Documentation for Administrators

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

Updated on

The Staff Payroll Verification Reports are used identify and correct staff payroll errors prior to submitting survey data to the state.

Running the Staff Payroll Verification Reports

1. In the Florida Reports menu, click Staff Payroll Verification Reports.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

Each of the tabs on the Staff Payroll Verification Reports screen corresponds to a staff format.

2. Click the format you want to view.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

3. Select the School Year and Survey Period to view.

Only certain surveys are valid for a format. The valid surveys are indicated in parentheses next to the Survey Period pull-down.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

4. Select whether to view Survey-Specific data (data collected during that specific survey). This option is only active for the Demographic Info format.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

5. Use the Schools pull-down to select a specific school, or keep All Schools selected to view data from all schools in the district.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

6. Select Show Rules With 0 Errors to show rules with 0 errors in addition to rules with errors in the report.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

7. Click Run.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports
Understanding the Staff Payroll Verification Reports

The first thing you notice on the screen is the errors scale or the data verification gauge. In the image shown, the gauge (black arrow) is in the green region indicating that the data in selected format is in good standing and practically completely error-free; it is 98% Error-Free as stated next to the gauge. The further the gauge gets to the red portion, the more errors have been found in your data.

As you scroll down the page, you see more information about the data and the errors. Data will be broken up into sections all starting with a gray arrow. The first column of information displays error numbers and percentages.

  • If there are 0 errors, the font will be black, and the percentage of error-free data will be listed in parentheses as (100%) as shown in the image.
  • If data is 90% to 99% error-free, the font will be in blue.
  • If data is between 80% and 90% error-free, the font will be in yellow.
  • If data is less 80% error-free, the font will be in red.

The second column displayed next to the number of errors is a description of DOE rules and regulations. These descriptions will help explain what errors are being found in your data.

Click on the blue question marks at the end of each error description for a query to generate the error report. When using run query for your district’s site, use the provided query to return a list of errors that need correcting. Note: The same data returned here is listed under errors as explained in the next step.

For a list of the errors to be addressed, click the gray arrow or the corresponding link.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports
Staff Payroll Verification Reports

To edit the data and correct the error, click the Edit button in the first column of the list.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

Clicking Edit opens a new window or tab to the employee. From the Employee screen, you can navigate to the tabs in which the incorrect information is housed. When the information in question has been changed, be sure to Save the data before closing the window/tab and returning to the Verification Reports.


To navigate back to the list of errors, click Go Back to Summary.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports
Additional Features

Click Filters to organize the listed errors.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

Data can be organized by clicking on any of the headers, such as First Name or School; click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Staff Payroll Verification Reports
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