The Bonus FTE Student Detail report displays Students who earn Bonus FTE based on passing scores from particular standardized tests.
The report references the crosswalk table florida_assessment_courses and florida_dual_enrollment_crosswalk. For CTE/CAPE DE Bonus FTE, Focus references FL_CTE_DUAL_ENROLLMENT_COURSES.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Bonus FTE Student Detail.

2. Data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to include All Schools.
3. Select Show Validation Checks as Y to have the report output Y for the various validation checks (Valid Schedule, Valid Test, etc.) to make it easier to filter the report.
4. Click the applicable report located in the left panel; options include Advanced International Certificate of Education (CAI), Advanced Placement (APT) & International Baccalaureate Program (IBP), Dual Enrollment, and Dual Enrollment (Local).

a. When viewing the Advanced Placement (APT) & International Baccalaureate Program (IBP) report, you can select the Enable FTE Schedule Validation (This will result in less FTE) check box to validate the data against the FTE Schedule validation rules.
If a student's schedule record is marked as "Exclude from FTE," the record will be excluded from this process.

The Bonus FTE Student Detail report for Advanced International Certificate of Education (CAI) displays the Student, Student ID, School, Grade Level, Test, Test Part, Score Type, Score, Course Credits, DOE Reported Course (identifies students that have no AICE courses scheduled during the survey 2 or 3 timeframe), Valid Credits, Passing Score, Valid Schedule, Valid Courses, and FTE Earned.
The Bonus FTE Student Detail report for the Advanced Placement (APT) & International Baccalaureate Program (IBP) displays the Student, Student ID, School, Grade Level, Teacher(s), Test, Test Part, Score Type, Score, Passing Score, Valid Schedule, Valid Test, Valid Courses, and FTE Earned.
The Bonus FTE Student Detail report for Dual Enrollment displays the Student Name, Student #, Grade, School Enrollment #, School Instruction #, Course #, Section, DE Indicator, Marking Period, Core Course, Grade Found (A), and FTE Earned.
The Bonus FTE Student Detail report for Dual Enrollment (Local) displays the Student Name, Student #, Grade, School Instruction #, and FTE Earned. Records display in this report when the student field "FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Course" is completed for a student with the "Locally Determined" check box selected.
5. Click the student's name to open the Student Schedule.
Click the X to close the panel of reports and view the report using a bigger potion of the screen.
Click the arrow to reopen the panel of reports.
Click the Excel icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Click the Printer icon to print the report.
Click Filters to breakdown data in the report.
a. To add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.