The Process Assessments feature is used to update students' pass dates and codes based on Test History records that are loaded into Focus. Specifically, Process Assessments is used to process FSA/FST ELA assessments, as well as EOCs. Focus will ultimately populate the applicable pass/date student fields for both FSA/FST ELA and EOCs, as well as the course assessment status and end of course achievement level Course History fields for EOCs. After test scores have either been imported into Focus or manually entered into a student's Test History, the Process Assessments feature can be used to update these pass/date, EOC Course Assessment, and Achievement Level fields.
Requirements for a student to be considered for evaluation when the Process Assessments feature runs:
Alg. 1 EOC: Must have one of the following present in the system
- Alg. 1 EOC assessment present in Test History that falls within the date range set
- Alg. 1 EOC Comparative assessment present in Test History that falls within the date range set
- An Algebra 1 course history grade present in Focus
- FSA/FST Grade 10 ELA: Must have a value entered for 'Year Entered 9th Grade.'
Process Assessments does not require the original required assessment that the student is meant to participate in (found here) for Process Assessments to award the 'met reading/math concordant/comparative)' flag.
- The Pre-ID Extract is what catches whether a student has participated in the original required assessment (i.e. FST Reading or BST Alg 1 EOC). If the student populates on the Pre-ID Extract, it’s either because they have not participated in the original required assessment and/or the student does not have a passing concordant/comparative assessment score.
- It is the district’s responsibility to ensure that the student has participated in the original required assessment to be in compliance with the excerpts on page 1 for each of the graduation requirements.
- If the student has passed a concordant/comparative assessment and then participates in the original required assessment and passes, re-running Process Assessments will then utilize the original required assessment for the pass/date fields.
The FSA/FST ELA tab under Process Assessments pulls FSA/FST tests for English and Language Arts (ELA) and updates the Pass, Date, and Concordant Score student fields accordingly.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click Process Assessments.

2. Click the FSA/FST ELA tab.
3. Select the student's Cohort (Year Entered Ninth Grade).
Students must be assigned a cohort year (Year Entered Ninth Grade); if a cohort year has not been assigned to the student, the student's record will not be updated. To update a student's record, from the Students menu, select Student Info, locate the student, select the Graduation tab (or equivalent) and select the Year Entered Ninth Grade from the provided pull-down.
4. Select or enter the Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway & Students With An ESE Test Waiver) to take ESOL Graduation Pathways and ESE test waivers into consideration when updating pass dates. The Effective Date is used to determine if the student's "ELL Entry Date" is less than or equal to two years from the effective date you choose to set.
The "Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway & Students With An ESE Test Waiver)" field will only display if the district option "Process Assessments - Default Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway & Students With An ESE Test Waiver)" is set to “No Default Effective Date (Displays Date Picker in Interface)" in Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options. If another option is selected for this district option, the field will be hidden.
Additionally, the district option "Process Assessments - Set ELA Passed Flag & Date Field For Students With An ESE Test Waiver for ELA" in Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options determines whether students with an ESE test waiver for ELA are updated in Process Assessments.
The ELL Entry Date is set via Students > Student Info.
5. Click Update FSA ELA Pass Dates.
6. Clicking the Update FSA ELA Pass Dates button will update the Graduation and Course History information in the students' records. At the top of the screen, a confirmation message will display to indicate the number of student records updated.
7. This process updates the FSA/FST pass, date, and concordant student fields on the student’s Graduation tab. This process also updates the student's Course History screen.
Please refer to Student & Course History Fields Set by Process Assessments for the student and Course History fields that are updated by Process Assessments.
The code makes the following checks for Grade 10 ELA Concordant Scores:
If the student does not have a passing FSA_ELA score, but is in grade level 11, 12, 30, or 31 and has a passing ACT READ, ACT READ/WRIT, SAT READ, or CLT GRAM/WRIT score, the passing date of any of these tests will be used to populate the date field.
Please reference the Graduation Requirements link from FLDOE here for specific cohort and score information.
Focus will first determine the student's cohort year (Year Entered Ninth Grade) and then proceed to check the following by looking at a given student's test history and aligned subject codes for each test part, as found in K12 Appendix L:
Cohorts between 2010-2011 & 2019-2020:
- Looks for an ACT Reading test part with a score >= 19 OR looks for an average of the English & Reading test parts with an averaged score >= 18; this average of test parts can span across different test administration dates.
Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looks for an average of the English & Reading test parts with an averaged score >= 18; this average of test parts can span across different test administration dates.
Cohorts between 2010-2011 & 2019-2020:
Cohorts Prior to 2010-201: (‘SA3’, ‘SA4’, ‘SA5’)
- 2006-2007 score >= 410
- 2007-2008 through 2009-2010 >= 420
- 2010-2011 >= 430
- 2020-2021 >= 480
Cohorts between 2010-2011 & 2019-2020: (‘SA3’, ‘SA4’, ‘SA5’)
- Looks for the combined score of the Reading & Writing test parts to determine passing score; must come from the same test administration with a passing score of >= 430 OR looks for the Reading test part with a passing score >= 24.
Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond: (‘SA4’, ‘SA5’)
- Looks for the combined score of the Reading & Writing test parts to determine passing score; must come from the same test administration with a passing score of >= 480.
Cohorts Prior to 2010-201: (‘SA3’, ‘SA4’, ‘SA5’)
Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looks for the Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing test parts with a passing score that sums up to be >= 36 .
Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
This setup requires actions on the Process Assessment screen, the Grade Posting Averaging screen (under Setup), and the Courses & Sections screen (under Scheduling). The Process Assessment setup for EOCs should be completed before final grades are pulled for the semester so exam scores will be accurately weighed with Marking Period grades.
Steps 1-9 can be completed on the Scale Score Setup tab of the Process Assessments screen.
Step 10 can be completed on the Grade Posting Averaging screen.
Steps 11-12 can be completed on the Courses & Sections screen.
1. Before EOC Assessments can be processed, the setup for the score scales needs to be completed on the Scale Score Setup tab of the Process Assessments screen. Click the Scale Score Setup tab. When assigning letter grades for exam scores, Focus will use the letter grades on this tab for each exam score.
2. Select the EOC test from the pull-down located at the top of the screen.
3. To add a new set of scores for the EOC test, select New Set in the Scale Set pull-down.
The Scale Set function allows multiple sets of scores to be set up, with different score information or course numbers.
4. If needed, select or deselect courses in the Set Courses pull-down.
5. Click Save Set.
The set will be added to the Scale Set pull-down. It will be given the next incremental number, e.g. Set 2.
6. To add score information to a set, select the set in the Scale Set pull-down.
7. To enter a new line of score information, type the information directly into the text boxes located in the top row of the table. Press Enter to add the row.
Information already set up can be edited at any time, which is indicated by the blue underline. Click the text box to edit the information. You can also delete a line of data by clicking the minus sign, and then clicking OK in the confirmation message.
8. After adding, editing, or deleting score information, click the Save Scales button.
9. To delete a set, select the set in the Scale Set pull-down and click Delete Set.
10. On the Grade Posting Averaging screen (Setup > Grade Posting Averaging), a posting scheme will need to be set up for EOC courses so Focus can interpret the EOC scores at the end of the year. For an EOC course with a 30% exam weight, a full-year Grade Posting Scheme can be used.
If the EOC score needs to be weighed as a Semester Two Exam, the Semester Grade Calculation can be set to reflect this score.

If you are planning to pull grades for EOC courses instead of having teachers post final grades, you can select the Hide check boxes for the terms or exams that need to be hidden from teachers. When this box is checked, teachers cannot post grades for the hidden term, as the Pull Grades feature must be used to post grades.
11. Once the Grade Posting scheme has been set up, EOC course sections can be configured. This is done from the Florida tab at the Section level of the Courses & Sections module via Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Florida tab > EOC Exam Term. Select the desired term from the EOC Exam Term pull-down to specify when the EOC needs to be used as an exam grade for each section; options include: Full Year Exam, Semester 1 Exam, and Semester 2 Exam.
12. Click the Save button to update any modifications made to the Course & Sections module. Be sure that each of the EOC sections have the correct EOC Exam Term selected. The Master Schedule Report (Scheduling > Master Schedule Report) can be utilized to mass update the EOC Exam Term for EOC sections.
The EOC Course Wight 30% tab under Process Assessments pulls EOC tests and inserts exam grades based on the score scales set in the Scale Score Setup tab.
Before completing the steps in this section, be sure to have completed all of the steps in the previous section, Setting Up Score Scales for EOC Assessments.
The EOC - Course Weight 30% procedure should be completed before teachers begin to post final grades for the semester. That way, exam scores are already in place for the purpose of averaging them with marking period grades. If the scores come in after the school year has ended, you can utilize the Pull Grades feature for Full Year posting after the exam scores are processed.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Process Assessments.

2. From the Process Assessments screen, click the EOC Course Weight 30% tab.
3. Select the EOC to be processed from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Use the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icon to set a Schedule Effective Date. The selected Schedule Effective Date determines the schedule records reviewed.
5. Use the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icons to set an Administration Date Range - Start date and an Administration Date Range - End date for the exam records. The date specified tells the system what date to look for in Test History in order to create exam records.
6. From the Score Type pull-down, select the Scale Score (or score type set up by the district) that will be used as the assessments are processed.
7. Click Create Exam Records. During this process, Focus looks into the students' Test History for their EOC assessment scores and creates an exam record. The exam scores can then be used to average into the students' Full Year or Semester grades, based upon the section set up.
At the top of the Process Assessments screen, a confirmation message displays to indicate the number of updated exam records.
9. The exam score will appear in the student's exam grade and can be used as part of the average to calculate Full Year or Semester grades, depending on the specifications made at the section level. To create the Semester 2 or Full Year grades (if teachers will not be posting final grades or if EOC scores come in after the posting window has closed), see Pull Grades for Report Cards.
Following the completion of the school year and the posting of final grades, the second half of Processing Assessments for EOC courses can be done. Course Assessment Status is populated in the students' Course History for district use and for scholar/merit tracking.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Process Assessments.

2. From the Process Assessments screen, click the EOC Course Assessment Status tab to update course assessment statuses. From this screen, the applicable Pass/Date student fields are updated to reflect the passed EOC assessment on their Graduation tab and in Course History, as well as the Course Assessment Status and End of Course Achievement Level fields in Course History.
3. Select the EOC test that needs to be processed from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Use the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icons to set an Administration Date Range - Start date and an Administration Date Range - End date for the exam records. The date specified tells the system what date to look for in Test History in order to create exam records.
5. If applicable, select the Effective Date (Used for Students Passing ALG 1 with ESE Test Waiver).
The "Effective Date (Used for Students Passing ALG 1 with ESE Test Waiver" field displays if the district option "Process Assessments - Set ALG I Passed Flag & Date Field For Students With An ESE Test Waiver for ALG I" is enabled in Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options tab.
6. Click Update Course Assessment Status. During this process, the system sets the pass/date student fields on the Graduation tab and Course History screen, as well as the Course Assessment Status and End of Course Achievement Level fields in Course History for the student record.
7. At the top of the Process Assessments screen, a confirmation message displays to indicate the number of updated course statuses. If any students are scheduled into the EOC course and do not have exam information in the Test History, the students will be listed on this screen. You can manually set the Course Assessment Status for each student by clicking the field and making modifications.
To export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon.

On the students' Course History screens, the date on which the student passed the EOC exam is populated.

The Course Assessment Status field populates to reflect whether the student passed or did not pass the exam.

The End of Course Achievement Level (AL) is populated with the AL from the test part being used as a passing score.

On the Graduation tab of the students' records, the EOC Pass Date field populates with the date on which the student passed the EOC exam.
The code makes the following checks for Algebra 1 EOC Comparative Scores:
If the student does not have a passing Algebra 1 EOC score, but is enrolled in an applicable Algebra course and has a passing PSAT/NMSQT MATH, ACT MATH, SAT MATH, PERT MATH, GEO EOC, or CLT Quantitative Reasoning score, the passing date of any of these tests will be used to populate the date field.
Please reference the Graduation Requirements link from FLDOE here for specific cohort and score information.
Focus will first determine the student’s first attempt then proceed to check the following by looking at a given student's test history and aligned subject codes for each test part, as found in K12 Appendix L. To determine which scores to use, Focus checks to see if the students qualify for APS - if a student has test history for test ‘BST’ subject code ‘PA’, OR test ‘FSA’ subject code ‘E1’, where syear is 2023 or older, they qualify for APS.
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looking for a PSAT/NMSQT score > = 430.
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020:
- Looking for a PSAT/NMSQT score > = 430.
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
SAT (‘SA3’, ‘SA4’, ‘SA5’)
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond (‘SA4’, ‘SA5’):
- Looking for an SAT math score > = 420.
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020 (‘SA4’, ‘SA5’):
- Looking for an SAT math score > = 420.
- Cohorts prior to 2016 (‘SA3’):
- Looking for an SAT math score >= 380
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond (‘SA4’, ‘SA5’):
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looking for an ACT math score > = 16.
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020:
- Looking for an ACT math score > = 16.
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looking for a CLT Quantitative Reasoning score > = 11.
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
Geometry EOC
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Looking for a Geometry EOC score > = 3.
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020:
- Looking for a Geometry EOC score > = 3.
- Cohort 2020-2021 & Beyond:
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020:
- Looking for a PERT Mathematics score >= 114
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2018-2019:
- Looking for a PERT Mathematics score >= 97
- Cohorts between 2011-2012 & 2019-2020:
Student Fields
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_2012000014 (Algebra I EOC Pass Date)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000201 (Algebra I Assessment Passed)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000248 (Algebra I Comparative Score)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_2012000016 (Geometry EOC Pass Date)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000202 (Geometry Assessment Passed)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_20009553 (Met Math Concordant Score)
- Used for old FCAT assessment
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_197 (Math Pass Date)
- Used for old FCAT assessment
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000244 (English/Language Arts Assessment Met)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_20009554 (Met Reading Concordant Score)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000229 (Algebra II EOC Pass Date)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000223 (Algebra II Assessment Passed)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_2012000015 (Biology I EOC Pass Date)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000203 (Biology Assessment Passed)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_2012000018 (US History EOC Pass Date)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000204 (U.S. History Assessment Passed)
- STUDENTS.CUSTOM_200000210 (Civics EOC Pass Date)
Course History Fields
- STUDENT_REPORT_CARD_GRADES.CUSTOM_11 (Course Assessment Status)