Pre-ID extracts are generated several times a year and are sent to the DOE to identify students who need test accommodations for state tests. The state produces pre-ID labels for testing materials for those students who need accommodations.
Below are the currently available Pre-ID Extracts. Running each of these extracts will output data for students that need to be Pre-ID'd for the given assessment(s) based on their current Test History data, as it sits in Focus.
- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
- Fall EOC and ELA Retake
- Fall FSAA Makeup
- Progress Monitoring Assessments
- Spring FAA
- Spring Science, Writing, EOC, and Retake
- Summer EOC Assessments
- Winter EOC, FCLE, and FST ELA Retake
- Spring B.E.S.T. Writing Field Test
- Spring FSAA
- Spring Retakes
- Adaptive Progress Monitoring (APM) Assessments
- Stanford 10
- Stanford 10 Online
- PERT (Level 1 Only)
- Star Early Literacy
A student will pull for a given Pre-ID extract if they meet at least one of the following criteria.
1. The student qualifies to take the given assessment and has not yet participated in the assessment.
2. The student qualifies to take the given assessment and has not yet passed the assessment.
3. The following student field has been set for an applicable assessment for the given extract | 'Pre-ID Extract Overrides' (students.custom_200000258)
4. The following student field has been enabled (applies to the PERT extract specifically) | 'Pull Student for PERT Pre-ID Extract' (students.custom_200000253)
For a student to pull into the Pre-ID extracts for an EOC assessment, the student must be scheduled into the given EOC course. Another way that the student would pull into a given Pre-ID extract for an EOC would be if the student has the following field populated for the assessment 'Pre-ID Extract Overrides' (students.custom_200000258).
- The Pre-ID option 'Include all students that have taken an EOC course and have not taken the test (Geometry, Biology I, Civics, U.S. History, Civic Literacy)' factors into which school years are checked for the various EOC schedules. The option does not affect Algebra I.
- Depending on which Pre-ID extract is ran, the logic changes:
- Fall - Current school year ignored with only previous school years checked - If pre-ID option not checked, then effectively nothing pulls for non-ALG I schedules.
- Winter - Current school year and previous years checked - Current year only pulls if a Winter/Semester 1 course. Previous years non-ALG 1 not pulled if option checked.
- Spring - Current school year and previous years checked - Previous years non-ALG 1 not pulled if option checked.
- Summer - Current school year and previous years checked.
For a student to pull into the Pre-ID extracts for the FST assessments, Focus pulls the student in based on grade level (cohort for Grade 10 ELA). If a student is testing above grade level, the student would need to have the following logging field populated 'FSA ELA Reading/Writing and Mathematics Testing Grades' (students.custom_200000221).
Before sending pre-ID extracts, there are a few steps that must be taken in preparation. First, ensure the Test History fields and student fields needed for pre-ID extracts are set correctly for each applicable student. Next, set the pre-ID options as needed in Florida Reports Setup. Then, set up pre-ID templates to customize the groups sent in the extract, if desired.
Assessment > Test History
Ensure that scores for applicable tests are entered in each student's Test History record. If a student has no score or a failing score in the applicable tests, then the student is pulled and sent for pre-ID. Passing scores are determined by FLDOE guidelines.
Students > Student Info > Graduation Tab
Ensure the Year Entered Ninth Grade (custom_1429) field is set. This displays as the Cohort Year in Course History. This value determines which assessment(s) a student should be considered for based on a student's graduation requirements.
If a student should be excluded from pre-ID extracts, select the tests the student should be excluded from in the Exclude from Pre-ID Extracts (custom_200000250) field.
Students > Student Info > Test Accommodations (or ESE/ELL/504 tabs)
Ensure the FSA Pre-ID Test Accommodations (students.custom_200000222) logging field is set for students who need testing accommodations. Select the proper Test Part and accommodation(s) for that given part. If the student needs the same accommodations for all test parts, simply select the "All Tests" option from the "Test Part" dropdown. All testing accommodations need to be entered in this logging field to be considered, as all other accommodation fields (i.e. "Test Accommodations, EOC Algebra") are for historical purposes only.
The "FSA Pre-ID Test Accommodations" (students.custom_200000222) logging field is not syear specific so anything that is entered in this logging field will be considered for the applicable tests indicated.
The following logic causes a 'Y' to be output on the Pre-ID Extract for Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan.
1. "504 Eligible" (custom_621) must be a code other than 'N' or 'Z'.
"ESE Exceptionalities" (custom_890) must have a log field marked as primary.
2. A value must be populated for "FSA Pre-ID Test Accommodations" (custom_200000222).
A value must be populated for "Test Accommodations" (custom_829).
"Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan" (students.custom_200000247) is checked.

Ensure the Alternate Assessment Administered (custom_791) field is set for students who will be taking the FSAA instead of the FSA. If a student has Y, P, or D in this field, the student is not pulled in pre-ID extracts.

The Test Accommodations (custom_829) field is used by the Fed/State Indicator extract and also pre-ID extracts. If this field has a value other than Z, the student will be pulled in pre-ID extracts. Specific test accommodations should also be defined in the FSA Test Accommodations for Pre-ID logging field. This field also determines whether to output Y or N for 504/ESE Accommodations.

The below fields are only present for historical purposes. Being that all testing accommodations are reported in the (students.custom_200000222) logging field, it is recommended for districts to hide these fields so that users are not entering data in these historical fields.
Algebra 1 EOC (custom_2012000004) - This is the NGSS version
Geometry EOC (custom_2012000005) - This is the NGSS version
FCAT Science (custom_2012000003) - This is pulled for grades 3-8 FCAT Science 2.0
Biology EOC (custom_2012000006) - This is the NGSS version
US History EOC (custom_2012000007) - This is the NGSS version
Civics EOC (custom_2012000017) - This is the NGSS version

The Pre-ID tab on the Florida Reports Setup screen contains optional settings for the pre-ID extracts. These should be set before generating the extracts.
1. In the Florida Reports menu, click Florida Reports Setup.

2. Click the Pre-ID tab.
3. Select each extract option you want to enable.
4. Click Set Pre-ID Options when finished.
Please see Pre-ID Template Setup for information on how to add pre-ID templates.
Once the preparation for pre-ID extracts is completed, pre-ID extracts can be generated.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Pre-ID Extracts.

2. Select the test to send the extract for in the Extract pull-down.

3. Select the Download Format: Text File (DOE Format), Excel CSV File, or HTML Preview.
4. Select the Effective Date to use to pull the extracts.
Setting the grouping options will override any groups set up on the Pre-ID Templates Setup screen. If you want to pull extracts using the templates, leave the grouping options blank.
Different options may display depending on the Extract selected.
5. When you are ready to generate the extract, click Generate Extract.

The file is downloaded to your computer. Text files can be uploaded to the DOE.