The Florida Reports Setup screen is used to set options for reports and extracts in Florida Reports, including survey dates, Pre-ID extracts, local EOCs, term dates, and other district options.
Districts should download the Florida files each year, or as often as the DOE updates the files. Downloading the Florida files sets up the various background tables used for Florida Reports.
McKay Prepayment Verification and McKay Payment File are required to run the McKay verification reports, and need to be downloaded each survey A-D.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click Florida Reports Setup.

The Florida Files (NWRDC) tab is opened by default.
2. In the Florida Files (NWRDC) tab, select the files to download, or select the Files check box in the column header to download all files.
3. Click Run Setup to download the files.
The message "Failed to login to DOE" will display if there was a problem with connecting to the DOE.
A green check mark is displayed next to each file that was successfully downloaded.
The Background Tables (Appendices) tab is used to download files from the FLDOE, such as industry certs, country codes, etc., that are not found on NWRDC.
1. Click the Background Tables (Appendices) tab.
2. Select the files to download, or select the Files check box in the column header to download all files.
3. Click Download Selected.
A green check mark is displayed next to each file that was successfully downloaded.
The Survey Dates tab is used to set the default dates for each survey, used in verification reports and to generate extracts. Setting the dates for each survey period will ensure all users in the district are viewing the available reports for the appropriate time frames and that the system is looking at the data tables for the appropriate time frames.
1. Click the Survey Dates tab.
2. Select the Survey in the pull-down.
3. Select the default Effective Date for the survey (date certain for the selected survey).
4. Select the default Survey Window Start and Survey Window End dates.
For surveys 2 and 3, the survey window is the 11-day window. For survey 5, it is the full year.
5. Click Set Dates.
6. Repeat the process for other surveys.
If a user changes the survey dates on a screen, the screen will remember the dates the user has set. To prevent users from changing the default survey dates, select the option "Verification Reports - Hide date inputs on verification report screens" in the District Options tab.
The Alternate Membership tab is used to set alternate membership survey dates for specific schools. Only use this tab if approved by the DOE.
1. Click the Alternate Membership tab.
2. Select the Survey.
3. Select the appropriate School.
4. Enter the Effective Date for the survey or select it from the calendar icon.
5. Enter the Survey Window Start and Survey Window End dates or select them from the calendar icons.
6. Press Enter to add the row.
7. Click Save Records.
The Pre-ID tab contains optional settings for the pre-ID extracts. These should be set before generating the pre-ID extracts.
1. Click the Pre-ID tab.
2. Select the check box next to each extract option you want to enable. These options will be set for all pre-ID formats pulled.
If the option "Include schools set as Homeschool (N998, 9998) in FSA Pre-ID Extracts" is not selected, homeschool students will not pull in pre-ID extracts. If pulling homeschool students, the district will need to send students to FLEID as well.
3. Click Set Pre-ID Options.
A green check mark displays next to the options that were set.
The Local EOC tab is used if the district has local end of course exams that need to be processed similarly to state EOCs.
1. Click the Local EOC tab.
2. Next to the plus sign, select the local EOC Test.
The pull-down is populated from tests set up in Assessment > Standardized Tests.
3. Select the EOC Test Part.
4. Click the + sign.
The test is added to the list. A new plus sign row is available to add another test.
The District Options tab contains options used in various Florida Reports programs.
1. Click the District Options tab.
2. Select the district options as needed.
Option | Description |
District Name | Enter the district name to display on reports that are printed from FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown). |
Variable Course Number Lengths (Length 7~n) | Select this option if your district uses variable course number lengths in the Course Catalog. The Class Size Report will look separately at sections using an 8th/9th digit for course identification. |
Time to Check for New O-files | Enter the time to check for new O-files. By default, this is set to 8:00 AM, as recommended by the DOE. Change the time as needed, such as changing it to 7:00 AM for districts in the Central time zone. |
Enables ESE Effective Date on Extract Screen, should be set to date that is two weeks after first day of district reopening (Valid only for 24-25 Survey 2) |
Select this option to enable the “ESE Effective Date” field on the Generate DOE Extracts screen for survey 2. This allows you to specify a separate effective date for students who had to have their IEP rescheduled due to Hurricane Helene/Milton. The “ESE Effective Date” should be set to a date that is two weeks after the first day of the district reopening. Note: This option is only valid for the 2024-2025 school year for survey 2. |
FTE Threshold | The FTE Threshold defaults to .5. Change this number as needed. This is used in FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown). |
Comparable Wage Factor (CWF) | Enter the Comparable Wage Factor. This is used to view an adjusted FTE calculation on reports. |
Small District Factor (SDF) | Select this option to enable the small district factor in the FTE calculation. |
Scale FTE in surveys 2 & 3 based on number of days in term. | By default, Focus assumes there are 90 days in semester 1 and 90 days in semester 2. If this is not the case for your district, select this option to use the actual days in each term and scale FTE accordingly for surveys 2 and 3. Using this district option will scale the FTE regardless of instructional hours being met if less than the 180 (FY), 90 (SEM) days in term. If scheduled as quarter (QTR) and days in term are < 45, this option will scale FTE down. If days in term (QTR) are > 45, then this option will scale FTE up. |
Carry over DJJ survey 2 & 3 days to summer sessions | Select this option to carry over any excess DJJ survey 2 and 3 days (over the 180) into the summer session. |
Cap FTE to 250 minutes for 09-12 Blended Learning Courses over 250 Class Minutes, Weekly | Select this option to report 250 minutes if a section is flagged as blended learning but has more than 250 class weekly minutes on the schedule. |
Check semester content when pulling and comparing virtual schedules and grades in survey 4 | Select this option to factor the "Semester Content" field when pulling and linking schedule versus grade records in Survey 4. |
Allow non Course History grades to match to inactive virtual schedules for survey 4 |
Select this option to match inactive virtual scheduled. By default, Focus doesn't match inactive virtual students on anything other than CH grades. |
Limit grade records pulled to only those marked as course history for survey 4 |
Select this option to limit grades records pulled to those marked as course history. For active schedules, Focus pulls non course history grades which limits active and inactive to only course history. |
Do not pull records with WF or WP course grades in survey 4 |
Select this option to ensure WF and WP course grades are not pulled for Survey 4. |
Do not pull active virtual schedule records with no grade records in survey 4 | Select this option to exclude virtual school schedule records where the student is actively enrolled in a course but no grades have been posted for the course. This will prevent 1P errors in survey 4. |
Pull dismissed ESE students as Active if their Virtual Grade Completion date falls in between their placement and dismissal dates for their primary exceptionality in survey 4 |
Select this option to pull dismissed ESE students as active for survey 4 if their Virtual Grade Completion date falls between their placement and dismissal dates for their primary exceptionality. |
Verification Reports - Output errors for fields with missing data that get defaults in the extracts | Select this option to display errors on the DOE Data Verification Reports for fields that have missing data but will be filled with the default value in the extracts. This is useful if you want to see the fields that have missing data so that you can correct them in Focus. Note: The state reporting default value for a field is set in Students > Student Fields in the State Reporting Fallback Value option on the field. This can be reviewed on the K12 Extract Field Defaults report. |
Verification Reports - Output errors for fields with missing data and an incorrect default code set | Select this option to display errors on the DOE Data Verification Reports for fields that have null values and/or is not set according to DOE rules. |
Verification Reports - Hide date inputs on verification report screens | Select this option to hide the date inputs on the DOE Data Verification Reports screen. The survey dates defined in the Survey Dates tab on the Florida Reports Setup screen will be used when users run the verification reports. This prevents users from inputting incorrect dates when running the verification reports. |
Verification Reports - Max Number of Error Records to Display per Edit |
Enter the maximum number of error records that display in Verification Reports. |
Class Size Report - Do not use Rotation Days | Select this option to show all days on the report for schools that use rotation days. This allows both A and B day classes to appear on the report and not be dependent on the calendar day. |
DMV - Send Gradelevels 30 & 31 | Select this option if students under the age of 18 who are enrolled in a CTE/Post-Secondary school with a grade level of 30 or 31 should be considered for license suspension and included in the DMV report. |
DMV - Allow Users to Pull Second School Enrollment Records | Select this option if attendance at a student’s second school of enrollment should be considered when sending DMV files, for example for a co-enrolled home school student who goes to public school for at least one period and exceeds the absence threshold. |
Enrollment Discrepancies - Do not show future enrollment records. | Select this option to not show future enrollment records on the Enrollment Discrepancies screen. |
Process Assessments - Exam grade records created will be school specific | Select this option to create an exam record for each schedule record the student has for the course associated with the EOC. This option is not recommended as it will create duplicate exam records if a student has two semesters of a course or a schedule change for the course. |
Process Assessments - Check Administration Test Level field in addition to Grade Level. |
Select this option to check the test level field on the Test History screen in addition to the grade level set on Student Enrollment. |
Process Assessments - Do not output student listings after process completion. |
Select this option to display a count of updated students rather than listing each student in the built-in Process Assessment scheduled job's execution history. |
Process Assessments - Set ELA Passed Flag & Date Field For Students With An ESE Test Waiver for ELA. | Select this option to set the ELA passed flag and date field for students with an ESE test waiver for ELA. |
Process Assessments - Set ALG I Passed Flag & Date Field For Students With An ESE Test Waiver for ALG I. |
Select this option to set the Algebra 1 passed flag and date field for students with an ESE test waiver for Algebra 1. |
Process Assessments - Default Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway & Students With An ESE Test Waiver) |
When “No Default Effective Date (Displays Date Picker in Interface)” is selected, the Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway) date picker will be available in Florida Reports > Process Assessments > FSA/FST ELA tab, as well as the Effective Date (ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver) date picker for the Process Assessments scheduled job. The date picker will be hidden if another option is selected. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Require inclusion teachers to meet any additional course requirements | Select this option if inclusion teachers must meet additional requirements (set on the course in the Course Catalog) in order to be considered "In Field.” These are additional ESE requirements in addition to core certification requirements. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Allow Affidavit for Autism to satisfy 100% ASD requirements | Select this option if the affadavit can be used in place of the ASD endorsement or certification. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Allow Affidavit for Pre-K/Disabilities to be equivalent to the Pre-K/Disabilities Endorsement. | Select this option if the affadavit can be used in place of the Pre-K/Disabilities endorsement or certification. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Flag classes as Gifted on: | Select whether the Gifted certification will be considered at the course level or by looking at the flag on the section. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Determine 100% ASD by: | Select whether the count for 100% ASD students is determined at the Section level, or is determined by the teacher’s Class-Period caseload or Full Day caseload. |
Teachers In/Out of Field - Bypass certification level check against enrolled students grade level. | Select this check box if the teacher’s certification level should not be checked against the grade levels of students enrolled in their classes. |
Teachers In/Out Field - Check ESE certifications for Inclusion (Scheduling Method 'I') Teachers. |
Select this check box to check the ESE certifications for inclusion teachers (teachers with a scheduling method of I). |
Teachers In/Out Field - Flag teachers missing reading endorsement as out-of-field if teaching Tier 3 Reading Intervention students. |
Select this check box to flag teachers who are missing the reading endorsement as out-of-field if they are teaching Tier 3 Reading Intervention students. |
Teachers In/Out Field - Ignore ESOL Hours Completed when determining ESOL Endorsement. |
Select this check box to ignore ESOL hours completed when determining a teacher’s ESOL endorsement. |
In/Out Field Report Page Size (If left blank default will be 20) |
Enter the the number of records to display per page on the In/Out Field Report. |
Pull Industry Certifications from Course History | Select this option if Focus should pull a student’s Industry Certifications from Course History, in addition to the student’s schedule and the student logging fields. This could result in duplicate records. |
Print control characters on text files downloaded through DOE & Error Reports | This option is district-specific for the purpose of downloading files, and should be left unselected in most cases. |
Number of Days Until File in School Folder Expires | Enter the number of days a file will be available in the School Folder on the Portal before it expires and is removed, or leave none selected. |
WDIS - Pulling Survey F 202X-202X from current school year 202X-202X | Select this option to pull survey F data in the current school year. |
WDIS - Hours reported as next highest integer value (ceiling) rather than regular rounding | Select this option to round up hours if there is a split in the summer. (15 hours crossover June/July would report 7.5 in each survey. With this option, 8 hours would be reported in each survey, which would total 16 and not 15.) |
WDIS - Disable AGE Attendance Threshold Policy | Select this option to disable the requirement that students have ten hours of attendance before being reported. |
WDIS - Assume Scheduled Hours for Missing Attendance Information | If the district does not use Focus for attendance or if attendance data is missing, select this option to assume the scheduled hours. Caution: Setting this option will count hours when period attendance is null. |
WDIS - Pull test data based on test date range instead of survey date range | Select this option to pull test data based on the test date ranges set in the Survey Dates tab when generating the extract instead of the defined survey window. |
WDIS - Disable AGE 30 Day Schedule Validation | When selected, Focus will not check schedule records when evaluating the data but will consider the WDIS survey dates set on the Survey Dates tab; therefore, if a student dropped an ABE course over 30 days ago and in the same WDIS Survey window, that student cannot be rescheduled into the same section. |
WDIS - Disable Fiscal Split Extract Logic | When selected, Focus will not split and duplicate sections created in June to make the second copy of sections for July when reporting. |
WDIS - Pull log field certs from all school years (Default Pulls Curent and Previous Years) |
Select this option to pull data from any school year as opposed to being limited to the current and previous school year. |
WDIS - Don't pull test records that are missing an Adult Education Function Level. |
When selected, Focus will not pull test records with a missing Adult Education Function Level to prevent errors with edit 22. |
PEER Export - Max Days Ahead of Effective Date (Max 14) |
Enter the maximum number of days ahead of the effective date to consider for the PEER export. |
PEER Import - Allow PEER import to update the Focus database when the PEER file contains a zero or NULL. (Does NOT apply to date fields) |
Select this option to allow the PEER import to update fields in the Focus database when the PEER file contains a zero or null (excludes date fields). |
PEER Import - Select which elements Peer Nightly Job will import, left blank ALL elements will import: |
Select the fields that shoud be imported for the Peer manual process (Import Peer Data) and the Florida Peer Nightly Import job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs. |
3. Click Set Florida Options to save the selections.
A green check mark displays next to the options that were set.
4. To copy over the the options set in the current year to the next school year, click Rollover Florida Options.
A green check mark displays above the button when the process is finished.

The Term Dates tab is used to set the term dates for the regular school year and for summer sessions for use in Florida Reports. This is used when schools have varying start and end dates for summer schools and these dates should be looked at instead of the survey dates already set up for the specific survey.
1. Click the Term Dates tab.
2. Select the specific School to set the dates for, or select All Schools to set the dates for all district schools.
3. Select the specific Calendar to set the dates for, or select Any Calendar to set the dates for all calendars.
4. In the Term Indicator pull-down, select Regular Year to set the dates for the regular school year or select Summer to set the dates for the summer session.
5. Select the Start Date and End Date of the term using the pull-downs or calendar icon.
6. Click the + icon to add the row.
Another blank row is now available to define additional term dates as needed.
The Magic Batch School Control tab allows districts to control which schools are included/excluded in the Magic Batch process based on the extract area, survey, format, and school number element type.
1. Click the Magic Batch School Control tab.
2. In the blank row, enter the MSID School Number.
3. Select whether to Include or Exclude the school from the Magic Batch process.
4. Select the specific Area(s) to include or exclude the school from.
5. Select the specific Survey(s) to include or exclude the school from.
6. Select the specific Format(s) to include or exclude the school from.
7. Select the specific School Number Element Types to include or exclude the school from.
8. Press Enter to add the row.
9. Click Save Records.
10. To roll over current school year entries to the next school year, click Rollover School Listing.
A green check mark will display next to the button to indicate the school entries have been successfully rolled over.