The School Grade Accuracy Reports module serves as a tool for reviewing student data as it pertains to state reporting surveys. All reports displayed are linked to the students, which can also be accessed for review directly from the School Grade Accuracy Reports screen. The School Grade Accuracy Reports pertains specifically to data for Survey 5.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click School Grade Accuracy Reports.

2. This navigates to the School Grade Accuracy Reports screen where data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to search All Schools.
3. Select the Include WDIS Only Schools check box to pull data from WDIS only schools as defined via Setup > School Info.

4. On the School Grade Accuracy Reports screen, you will notice several tabs along the left. Click the following tabs to review specific grades/tests scores for students, such as AP Tests, IB Tests, Industry Certs, Missing IB, etc.

- AICE Tests: In Test History
- AP Tests: In Test History
- DE Courses: In Test History
- Has ASVAB Score 65 or Higher AND 2 Credits of JROTC - In Test History and Course History
- IB Tests: In Test History
- Industry Certs: In logging fields, schedule or grade history
- Industry Certs Missing From Extract: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
- Industry Certs Passed: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
- Missing AICE: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
- Missing AP: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
- Missing DE Courses: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
- Missing IB: Displays records that are in Focus but not in the O file downloaded during Survey 5
Shown below is the "School Grade Acceleration One or more Met" report, which displays the Student, Student ID, FLEID, School #, School, Grade, DE Grades, AP Tests, AP Scores, IB Tests, IB Scores, AICE Tests, AICE Scores, Ind Cert Count, Ind Certs, ASVAB JROTC Count, and Latest ASVAB Score.
5. Regardless of the tab/report selected, the report will include the student's name in the Student column, Student ID, FLEID, the Grade Level, and the School, as shown in the DE Courses report below.
6. While viewing the School Grade Acceleration One or more NOT Met report, additional report options display. Select the applicable check box to exclude students currently scheduled into specific courses, such as Exclude Students Currently Scheduled Into An AP Course.
When viewing the Has ASVAB Score 65 or Higher AND 2 Credits of JROTC report, the additional report option Show Students with ASVAB Score of 65 OR 2 Credits of JROTC is displayed, which can be selected if desired.
7. When changes are made to the report filters, click Refresh.

8. For more information about a specific listed student, click on the student's name in the Student column. Every student name is underlined indicating a link to the student's grades. Clicking the student here allows you to check for DE Courses that will be in the transcript file, for example.
Utilize the Search text box at the top of the panel by typing the name of a tab to quickly navigate from one tab to another.

To close the panel, click the X. Doing so will allow for more room on the screen, which will be helpful when viewing reports. To make the panel reappear, click the arrow where the panel used to display.

Click the Excel icon to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet.
Click the Printer icon to print the report.
Click Filters to breakdown data in the report.
a. To add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.