Focus will report each student receiving instruction/service during that reporting period plus any student with a Discipline or Fed State record. Focus will send Homeschool students if they are concurrently enrolled at a district school receiving instruction. Focus will send records for Migrant students in school 9997 ages 0-21.
Home school students attending class in a public school need to be concurrently enrolled in the public school and scheduled into the appropriate course. The second school flag on the enrollment record should contain a green check for the public school enrollment records indicating an enrollment record. (Students > Student Info > Enrollment tab).

The enrolled school should be set as 9998 while the school of instruction is the school where the student is taking courses.
Migrant students should have an active year enrollment record in the Migrant 9997 school.

Focus will report each PK-12th grade student in membership (with an active schedule during FTE week) in the school district at any time during the school year. DNE’s will not be sent. Focus will only send McKay students taking a course in the school district or students who receives services through a services plan.
The enrolled school should be set as 3518 with the course 2222222.
McKay students receiving services through the public school system should have an active special education record on the ESE tab (Students > Student Info > ESE tab).
Focus will report each PK-12 student who was in membership in any school or enrolled in any course in the district from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period, as well as any student who withdrew between school years; this includes N998 and N999 students.
Focus will report ZZZ if no withdrawal code is applicable. DNE students will be reported.
Focus will determine the term according to the following DOE guidelines: "To indicate the student entered/reentered during the regular school year, use code 3 (annual). To indicate summer school or intersession (for year round school) use code S (combined summer schedule). Use code Y to indicate a record being submitted with a withdrawal code for a student who was not enrolled this year. For Survey 2, Term should equal Z and Days Absent, Annual Unexcused Not Related to Discipline should be 0-filled."
For more information and direct guidelines from DOE, click here.
Focus will report a separate record for each course for which the student in grades PK-12 is in membership (on schedule during FTE week) whether the student is FTE eligible or not.
Focus Process for Assigning FEFP Codes
1. At the section level a FEFP code can be set if all students in the sections should receive the funding code. This is found on the Florida tab of the section (Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Section > Florida tab > FEFP Number field). For Example, a vocational class should be coded with FEFP 300, while a functional unit would be coded with 111/112/113, and an ELL reading class would be coded 130. Likewise, hospital homebound sections would be coded 255. Non-funded sections should be coded with 999. Otherwise, leave FEFP blank. Focus looks at gradelevel to determine 101, 102, or 103 or looks at ESE FEFP, which filters down to the students' schedules.
2. If a student should receive a non-basic FEFP funding code that was not set at the section level, the FEFP number can be overridden via the student's schedule. Additionally, if the FEFP code is 130, the appropriate ELL Instructional Model should be selected. (Scheduling > Student Schedule > select Show Florida Fields check box).
3. At the section level, the School of Instruction is required only if the instructional school is not the school where the schedule was created (Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Section > Florida tab > District of Instruction field). For example, for a college or university class taught on a high school campuses, the instruction institution is the college even though the course is taught at the high school. If it is a dual enrollment course, the dual enrollment indicator, institution type. and field should be set. These fields are found on the Florida tab at the section level. If the student remained in the district but had a school change, only the new school in place on date certain is sent. If the student withdrew from the district during FTE week, partial FTE is sent for.
4. The Dual Enrollment Indicator can be overridden via the student's schedule; however, the indicator must be set if the school is C, P, or U.

5. The following logic used pertains to hospital homebound sections and students in non-attendance.
a. Focus will pull 255 as the FEFP by default for student schedule records that contain hospital homebound course numbers: 7855020, 7900030, 7755020.
b. Focus will assign FEFP codes of 999 for any student not in attendance at least one day in the 11-day window (set when running the extract).
Do not set ESE FEFP to 255 if the student is intermittent.
Focus will report a separate record for each combination of Course Number, Section Number, Period Number, Term, and teacher Social Security Number.
Focus will not report sections containing no (0) students.
Focus Process
1. It is important, at the school level, if there is more than one section of the same course during the same period of the day, that the section number (short name) is unique for each section. This will not cause an error or validation with DOE, but it will impact class size. Please review the teacher course validation that help identify these issues.
2. The room number assigned at the section level drives the FISH number pulled. If the room does not match a room in the Resource Scheduler/Rooms (Setup > Resource Scheduler/Rooms), then the FISH number will pull as 00000000000000000000. Please review the teacher course validation that identifies these issues.

3. If the Resource is a Room check box is not selected on the Resource Scheduler/Rooms screen, then Focus will not recognize the FISH as a valid classroom.

4. Users must be designated as teachers to pull correctly for teacher course. Review the Master Schedule Report for verification of data (Scheduling > Master Schedule Report). If any red numbers appear in the teacher column in place of the teacher name, review these sections and correctly assign a teacher to the sections. Contact district staff if the teacher does not display in the pull-down.

5. Teacher certification numbers and IDs are pulled from the User fields (Users > User Info).

Focus will report any PK-12 student who has an Exceptionality, and/or a Primary code other than Z, who also maintains a placement status of P or T.
Focus Process
1. Focus stores Exceptionality information in a logging field. This allows a student to have more than one active exceptionality. Only one exceptionality should be marked as the primary exceptionality. For any active ESE student, a FEFP code should be entered on the ESE tab. Once a student is dismissed from all exceptionalities, the FEFP code should be removed. The FEFP is used when extracting student course, so it is important to remove when the student is dismissed from all exceptionalities.
2. For a student that is intermittent Hospital Homebound, assign the FEFP code according to what the student is considered when the student is not out on homebound. Focus will then pull this code for the non-homebound courses numbers; however, other courses that are specific to Hospital Homebound will pull the 255 code.
Focus will report a separate record for each occurrence of the discipline/resultant action for each student receiving a discipline/resultant action from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period.

Focus Process: In the referral setup, the school or district will define actions taken and the associated DOE code for that action. Actions coded with a D are not extracted and sent to DOE. Do not add a SESIR for an action associated with "D" as the referral will not pull, causing a validation error.
Focus will report each SESIR incident and for each incident of Unsubstantiated Bullying (UBL) and Unsubstantiated Harassment (UHR) occurring on school campus, at school-sponsored events occurring off campus, on school-sponsored transportation or at bus stops at any time of the year and twenty-four hours a day as recorded in Focus from the first day of school through the last day of the survey period.
Focus Process
1. A SESIR incident is added by selecting Add a Discipline Incident from the Discipline menu.

2. At the bottom of the incident is a list of current referrals. Click on the names of the students with a referral associated with the SESIR. To filter the referral list, enter a information into the Search text box and press Enter. Only referrals matching the criteria will appear.
3. In the Focus extract process for referrals, each referral is checked for a link to a SESIR incident. If an incident match is found, all associated referral incident numbers are extracted to match the SESIR incident ID.
Focus will report each student in KG-12 membership identified as LY, LF, or LP pending assessment.
For LY students, grades KG-02 report the aural/oral test scores (Listening and Speaking, not Reading and Writing) that determined the student eligible and in need of services as recorded in Test History via LEP Info.
For LY students, grades 03-12 report aural/oral test scores in the test fields for Listening and Speaking and also report Reading and Writing test scores for students who tested proficient in aural/oral skills based on assessment as recorded in Test History via LEP Info.
For LF students, report exit test information as appropriate for the students English Language Learners--not including CELLA, Test Forms 1 and 2, and FCAT scores as these are already available to DOE.
Focus Process
1. Enter test history for each ELL student. From the Assessment menu, select Test History. Search for the appropriate student, and then select the appropriate test to add for the student. Enter the Administration Date, School Year, Gradelevel, etc.
2. Next, enter the ELL Form, LEP Info, DJJ Info (if applicable), Test Level, etc.. This data will be pulled for the ELL format fields test form and test level for each test part with a score. Select the LEP Info Code from the pull-down to flag which test is to be pulled as the entry or exit test. The entry test is pulled for LY. The exit test is pulled for LF.

3. When complete, Save the test record. For more information on entering tests, see the Test History article.
4. Test parts will appear according to testing history setup. Enter data for all applicable score types.
Focus will report any PK-12 student in membership during survey week who is assigned to a school bus, passenger car, or other vehicle and was transported at least once during the five-day survey period or the preceding six scheduled days.
In addition, Focus will report a Student Transportation format: students only transported to another district to receive instruction.
Focus Process
1. Transportation only students are enrolled in their own school. This is set up via the School pull-down on the student's Enrollment record. There is a special school (TRAN) that is set up to enroll students who are only being transported to another district and not actually taking any courses within the current district.
2. Focus will extract the hosting/transporting district number for the element District Number, Current Instruction/Service, and the number of the district supplying the instruction in District Number, Current Enrollment. (Students > Student Info > Demographic > Transportation tab > Transportation Only Student, District of Instruction field).
3. If a student was not transported during the FTE window transportation, information does not have to be removed. You can select the check box to exclude them from the transportation extract via the Transportation tab (Students > Student Info > Demographic tab > Transportation tab > Student was not Transported During FTE Window field).
If the checkbox is selected, the student will not be pulled into the Survey; however, if it is left cleared, the student will be pulled into the Survey.