The DMV Attendance report lists enrolled and withdrawn students who fail the requirement of compulsory attendance. The report allows users to identify those students and download the information, send it to the district, or send it to the DMV.
In Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options tab, there are two options to consider for DMV Attendance, "DMV - Send Gradelevels 30 & 31" and "DMV - Allow Users to Pull Second School Enrollment Records."
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click DMV Attendance.

2. This navigates to the DMV Attendance screen, as shown in the image below.
3. Select the Effective Date for the report. Here you can select the applicable month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view. The system will look at attendance records as of this date.
4. Data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to Search All Schools.
5. Click List Students to generate the report.
The students listed have exceeded the number of unexcused absences allowed for student eligibility to receive or maintain driving privileges (15 or more within a 90-day period, as of the Effective Date). Students that have a dropout withdrawal code will also be included.
Focus also reports students with a W24 Withdrawal Code who are not enrolled in Home School within 30 days, and students with a W18 Withdrawal Code who do not re-enroll in the district to receive services, in addition to students with all other dropout withdrawal codes.

Students who have the Send for DMV check box selected on their Federal State tab will also be submitted. Focus only sends students that do not already have a transaction code set with the exception of those students who have Send to DMV selected.
The attendance code must be marked “Excused” under Attendance > Attendance Setup for it NOT to be included when pulling students for the DMV report. Focus will only send unexcused absence codes NOT marked for discipline. Note: Focus does not send attendance to DMV; Focus sends student records with the appropriate transaction code.
For each student, the table displays demographic information and any relevant district data (number of Absences, Transaction Code, etc.).
A default code of [1] - Out of Compliance is applied. Note that it can also be edited. Click the link to open a pull-down of additional options, such as [2] - Notice of Application for Waiver.

6. Select the Mass Match check boxes to select students for inclusion in the submittable district report. To select all students at once, select the Mass Match check box in the header.

7. After selecting the students to include, the DMV Attendance report can be formatted either as a Text File (DOE Format) or an Excel File spreadsheet via the formatting pull-down.

8. Click Download to save a copy of the report in the specified format (Text File or Excel File).

9. The list of selected students can be sent for district verification from designated profiles at each school using the Submit to District button.

10. Similarly, with appropriate user permissions, selected students can be reported directly to the DMV by using the Submit via FTP button.

If your district is using Scheduled Jobs to send this data, the Submit via FTP button should not be clicked. It is recommended to disable the ability to submit via FTP using profile permissions.
To view and/or edit permissions, from the Users menu, select Profiles. Find all corresponding permissions under the Florida Reports section.

11. After successfully sending student data to the DMV, students' DMV Information will be updated in the Federal State tab of Student Info.