Focus will report any student:
a. who was in membership at any time during the school year.
b. who was expected to attend school but did not enter as expected, code DNE.
c. for whom a Diploma Type of W43, W45 or W52 is being reported on the Student End of Year Status record.
d. who was identified as migrant ages 0-21, was not enrolled in school and has not graduated from high school, 9997.
e. who has been identified as disabled and received services provided by a district through a services plan, 9996.
f. who participated in a Title I program at a private school, 9995. No McKay Scholarship students will be reported unless they attended a course in the school district or received services through a services plan--ESE record.
Focus will report each PK-12th grade student in membership in the school district at any time during the school year. Focus will only send McKay students taking a course in the school district or who receives services through a services plan. DNE’s will not be sent.
Focus will report each PK-12 student who was in membership in any school or enrolled in any course in the district from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period, as well as any student who withdrew between school years, this includes N998 and N999 students.
Focus will report Withdrawal Codes other than ZZZ for all students. If no withdrawal code is present, Focus will use W01 for all underclassmen and the withdrawal code equivalent to the diploma type or certificate of completion for seniors.
Focus will report any PK-12 student who has an Exceptionality, and/or a Primary code other than Z, who also maintains a placement status of P or T.
Focus will report the last documented primary exceptionality and other exceptionality that was assigned to the student for any student dismissed from all programs during the year.
Focus will also report any student with Placement Status: R, E, I, or N. If any of the exceptionalities associated with these codes are listed more than once, Focus will pull only one instance. Similarly, if there is another exceptionality with a status of R, E, I, or N that also has a record with the same exceptionality, and contains a status of P or T that is the primary, the exceptionality will not be pulled in for other exceptionality.
Focus will report a separate record for each occurrence of the discipline/resultant action for each student receiving a discipline/resultant action from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period, unless the record has a SESIR incident with an Incident, Involvement Type of N or U.
Focus will report each SESIR incident. For each incident of Unsubstantiated Bullying (UBL) and Unsubstantiated Harassment (UHR) occurring on school campus, at school-sponsored events occurring off campus, on school-sponsored transportation, or at bus stops, at any time of the year, twenty-four hours a day, as recorded in Focus. SESIRs documented from the first day of school through the start of the next school year, will be reported.
Focus will report each student in KG-12 membership identified as LY, LF, or LP pending assessment.
For LY students, grades KG-02 report the aural/oral test scores (Listening and Speaking, not Reading and Writing) that determined the student eligible and in need of services as recorded in Test History via LEP Info.
For LY students, grades 03-12 report aural/oral test scores in the test fields for Listening and Speaking and also report Reading and Writing test scores for students who tested proficient in aural/oral skills based on assessment as recorded in Test History via LEP Info.
For LF students, report exit test information as appropriate for the students English Language Learners--not including CELLA, Test Forms 1 and 2, and FCAT scores as these are already available to DOE.
In Survey 5, in the Dropout Prevention Program Data format, report students who were served at any time during the school year. For students participating in more than one program, school, or term, record the code for each program, in each term, at each school in which the student participates.
To prevent errors when reporting this information to the FLDOE, only enter one record for each school and program, even if the student came and left multiple times.
- Disciplinary Programs
- Education Services in DJJ Programs
- Alternative to Expulsion Programs
- Programs where students are in a county or city jail are provided services w/ Title 1 Part D funds
- Non-School Institution for Neglected or Delinquent Students
- Teenage Parent Programs
- Dropout Retrieval Programs
- At-Risk Program
To enter Dropout Prevention data, you must first select the applicable student. From the student demographic screen, select the applicable category (Districts vary, but normally this information is housed in a category called Dropout Prevention or DOP).

For accurate Focus Florida State Reporting, Dropout Prevention Program information should be entered into the DOP Programs logging field (custom_20009054).
Focus will report a record for each program in which the student was enrolled for any length of time. The School Year field designates the academic year. Focus will only pull records where the academic year is the same as the current school year, the record is marked as Primary, and the start/enrollment date on the record is less than or equal to the effective date for the extract.
Florida clients must enter the following information: School Year, Program, Reason, Enroll Date, and Drop Date. If the district populates Days Attended, those values will be used to calculate the days in the extract file. If the district does not populate a value here, Focus will auto-populate the days in the extract from the Enroll Date and Drop Date.
Action, Reason, and Teen Child Weight are not reported at all, and some fields are only required for DJJ programs.
Focus will report each student who participated in a Title I Targeted Assistance, Title I Local Neglected, Title I Homeless, Title I/Title I Migrant, or Title III Immigrant Children and Youth education program during the school year and, if applicable, the summer session.
Focus Process
1. For each student, add a record for each Project Evaluation on the Federal/State Compensatory tab (Students > Student Info > Demographic tab > Federal/State Compensatory tab).
2. Focus will report students in private schools who participate in Title I programs provided by the district. Use School Number, Current Instruction/Service 9995 for these private school students.
3. Focus suggests creating a school with school number 9995. Add the students to this school and enter the data on the Federal/State Compensatory tab.

Focus will report all student course history records for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in the district during the School Year, including summer school courses, all courses transferred in from other schools, and courses taken for high school credit when the student was in grades below grade 9.
Focus Process
1. At the section level, the Course History Term is set. If sections do not have a term selected, the grades will not transfer to course history when teachers post grades for the respective marking period. In this example, Adv Pl Eng Comp grades will receive a course history flag of Y when teachers post semester grades. (Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Section > Course History Term field).
2. Course history records are designated with a Yes in the Course History column (Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank > Course History tab > Course History column).
3. High School Credit Courses taken prior to grade 9 should have one of the four course flags set to Ninth Grader (Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank > Course History tab > Select Show Florida Felids > Course Flag column(s)).

4. Industry Certification, vocational program code, and distance learning data filter from the Section level and Student Schedule into Course History. These fields can be manually updated in Course History as well. Clock hours (WDIS) will filter in from the student schedule records. (Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank > Course History tab > Select Show Florida Felids > WDIS and Industry Certification fields). Note: These fields are not part of the K-12 file.
Focus will report a record for any PK-12 students who were in membership in the district at any time during either the regular school year or its associated summer session; this includes students for whom a Diploma Type of W43, W45, or W52, is being reported. DNE students are also reported.
Focus may submit two records when a high school student leaves the PK-12 program and receives an Adult Standard High School Diploma (Diploma Type W43 or W52) or a State of Florida Diploma (GED) (Diploma Type W45). In this instance, one End of Year Status record will be submitted with Grade Level PK-12 and one with Grade Level 30-31.