to sync the local IDs between production and survey sites. For a full explanation of the process please see the detailed description located on the Export Local ID Match tab.
  • Fixed bug that was causing FES student list upload to insert records into the table without a category. After taking this update, simply upload both EO and UA files again and run the process, and it will remove any duplicates that exist currently in the table, schedule any UA students that were missed, and correct any missing fields for EO students that were scheduled.
  • Added new option to set Primary Language Spoken in Home for new students being imported. If no language is selected, nothing will be set.
  • Fixed issue where near matches with a NULL or empty FLEID weren't being flagged as near matches; the FES Import Exceptions report will now show these student as well on the FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File report.
  • Fixed issue where the Focus menus were not rendering correctly on the FES Enrollment screen.
  • Moved FES Payment file upload to FES Enrollment Process screen. Also added basic validation to prevent the wrong file from being uploaded. Payment and Student List file uploads will now be logged and can be viewed by clicking show logs while under the Run Process menu.
  • Now hides previous upload message/student count for payment and student list when selecting different payment file number, or category.
  • Fixed issue where Show Logs button was returning zero records when pressed.
  • Removed near match checkbox option. To import near matches please use the report: "FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File" located on FES Import Exceptions.

FES Import Exceptions

  • Added new report to show students currently enrolled and scheduled at FES that don't exist on the payment file that is uploaded to Focus; the report will allow the user to select which payment file to check against.
  • Fixed an issue where the Focus menu was getting cut off on the report screen.
  • Fixed the contents and how the error message displays for missing Survey 2 & 3 Student Course O-files when running the report 'Students Enrolled at FES Not Present In Student Course Ofile'.
  • Added new report - Students Listed on Payment File, Not Enrolled at FES.
  • Added ability to select payment files 1 & 2, or 3 & 4, in addition to being able to select each file individually when running the reports that use the payment file.
  • Added the ability to import near match students from the "FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File" report. This new import process will take an existing student record and update their FLEID to match the FES Student List file and move their enrollment and/or schedule if they aren't currently enrolled at 3900. If a student record already exists with the FLEID on the FES Student List then that record will show on the report and import checkbox will be disabled.
  • Added about report section to explain how importing near matches functions under report: "FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File".

FES Payment Confirmation Reports

  • Fixed issue with edit 10 where the payment file was being pulled for all years instead of just the current year.
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from selecting a different file number.

FES Prepayment Extract

  • Now excludes N998 & N999 when determining if a student was enrolled in public school.
  • Fixed an issue where students could match with other student enrollment since the record identifier is not unique.
  • Now excludes school 3518 when determining the student's last enrollment in Focus.

FLEID Processes

  • Added ability to filter columns on Export FLEID (Search) tab.
  • Fixed a display issue where the select all checkbox in the export search results did not check other pages (the records however are still selected when downloading/sending files).
  • Fixed an issue where the FLEID of the student was not being output for the corrections file.
  • Added a pulldown to the Export Search interface titled 'File Process' with the options:
    • Missing FLEID Export File
    • Legal Changes File (Update Name/Demographic Information)
    • Corrections File (Correct Identifiers/Name/Birth/Demographic/Enrollment Information)
  • Renamed downloaded export file to indicate file process selected.
  • Updated Corrections file naming convention based on update DOE documentation.
  • Updated Export Search to match queries used in actual export process so selected students in interface matches what is actually downloaded or sent.

Florida Reports Setup

  • The district option 'Teachers In/Out of Field - Determine 100% ASD by:' has been modified to add the option 'None' which disables the 100% ASD check for In/Out field logic.
  • Added the ability to download the file 'Students with Additional District Instruction Record (F71339)' into the background table 'fl_stu_add_dist_inst_record under the 'Florida Files (NWRDC)' tab.
  • Added new columns to background tables for WDIS Appendix P that were preventing it from being updated.
  • Fixed issue preventing WDIS Appendix O from loading into background table.
  • Added a new district option titled 'Process Assessments - Do not output student listings after process completion.' which will affect the Process Assessments Scheduled job (pending SIS update) and also alter the output of manually running the EOC Course Assessment status process through the interface.

FTE Summary (Breakdown) Reports

  • Prioritizes school numbers with a length of 4 when joining schools table to ofile and initial tables.
  • Fixed issue that prevented PDF reports from generating.

Teachers In/Out of Field Logic

  • Updated to check new option for 100% ASD.
  • Now checks inclusion course number certification requirements for the inclusion teacher.
  • Modified logic to always run the 100% ASD check no matter the course/ESE course catalog value for Pinellas County.
  • Fixed an issue where no course certifications would display for inclusion co-teachers.
  • No longer requires inclusion co-teachers to be flagged out-of-field if the ELL cert scope is different than the ESE cert scope.
  • Updated dual certification codes 107, 168, 173, & 212 to match CCD 2022-2023.
  • No longer requires reading endorsement for primary teachers where the section scheduling method is 'I'.
  • Fixed an issue where sections with scheduling method I were not being calculated the same as sections with inclusion co-teachers.

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report

  • Modified to link to field setup from the field title so any custom field can be accessed through the report if the user has access view or edit access to custom field setup.


  • Added options '1' & '2' for Adult Fee Status fields; option '3' is waiting on the language to be provided in the DOE element update.
  • Removed 'Basic Skills Exam' option of 'W' and added option 'H'.
  • Added N/A option for Education Services, State and Federal Inmates.

Peer Importer

  • Added Peer FEFP Number field which will import from the matrix of services file; this will not change or overwrite the existing ESE FEFP (students.custom_698) used for state reporting.
  • Added new Peer Last Import Date field; this field will get updated any time a student has data updated or changed by the peer process, excluding log record changes.
  • Added three new files for import into background tables (fl_peer_iep_transportation_fte,fl_peer_iep_supp_aids_services,fl_peer_iep_ese_service) for later use.
  • Fixed issue where old records weren't being deleted from the PEER logging fields.
  • Added ability to import ActiveSPs into the background table fl_peer_active_service_plans.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Now excludes the grade level 'NG' from pulling in the Winter EOC and FCLE Pre-ID Extract.
  • Modified Winter EOC & FCLE Pre-ID Extract to output a school number 9998 for N998 and 9900 for N999/9999.
  • Modified logic for Winter EOC and FCLE Pre-ID Extract to pull quarters if parent semester is active as of the effective date rather than only the quarters active of the effective date.
  • Updated ACCESS for ELLs Pre-ID Extract for 2022-2023.
  • Added Spring FSAA Performance Task Pre-ID Extract for 2022-2023.
  • Updated the Spring 2022-2023 EOC, Science, and FCLE Assessments Pre-ID Extract.
  • Updated the Spring Retakes Pre-ID Extract for the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Fixed an issue in SAT Pre-ID Extract where a database error would occur.

Process Assessments

  • Fixed an issue for the FSA ELA process not pulling a student if there was an empty string value set for the FSA Read Pass Date.
  • Modified FSA ELA process to flag students as passing if the students have the new 'Alt Assess Grad Pathway for ESOL' populated and an 'ELL Entry Date' within less than or equal to two years from the effective date given in the process assessments interface for the chosen cohort.
  • Updated logic for Algebra I to allow a concordant score to be used, even if the student hasn't attempted the EOC or taken the Course.
  • Added new B.E.S.T (BST) tests for ALG I & GEO.
  • Update logic to check BST5F instead of BST5A.
  • Fixed an issue where the scheduled job could get a database error if an option was set for an EOC not supported by the process.
  • Algebra 1 concordant tests now only pull for the provided test process window defined.
  • Various speed improvements.
  • Added logic for BST 5F & 5K for use in Pre-ID Extracts.
  • Fixed logic to exclude concordant scores when running alternate algebra assessments for students taking the non-alternate algebra tests.
  • Added new district option that when enabled will allow Process Assessments to populate ELA passed date & passed indicator for students with an ESE Test Waiver for FSA ELA.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Added FLEID to all reports.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Added schedule FEFP to CTE Schedules with Invalid CTE Courses report.
  • Added effective date to various reports; the date input will only show on reports that can use it.
  • Updated list of Special Courses & Exceptionalities.
  • Updated list of therapy courses for 22-23.
  • Fixed database error that can occur when selecting specific options.
  • Fixed DB error for report: "Students scheduled into a Special Skills Course without Special Skills Exceptionality"
  • Now splits out HHB therapy courses (7855020,7900030) into new report: Students Scheduled into a HHB Therapy Course without Exceptionality of M.

Talented Twenty

  • Now includes early graduates. Previously the process required a student to be active. Now the student must be active or inactive but with one of the following drop codes: W06, W07, W10, W27, WD1, WEL, WFT, WFW, WGA, WGD, WRW, WWE, WWT, WWW, WXL, WXT, WXW.
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