The Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 module is used to produce a printout or Excel spreadsheet (if required) of students that were sent to DOE in both surveys 2 and 3.
This report uses the Survey 3 Demo O-file and Surveys 2 & 3 Student Course O-files to show which students were present in both surveys.
1. You first need to request the survey 2 student course O-file, since DOE clears it out after a few weeks. This report is usually ran during survey 3 time, so you should have an O-file for demo and student course for S3 currently.
2. Then, use Generate DOE Extracts to import the files into the background tables onto the applicable site that will be used to run the report. This is accomplished by selecting the survey, checking the formats listed above, and clicking the Download O/D file(s) button.
Once all three files are loaded on a site, the report will run correctly.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Students in Both Survey 2 and 3.

This navigates to the Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 screen, which defaults to the Search tab.

2. You have the option to utilize any of the provided filters to search for students including FLEID, Birthdate, Grade level, and Sex. In the example shown above, grades 07 and 08 have been selected, as well as the female sex.

3. Select the All Schools check box to pull data from all schools as opposed to pulling data from the school selected in the header.

4. Click Search to produce the list of students matching the filter criteria.

Based on the search criteria entered, the report will display students in both surveys 2 and 3. The following columns display: Student Name, Sex, Local ID, Enrolled School (Survey 3), Enrolled School (Survey 2), ELL, Grade level, Birth Date, and FLEID.
Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field. Select Exact filter to get exact matches.

Click the Check all and Clear links for quick selections.

If the results contain several pages of students, Page numbers will displays along with Prev and Next buttons. Utilize these buttons to navigate through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

To export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to filter the listed students.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
Data here can also be organized by clicking on any of the headers, such as Student Name; click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.