The FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown) screen allows district staff to run a variety of FTE summary reports based on the O-file or initial file for surveys 1-4. The reports can be run for one school or all schools in the district. The reports can be published to School Folder(s) for school staff to review.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, select FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown).

2. This navigates to the FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown) screen where you can begin by selecting the applicable Survey from the provided pull-down.

3. From the Format pull-down, select Actual (O-file) to run the reports using the O-file or select Estimate (Initial) to run the reports using the initial file.

The O-file cannot be used until after the Survey window is open and the initial file has been accepted at NWRDC (Northwest Regional Data Center). The O-file also must first be requested.
The O-file can be requested from DOE once the initial has been sent and passed at 80%. It is sent back with all data accepted by NWRDC (Northwest Regional Data Center).
4. Depending on the survey and the report selected, additional options will display to select the Initial Table and/or FTE Type. Note: This is student course only.

The FTE Type apples to the O-file Format only.
Before selecting an option from the Initial Table, you need to create the Student Course initial from the Generate DOE Extracts module.
5. Data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to Search All Schools.
6. To download a PDF of the report for printing, click Print PDF at the top-right corner of the screen. The PDF will download to the computer.
The FTE Earned By Student and School report and Null FTE Records (Due to Attendance) report cannot be generated as a PDF for printing.
In Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options tab, the district can enter the District Name to display on the PDFs generated from FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown). The district can also enter an FTE Threshold. This defaults to .5.
7. The district can publish FTE Summary Reports to school staff, such as principals and assistant principals, for their review. School staff access these reports from the School Folder block on the Portal. Ensure the School Folder block is added to the Portal in Setup > Portal Editor for those profiles who will need to view these reports.
a. To publish a report to the School Folder(s), click the Push PDF to School Folder(s) button at the top-right corner of the FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown) screen. The selected report will be sent to the appropriate School Folder. If Search All Schools was selected on the report, PDFs will be sent to each school's School Folder. School staff will only be able to access reports for schools they have permissions to. The PDF of the report contains a signature line so that school staff can sign off on the report if the district requires it.
See Push to School Folder for more information.
8. Use the Search text box on the left side of the screen to quickly find a report tab by typing the first few words in the name of the report in the text box.

9. To widen the screen and view the report using more space, click the X to collapse the listed tabs (reports).

a. To re-open the list of tabs (reports), click the arrow that replaces the X.

FTE Earned By Student and School
Click the FTE Earned By Student and School tab.

This report displays every student included in the O-file or Initial file for the current school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected). The Student name, Student ID, FLEID, Grade level, School, Total Scheduled Minutes, and Total FTE Earned are listed.
FTE Earned by Teacher and School
Click the FTE Earned by Teacher and School tab.

This report displays every teacher included in the O-file or Initial file for the current school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected). The Teacher name, Teacher Local ID, FLEID, School, and Total FTE Earned are listed.
FTE Summary
1. For survey 2 and 3, select the FTE Type at the top of the screen.
Select Reported FTE to display the total reported FTE being sent.
Select Cap FTE to .5 to cap the FTE once it reaches .5 (this option is available for selection when Estimate (Initial) is selected as the Format).
Select Recalibrate FTE to .5 to recalibrate the FTE, rounding the FTE down on a course-by-course basis for each student. The report includes the School Number, School, FEFP, Grade level totals, and school Total.

2. Click the FTE Summary tab.

This report totals the schools FTE by FEFP code.

FTE Summary (District)
1. Click the FTE Summary (District) tab.

2. Select the Survey and the Format from the pull-downs. The Estimate (Initial) file is generated by running the Generate DOE Extracts for the Student Course file. The Actual (O-file) cannot be used until after the Survey window is open and the initial file has been accepted at NWRDC (Northwest Regional Data Center). The O-file also must first be requested. The O-file can be requested from DOE once the initial has been sent and passed at 80%. It is sent back with all data accepted by NWRDC (Northwest Regional Data Center).
3. Select the FTE Type from the pull-down.
Select Reported FTE to display the total reported FTE being sent.
Select Cap FTE to .5 to cap the FTE once it reaches .5 (this option is available for selection when Estimate (Initial) is selected as the Format).
Select Recalibrate FTE to .5 to recalibrate the FTE, rounding the FTE down on a course-by-course basis for each student.
4. Select the check box to Search All Schools.
5. Select the Initial Table from the pull-down. There is only one option available. You can select Generated Initial (in order to use the initial file that was generated from the Generate DOE Extracts process).
6. Select the Count from the pull-down. Select the Survey Count option for that particular survey or Full Year (Double) for counts of the entire year.

The FTE Summary (District) report displays the Rounding, School Number, School, FEFP, PK, KG, 01, 02, 03, 04, etc., and the Total.
Funding Gained From Other Schools
Click the Funding Gained From Other Schools tab.

This report displays students where the selected school is gaining additional funding (the selected school is the School of Instruction, not Zoned School or School of Enrollment). The report displays the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, School # (number) of the School of Enrollment, School Enrollment, School # (number) of the school of instruction, School Instruction, Course, Section, Term, Period, FEFP, Weekly Minutes, and Funding Gained.

Funding Lost To Other Schools
Click the Funding Lost To Other Schools tab.

This report displays students where the selected school is losing funding (the selected school is the School of Enrollment, not Zoned School or School of Enrollment). The report displays the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, School # (number) of the School of Enrollment, School Enrollment, School # (number) of the School of Instruction, School Instruction, Course, Section, Term, Period, FEFP, Weekly Minutes, and Funding Lost.

Null FTE Records (Due to Attendance)
The Null FTE Records (Due to Attendance) report is hidden when the selected Format is "Actual (O-file)."
Click the Null FTE Records (Due to Attendance) tab.

This report displays students where the district may lose FTE funding due to attendance. The report displays the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, School, Course, Section, Period, FEFP, Term, Days, breakdown of attendance by days and week, and FTE.

Student Funding Record
Click the Student Funding Record tab.

This report provides an overview of the Student FTE Funding Record. The report lists the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, School, Course, Section, Period, FEFP, Term, number of Days the class meets, breakdown of what days of the week the class meets, Week, and FTE.

Student Funding Record (Second School)
Click the Student Funding Record (Second School) tab.

This report is similar to the Student Funding Record report, but the selected school is the student's second school of enrollment. The report lists the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, School, Course, Section, Period, FEFP, Term, number of Days the class meets, breakdown of what days of the week the class meets, Week, and FTE.

Students Receiving Less Than Full Funding
Click the Students Receiving Less Than Full Funding tab.

This report displays students where the district will be receiving less than full funding. The report lists the Student name, Student ID, School # (number), School Enrollment, Grade level, Minutes Funded, Amount Funded, and Amount Missing.

Students displayed here that are receiving less than full funding is based on the Threshold entered in Florida Reports Setup > District Options.
Students Receiving More Than Full Funding
Click the Students Receiving More Than Full Funding tab.

This report displays students where the district will be receiving more than full funding. The report lists the Student name, Student ID, School # (number), School Enrollment, Grade level, Minutes Funded, Amount Funded, and Amount Over.

Students displayed here that are receiving more than full funding is based on the Threshold entered in Florida Reports Setup > District Options.
Virtual Course History Grades with No Matching Schedule
When Survey 4 is selected, the Virtual Course History Grades with No Matching Schedule report is available.
1. In the Survey pull-down, select Survey 4.

2. Click the Virtual Course History Grades with No Matching Schedule tab.

3. If desired, select whether to Search All Schools, Include Inactive (students), and Include Inactive Schedules.

The report displays the Student #, Student Name, Grade level, District #, Enrolled School #, Course, Course #, Marking Period, Teacher, Grade, Grade %, and Hand Entered Grade flag.
Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Course History Grade
When Survey 4 is selected, the Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Course History Grade report is available.
1. In the Survey pull-down, select Survey 4.

2. Click the Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Course History Grade tab.

3. If desired, select whether to Search All Schools, Include Inactive (students), and Include Inactive Schedules.

The report displays the Student #, Student Name, Grade level, District #, School #, Course, Course #, Section, Class Mins, Weekly, Marking Period, Teacher, FTE Lost, and FTE Dollar Value. The FTE Lost and FTE Dollar Value are a high level estimation, and not exact figures.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet where you can then save it to your computer for future reference, if needed.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, FEFP was clicked twice; therefore the results begin with the highest number, 300 and go down.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

For reports with multiple pages, you will see various pages listed. To skip to a different page, click on any of the page numbers underlined. You can also click Prev Page and Next Page to navigate through the report. The number of results displayed is listed: Displaying 1001 through 2000. Here you also have the option to Show All results on one page as opposed to changing pages to see different data.