The Class Size Report helps identifying errors with FISH room numbers, class size/seats, assigned scheduling methods, and more.
The Class Size Averages cron job populates the FLORIDA_CLASSSIZE_COUNTS table that allows districts to create a district-wide report. Cron jobs are set up via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
Before running the Class Size Report, the Course Catalog must be set up via Scheduling > Course Catalog, which must contain data for the Core for Class Size field. Yes must be selected in the Core for Class Size field in order for the Course to be pulled into the report.
Before running the Class Size Report, FISH data must be accurate as well. This can be reviewed via Setup > Rooms.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Class Size Report.

2. Upon navigating to the Class Size Report, you first option is to set a Refresh Date. Select the month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icon. Once set, click the Refresh Date button.

The report will pull data based on the active student enrollments and the active schedules based on the date selected. For example, if January 8, 2023 is selected as the first day of Quarter 3, data will pull for sections in Quarter 3 not Quarter 2 on student schedules.
3. Select the provided check box to limit the report to Only show rooms over class size. If over class size, the number will appear in red as shown in step 7.

Selecting the Only show rooms over class size check box displays the periods over class size and conflicting scheduling methods.
4. Data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to display data for All Schools. If All Schools is selected, a School column is added to the report, as shown below.

5. Select the Display Grade Level Ranges check box to display the From/To grade ranges for each specified room/period combination.

6. Click Refresh Date.

If there are multiple grade levels linked to a period, as shown above, the class size number displayed is determined by the gradelevel with the most students. For example, if Period 02 contains students in Grade 08 and Grade 09, but there are more students in Grade 09, the class size will be considered 25.
Just below the reports filtering options, you are given class room size averages per high school, middle school, etc.

In order to comprehend the Class Size Report, it is important to review the legend provided in the upper right corner of the screen.
S: Self-contained: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same the same period together.
B: Block Scheduling: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same room the same period together.
G: Ind or Small Group Instruction: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same room the same period together.
M: Multi Classroom or Pod: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same room the same period together and dividing by 2 (or the number of M's).
A: Alt Week Schedule: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same room the same period together.
C: Co-teaching: Taking the number of students in the section divided by the sum of (teacher + co-teachers).
W: Wheel Class: Adding the number of students in the sections in the same room the same period together.
I (In class 1-on-1): Taking the number of students in the S section and adding half the number of students in the I section.
In viewing the Class Size Report, you will see the Room (FISH) number, the Room Num (short room name/number given), and each Period.
You will see a box displayed for each Room number (FISH) and Period. If there are multiple sections scheduled the same period of the day, multiple boxes containing scheduling methods will be displayed. This provides a visual to easily identify incorrect combinations of scheduling methods.

If sections do not appear check the following areas:
2. Ensure the section is not excluded from FTE via Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Florida tab > Exclude from FTE.
3. Review the Scheduling Method and ensure that G - Individual or Small Group Instruction is not selected (Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Florida tab).
The report is based on FISH numbers. If there are errors in room numbers or with FISH numbers, this report will not properly display. Please refer to the Teacher Course tab of the DOE Data Verification Reports for FISH errors.
7. Click the boxed scheduling method indicator to open the course in Courses & Sections. From here, you can review Seats in the course, or select the Florida tab and correct the Scheduling Method.
If a period is over the set class size, the number will be displayed in red.
8. If a yellow yield symbol is displayed, there is invalid data (combination of scheduling methods), which will cause the records to be rejected. You can hover over the symbol to see the error.

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, Period 01 was clicked twice, which brings the highest seat numbers to the top of the list.

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
Click the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the report. Start by adding one rule, such as Room Num Contains 101, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you'd like to filter by in the text box.
a. Click the Add Rule link to add an additional filter.
b. You can clear the filter by clicking the Clear Rules link.
c. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.

d. Select AND or OR from the corresponding pull-down to determine how filters are applied when using more than one.