The Department of Children and Families (DCF), working in collaboration with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and the Department of Education (DOE), will begin implementing the P-EBT program starting April 2021. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act allows for states to issue Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) as a supplemental benefit for households with children who have temporarily lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to pandemic-related school closures.
At a glance, this will be utilized to provide SNAP benefits for students that received free or reduced price meals for 2020-2021, were enrolled in innovative learning, and the student did not receive free or reduced meals at the school because the school was closed or operating with reduced attendance or hours for at least 5 consecutive days in the current school year.
For district schools files submitted must follow the naming convention: <DN>.PEBT2.<SUBMISSION_INDICATOR> [where: DN = DISTRICT NUMBER; SUBMISSION_INDICATOR = 042021 (for period 1), 052021 (for period 2), 072021 (for period 3)] Example: Leon County 1st submission: 37.PEBT2.042021.xls
For charter schools files submitted must follow the naming convention: <DN>_PEBT2_<SUBMISSION_INDICATOR> [where: DN = DISTRICT NUMBER; SUBMISSION_INDICATOR = 042021 (for period 1), 052021 (for period 2), 072021 (for period 3)] Example: Leon Example - 37_0400_PEBT2_042021.xls
Files will be uploaded to: (charter schools have a different location for their data submissions) and adhere to the applicable submission deadlines.
Below, please find the file structure and required certification form to accompany each data submission:
If you have any questions or concerns above the above information, please contact the Florida Department of Education.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click P-EBT Data Collection.

2. Select the desired submission window from the pull-down.
3. Select the All Schools check box to pull students from all schools into the report. If the check box is left cleared, the report will pull students from the selected school (from the school pull-down located in the header).

The All Schools option is not visible on the P-EBT Data Collection screen when you have a charter school selected in your top-right school pull-down. If All Schools is selected and Generate P-EBT Records is clicked, charter school records are not generated.
4. Select the Generate with Override Records Only check box to generate the latest P-EBT records while deleting the previous records.

5. Click Generate P-EBT Records. This process will pull any students who meet the criteria into the report.

a. In the pop-up, click Confirm.

6. Once records have been generated, you can edit the information in the file by clicking into any field.
Changes will be highlighted in yellow. Click the Save Records button to record your changes.

If you re-Generate P-EBT Records, any previously generated and adjusted records will be overwritten.
7. Once all desired adjustments have been made to the generated records, click Download File to download the file to your computer. From here, you can upload the file to the FLDOE.
The No of days enrolled in innovative program derives its value from the scheduled days; it does not factor in attendance.

Which Students are Included?
Due to the variances in the use of the Instructional Method logging field and local fields between districts, the P-EBT Data Collection process will utilize the following two default indicators to flag students for submission:
- Student is scheduled into a course where the schedule record has a Location of Student of I - The student is not in a district facility; innovative instruction course.
- Student has a Free/Reduced Meals Program not equal to 0 or 1.

To accompany the default logic, we also included a new PEBT Override logging field. If the district would like to add or remove any student that the Focus extract pulls by default, they can use this field for that purpose for any of the three reporting periods.

The PEBT Override logging field was installed by default to the Fed State student category. You will need to grant profile permission to view and edit this new system field.