Documentation for Administrators

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

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The Combined Student FTE Records (Claims) screen aids districts in determining if the correct students have been claimed for FTE. Once your district gets the file from the DOE, your district has to send the file back with the students (and FTE) that are being claimed. For example, if a student shows up as being in two districts during survey week at the DOE via the Survey 2 extracts, the DOE allows the districts to determine which district was the responsible district for that week.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Combined Student FTE Records (Claims).

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

2. Select the Survey from the pull-down.

3. Click Import CLAIMS File to import the claims file from DOE.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

4. Click Record Details to view a pop up of the student's survey records so that the district can better determine if they should claim the student or not.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

The pop-up displays the District Number, Instruction; School Number, Instruction; School Year; Survey; District of Enrollment; Last Name; First Name; Date of Birth; Age; Grade; District Number, Enrollment; School Number, Enrollment; Sort Indicator; FLEID; Course Number; Section Number; Start Period; End Period; FEFP Number; FTE Reported; Class Minutes Weekly; School Number, FTE; Term; Recalibrated FTE; Calculation; Prorate ID; Funding Group; Dual Enrollment Indicator; Virtual FTE Estimate; Middle Name; Sec; and Claim Indicator.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

5. Click the Student ID number to view Student Info in a pop-up window.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

6. Select the Claim Student check box to claim the student for FTE.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

7. Select an Export Type from the pull-down. Select Download Claim File to download the file to your computer or select FTP Claim File.

8. Click Export CLAIMS File to process the file based on the export type selected.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)
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