The Generate Staff Extracts screen makes generating, viewing, and downloading data for multiple surveys possible. In addition to downloading, reviewing, etc., you can also send one or multiple survey extracts directly from this screen.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Generate Staff Extracts.

2. On the Generate Staff Extracts screen, use the Survey pull-down to select the applicable survey data.
3. The Effective Date should be completed with Date Certain. Here you can select the applicable month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.
4. The Survey Window should be completed with the 11-day attendance window. Here you can select the applicable month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.
5. For surveys 3 and 5, you must also define the Regular Year and Summer dates.
6. The Mode defaults to Initial. Use the pull-down to select Magic Batch instead when applicable.

Initial should be selected for initial files that have not yet been sent to DOE and/or are not at least 80% error-free. Doing so, will generate the initial file along with the appropriate header record.
The Initial record must first be accepted by the state before a Magic Batch can be sent.
Magic Batch should be selected once the data is at least 80% error-free and data has been compared to the O-file sent by DOE (this is done in step 9 when the O-file(s) are downloaded). Note: Magic Batch cannot be used without the O-file data.
The O-file is data sent back from DOE once the initial has been sent. It is sent back with all original data including errors that must be addressed.
7. Select the Format in which you’d like to extract and view or send data.

Text File (DOE Format) can be selected to view data from the perspective of DOE without extracting data to be sent to the state.
Excel CSV File can be used to view data the same as the Text File in a more readable format; while DOE format is one line of data, the Excel formats presents data in columns.
DOE FTP should be selected when you are ready to send extracts to DOE. Once selected, you will notice a Send Extract(s) button appear below the pull-down.

Once all formatting has been selected, you have several buttons to decide how you would like to download and view extracts.
You must first make selections using the check boxes provided next to each extract. Click the Select All check box to select all check boxes displayed and generate all extracts.
8. Click Generate Extract(s) to pull all data and create an extract. Once this has been done, you will see Extract Successful next to a green check mark. Note: The green check mark will disappear after a few minutes. Note: This only has to be done once unless data has been changed or updated. Generating the extract now makes it available for downloading and viewing.
9. Click Download O/D-file(s) to download original files from DOE, in addition to errors that need to be addressed after the initial extract. The O-file is your data reviewed and sent back by DOE; downloading it synchs your data with that of DOE.
10. Click Download Edit/Validation File(s) to populate data tables with additional validation codes.
The next section lists all of the different extracts with the option to download, view, look at history, and send.
11. To view the extract, click Download Extract. The type of file that downloads here is dependent upon the Format selected in step 6.
The image displayed shows an example of a Text File (DOE Format):

The image displayed shows an example of an Excel CSV File:

12. Click the HTML View button to view the extract in a new screen and view data in a more readable format via Focus.
Click the Go back link to navigate from the HTML View of the extract back to the Generate Staff Extracts screen.

As displayed, this initial extract is currently Unlocked meaning that data can be updated, edited, and the extract regenerated. If data needs to be temporarily frozen, the data can be locked using the Lock Initial button.
To export the extract displayed on this screen to an excel spreadsheet, you can click the floppy disk Save icon located directly next to the number of records.
Data on this screen can be reorganized and resorted by clicking on the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
13. For a complete history of users who have generated extracts, click Extract History.
Clicking Extract History will generate a pop-up screen that lists the Extract User, School Year, Survey, Extract, Mode, Process, Time and Date, and the Number of Records.
14. Send Via FTP is used when you are ready to send data to the state. Note: This button only displays if DOE FTP is chosen in the Format pull-down in step 6. When the files have been successfully sent, you will see a green check mark displayed as shown in the image.