The EWS (Early Warning System) module allows districts to quickly identify students that are struggling with attendance, suspensions, etc. and open the corresponding screens. For example, if a student is listed for Attendance below 90%, clicking the student's name will open the student's Absence Summary where the issue can directly be reviewed.
The following assessment short names and subject codes are considered in the logic of the report:
ELA Level 1 on State Assessment:
- FSA - RO
- FAA - 10
- FA1 - UB
- FA2 - UJ
- FST - P3, RS, 6H, 6I
Math Level 1 on State Assessment:
- FSA - MO
- FAA - 20
- FA1 - UC
- FA2 - UK
- FST - 9P, MS, 6J
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click EWS.

The EWS report offers lists, sorted by grade level, of students who qualify for any combination of the state-defined indicators, as shown in the first column below. The information shown is based on the filters at the top of the page, such as Effective Date.
Utilize the filters to further breakdown the report or you have the option to click the link to List All Students.
2. Select the Effective Date from the provided month, day, and year pull-downs or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.

3. Select the Discipline & Attendance Year from the provided pull-down.
4. Select a Course Years range from the corresponding pull-downs. If you need to pull data based on multiple school years, select a range here. If you only want to pull data for one year, select the same year from both pull-downs, as shown in the image.
To factor in grades earned in the previous school year as well as current grades, select the previous year from the first pull-down and the current year from the second pull-down.
5. Select the Course Terms for which data should be pulled. As shown in the image, you can select multiple terms.
6. Click Refresh Report.

7. Select any of the number links in any column to view the list of students who qualify for the selected criteria.
In the following example, Number of Students Enrolled for grade 09 was clicked.
a. Select the Current Year Discipline & Attendance Timeframe from the corresponding pull-down, such as FY (full year), S1 (semester 1), etc.

Once a timeframe is selected, review the report information, including Student name, Student ID number, Grade level, Num Indicators, Attendance Indicator, ELA Teacher, etc. Note: The grades shown here depend on the timeframe selected.
Legend of colors:
Light Green: Less than 10%
Yellow: Between 10% and 19%
Pink: All other values
Yellow if there is an ESE value
Yellow if there is an ELL value
Light Green: >=90 or 'A'
Yellow: >= 80 or 'B'
Pink: All other values
Light Green: 0 to 2 referrals
Yellow: 3 referrals
Pink: More than 3 referrals
Suspension Days
Light Green: 0 or 1 days
Yellow: 2 days
Pink: More than 2 days
Assessment Level
Pink: Level 1
Yellow: Level 2
Light Green: Levels 3-5
b. To include student alert icons on the report, select Show Alert Icons at the top of the screen, and click Refresh Report.

c. To open a student's record, click the Student name.

d. If your district utilizes SSS, click MTSS to open the most recent MTSS event for the selected student in a new tab.
See Bulk PMP Triggers for information on how to generate PMPs for students from the EWS screen based on specific criteria.

e. When your review is complete, click Back to Summary to return to the main EWS screen.

To export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to organize the listed data on any EWS screen.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
Data here can also be organized by clicking on any of the headers, such as Student or Num Indicators; click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, Student was clicked twice; therefore, the listed student names begins with V.