Focus will report each student who is enrolled at any time in October in a school that has the School Type set as Department of Juvenile Justice. The Neglected/Delinquent code is reported as the designated school's school number (Setup > School Information > School Type pull-down).
On the School Information screen, DJJ schools must have the School Type field correctly selected, as shown in the image below.

Student's will also pull if the Neglected/Delinquent student fields are set to any value; the corresponding fields will be used to populate the Neglected/Delinquent codes.
Report this number in survey period 9 for students who are ages 5-17 inclusive who resided or were present in an institution for neglected or delinquent children for at least one day during the designated 30 day count period in the reporting year. The count period (which may be set separately for each institution) is 30 consecutive calendar days, at least one of which falls within the month of October. Submit up to three eligible institutions on a Student Demographic Information format. Matching records are not required for these students in survey period 9.
Focus will report each student who was assigned to receive Title I Supplemental Educational Services with a State-approved provider, as per Title I Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA, at any time from the beginning of the school year through the survey period.