The FES Import Exceptions screen houses several different types of reports to aid districts in validating their FES student data.
The Active Students Enrolled At Non FES (3900) School report displays students currently active at a school other than 3900. From the report, users can drop students from their current school and enroll them in 3900.
Demographic data will be updated from the FES Student List file.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Active Students Enrolled At Non FES (3900) School tab.
The report will do a pre-check for missing or invalid data that is needed for the import process to run. See Error messages for information.
3. Select the Effective Date using the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs. The Effective Date determines the new enrollment and schedule record. The drop date is recorded as the day prior to the Effective Date selected.
4. Select the school Calendar for school 3900; the pull-down defaults to the calendar flagged as default.
5. Select the Period from the pull-down for which sections should be built.
6. Select the applicable FES Teacher from the pull-down, if multiple options are available.
7. Select the Use Focus Grade Levele If FES Grade Level is Different check box to force the Focus grade level to be used instead of the FES grade level. When left cleared (unchecked), by default, if a student is actively enrolled and has a grade level that differs from the FES file, that grade level will be overwritten with the FES grade level.
8. Select the Payment File Validation from the pull-down.
9. Select the check boxes in the Import column next to the applicable students or click Select All to select all the listed students at once.
10. Click Import Selected.
This report should be reviewed prior to running the FES Enrollment/Scheduling Process as these student’s grade levels will be updated to use the FES grade level, unless the check box is selected to "Use Focus Grade Level If FES Grade Level is Different" at time of import.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the FES Students Focus Assigned Grade Not Matching FES File tab.
The report displays the students' Name, Student #, Gender, FLEID, Current School, Focus Grade level, and FES Grade level.
This report determines students matching on First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Birthdate, but who do not have a matching FLEID between the FES Student List file and what is currently in Focus.
This report can take a few minutes to complete as it pulls all students enrolled in the last 8 years within the district when matching.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File tab.
Click About Report for more information about the FES Students Matching On Demo, But With Different FLEID Than FES File report.
3. Select the Effective Date using the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs. The Effective Date determines the new enrollment and schedule record. The drop date is recorded as the day prior to the Effective Date selected.

4. Select the school Calendar for school 3900; the pull-down defaults to the calendar flagged as default.

5. Select the Period from the pull-down for which sections should be built.

6. Select the applicable FES Teacher from the pull-down, if multiple options are available.

7. Select the Use Focus Grade Levele If FES Grade Level is Different check box to force the Focus grade level to be used instead of the FES grade level. When left cleared (unchecked), by default, if a student is actively enrolled and has a grade level that differs from the FES file, that grade level will be overwritten with the FES grade level.

8. Select the Payment File Validation from the pull-down.

9. Select the check boxes in the Import column next to the applicable students or click Select All to select all the listed students at once.
10. Click Import Selected.
This report shows any discrepancies with a student’s FEFP between their schedule record(s), FES Student List, and FES Payment File(s).
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Student’s FEFP Differs Between Schedule, Student List, Payment File(s) tab.
3. Select the applicable Payment File from the pull-down.
The number of results displays at the top of the report. The report also displays the students' Name, FLEID, Focus Grade level, FES List Grade level, Payment Grade level, Gender, Category, Schedule FEFP, Student List FEFP, and Payment FEFP.
This report lists students who are currently enrolled at FES school 3900 that do not exist in the Student Course O-File for a specified survey (Survey 2 or Survey 3).
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Students Enrolled at FES Not Present In Student Course Ofile tab.
3. Select the applicable survey from the Select Survey pull-down.
If an O-File is not loaded for Survey 2 nor Survey 3, you will receive an error message. If you have an O-File loaded for one survey but not the other, you will only be able to select that survey from the Select Survey pull-down.
The report displays the students' Name, Student #, Gender, FLEID, Current School, and Grade level.
This report shows students enrolled at FES but not currently included in one of the FES Student List files. These students will typically display because the district rolled the previous year’s FES students, but either the file hasn’t been uploaded or the students don’t exist in the list at the current time.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Students Enrolled at FES, But Not Present In FES File tab.
The report displays Students' Name, Student #, Gender, FLEID, Current School, and Grade level.
This report validates against the specified payment file that was uploaded to determine if a student is currently enrolled at school 3900 but is not found in the selected payment file.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Students Enrolled at FES, Not Present In Payment File tab.
3. Select the applicable Payment File from the corresponding pull-down.
The report displays the students' Name, Student #, FLEID, Gender, and Grade level.
This report displays students who are in the FES Student File, but that aren’t going to be enrolled/scheduled as a result of the FES Enrollment/Scheduling Process due to a missing or invalid private school number in the file.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Students In The FES File But With No Private School Set On The File tab.
The report displays the Category, Name, FLEID, Grade level, Gender, and Birth Date.
This report displays students listed on the payment file that aren't currently scheduled into FES. Currently, at least one payment file must have been uploaded prior to utilizing this report.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click FES Import Exceptions.

2. Click the Students Listed on Payment File, Not Enrolled at FES tab.
The Payment Record Count identifies if there has been a payment file uploaded or not and if so, how many.
3. Select the applicable Payment File from the pull-down.
The report displays the students' Name, FLEID, Grade level, Category, FEFP, File #, Private School, and the School #.