The FASTER module allows users to send student transcripts to other schools and colleges, as well as Bright Futures. Using FASTER, districts are also able to accept incoming transcripts from other districts, and much more.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

The following tabs are displayed: Incoming Requests, Send Requests, Incoming Transcripts, Outgoing Transcripts, Aging Reports, Reports & Logs, and Setup.
Incoming Requests: School or college is requesting information on a student.
Send Requests: Your school is requesting information from another district.
Incoming Transcripts: A request for a transcript is being sent to you.
Outgoing Transcripts: To send a transcript out to a Florida high school or college.
Aging Reports: To obtain a listing of all Outgoing/Incoming Aging records.
Reports & Logs: To obtain a listing of all Edit/Aging/User/Bright Futures reports as well as a listing of all Outgoing and Log files.
Setup: To define District Wide comments that will be sent on every student’s transcript.
2. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab.
3. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab, if more than one tab displays.

4. To view transcripts sent for a specific student, enter the full or partial student name or Student ID in the Student text box.
a. Click More Search Options to define a subset of students based on shared data, such as grade level, a scheduled course, etc.
5. Set a date range using the Report Timeframe pull-downs.

6. You can limit the display to only those records that fall within the Report Timeframe by selecting the Only Use Report Timeframe check box.
7. Select the Errors Only check box to only view outgoing transcripts records that contain an error. See Resolving Errors for more information.
8. Select the Exclude Bright Futures check box to exclude transcript records sent to Bright Futures.
9. Select the Exclude MSIX check box to exclude transcript records sent to MSIX.
10. Select the Transcript Status from the pull-down to view transcripts that are Pending, Sent, or Response Pending.
11. Select the Addressed Institution from the pull-down to view transcripts sent to a specific institution, such as Talented 20.
12. If looking for transcripts sent based on a Student Group, select the group from the corresponding pull-down.
13. Select the Search All Schools check box to search for students at all schools.
14. Select the Include Inactive Students to include inactive students in your search.
a. If you select to Include Inactive Students, you can also Include Previous Years Inactive Students and/or Use Most Recent Enrollment by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
15. Click Search.
View all outgoing transcripts by Status, Full Name, Date Created, Gender, Birthdate, Student Identifier, Addressed Institution, and Sending Institution.
16. Select the check boxes next the applicable students to resend transcripts or delete an outgoing transcript record.
Select the check box in the header to select all listed students at once.
17. Click Resend Selected to resend transcripts that have already been sent. This is useful when resending transcripts that weren't successful due to an error. See Resolving Errors for more information.
18. Click Delete Selected to delete outgoing records.
19. Click the student name in the Full Name column to open Students > Student Info.
20. Click Export Current Outgoing Transcripts File to download a file of all outgoing transcripts.
21. Click Back to Search to return to the student search.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab.

3. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab, if more than one tab displays.

4. Click+ Add Outgoing Transcript.

5. Select the applicable options from the pull-down located along the top of the pop-up screen.
See the sections below for information on sending transcripts to Florida colleges, Bright Futures, etc. The options displayed and the options selected will differ depending on where the transcripts are being sent.
6. Click Next.

7. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
8. Select the check boxes for the applicable students for whom transcripts are to be sent.

Select the check box in the header to select all students listed.

9. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select FASTER COLLEGES from the Send to: pull-down.

The listed FASTER COLLEGES is maintained by Florida Reports > School List Setup.
3. Select the applicable college from the second school pull-down.

4. Select S00 for message type and Q01 for the message code.

For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
5. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
6. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
7. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
8. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select SPEEDE/ExPRESS COLLEGES or SPEEDE/ExPRESS OTHER from the Send to: pull-down.

The listed SPEEDE/ExPRESS COLLEGES are maintained by Florida Reports > School List Setup.
3. Once SPEEDE/ExPRESS COLLEGES is selected, the other pull-down will populate with corresponding colleges from which to choose. If SPEEDE/ExPRESS OTHER is selected, a text box becomes available instead of a pull-down where you can enter the name of the institution to dictate where transcripts should be sent.
4. Select S00 for message type and S01 for the message code.
For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
5. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
6. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
7. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
8. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select the county from the Send to: pull-down.
3. Select the school from the second pull-down once populated.
4. Select I00 for message type and Q01 for the message code.
For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
5. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
6. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
7. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
8. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created. You will then click the Close button.

9. Upon closing the pop-up window, you will be returned to the main FASTER screen where the outgoing transcripts selected will appear in the listed Outgoing Transcripts.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select BRIGHT FUTURES from the Send to: pull-down. Note: Bright Futures is normally selected by default.

3. Enter the Bright Futures Term in the provided text box. In the example shown, 0 is an acceptable Term. See the Format and Explanations columns in the Bright Futures Term section for more information.
4. Select S00 for Record Type Code and then select the appropriate message type code, such as Q01.
Separate Bright Future transmissions need to be made for different Term codes.
For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
5. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
6. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
7. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
FASTER has a 1GB limit on how many transcripts can be processed at one time. Focus processes 9000 transcripts per night.
8. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select MSIX from the Send to: pull-down.
3. Select the Record Type Code: I00 or S00 from the provided pull-down.
4. Select any of the Message Type Codes S01 - Q20 from the provided pull-down.
For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
5. Select the MSIX School Year.
6. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
7. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
8. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
9. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. When you select the + Add Outgoing Transcript option, a pop-up will display, as shown in the image shown.
2. Select Talented Twenty from the Send to: pull-down.
3. Enter the Talented 20 Term in the provided text box, such as 0 (zero).
4. Select the Record Type Code: I00 or S00 from the provided pull-down.
5. Select any of the Message Type Codes S01 - Q20 from the provided pull-down.
For information about these codes, see the Format and Explanation and the Code and Message columns.
6. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
7. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
8. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
9. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
The setting "Enable FASTER to "Hold" transcripts to send at a later date" must be enabled in the Setup tab in order to use this functionality.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab.

3. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab, if more than one tab displays.

4. Click+ Add Outgoing Transcript.

5. Select the applicable options from the pull-down located along the to of the pop-up screen.
See the following sections for information on sending transcripts to Sending to Florida Colleges that use FASTER, Sending to SPEEDE/ExPRESS, Sending to Florida School Districts, Sending Transcripts to Bright Futures, Sending Transcripts to MSIX, and Sending Transcripts to Talented Twenty.
The options displayed and the options selected will differ depending on where the transcripts are being sent.
6. Select the Hold Transcripts for Future Send check box to send the transcript at a later date.
7. Click Next.

8. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
9. Select the check boxes for the applicable students for whom transcripts are to be sent.

Select the check box in the header to select all students listed.

10. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER transcript was created.
The setting "Enable FASTER to "Hold" transcripts to send at a later date" must be enabled in the Setup tab in order to use this functionality.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Outgoing Transcripts tab.

3. Click the Held Transcripts tab.

4. To send transcripts for a specific student, enter part of the student's name or the Student ID in the Student text box.
a. Click More Search Options to define a subset of students based on shared data, such as grade level, a scheduled course, etc.
5. Set a date range using the Report Timeframe pull-downs.

6. You can limit the display to only those records that fall within the Report Timeframe by selecting the Only Use Report Timeframe check box.
7. Select the Errors Only check box to view held transcripts records that contain an error. See Resolving Errors for more information.
8. Select the Exclude Bright Futures check box to exclude transcript records sent to Bright Futures.
9. Select the Exclude MSIX check box to exclude transcript records sent to MSIX.
10. Select the Transcript Status from the pull-down to view transcripts that are Pending, Sent, or Response Pending.
11. Select the Addressed Institution from the pull-down to view transcripts sent to a specific institution, such as Talented 20.
12. If looking for transcripts sent based on a Student Group, select the group from the corresponding pull-down.
13. Select the Search All Schools check box to search for students at all schools.
14. Select the Include Inactive Students to include inactive students in your search.
a. If you select to Include Inactive Students, you can also Include Previous Years Inactive Students and/or Use Most Recent Enrollment by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
15. Click Search.
View all held transcripts by Status, Full Name, Date Created, Gender, Birthdate, Student Identifier, Addressed Institution, and Sending Institution.
16. Select the check boxes next the applicable students to send transcripts or delete a held transcript record.
Select the check box in the header to select all listed students at once.

17. Click Send Selected to send held transcripts.
18. Click Delete Selected to delete held records.
19. Click the student name in the Full Name column to open Students > Student Info.
20. Click Export Current Outgoing Transcripts File to download a file of all held transcripts.
21. Click Back to Search to return to the student search.
1. You may receive error messages after submitting outgoing transcripts.
2. To resolve these errors you must click on the yellow triangle next to the status.

Clicking on the yellow triangle expands the error and shows the record type, field, columns, description, and link to help to resolve the error.
3. Click on the student's name to open Students > Student Info to correct the data and save.
4. Once data has been corrected, you can resend transcripts by clicking the Resend button or by selecting each record using the check boxes, then clicking Resend Selected. If needed, you can also delete the record via the Delete button or by selecting each record using the check boxes, then clicking Delete Selected.
If the error is in the header of the record, the record must be deleted and resent. Be sure to double check the message type/code and/or SPEEDE/ExPRESS number.

1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Send Requests tab.

3. Click + Add Outgoing Request.

4. Next select the district and the school from the corresponding pull-downs from where you would like to request records.
5. The last two pull-downs are provided to select the appropriate request codes. For information on which codes to select, see the description for Record Type Codes and Request Type Codes.
6. When all information has been selected and entered, click the Next button to continue.
7. Enter the applicable information in order to conduct a student search, and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
8. Look at the list of students resulting from the search and use the check boxes to select the correct student(s).
9. Click the Next button to continue. A green checkmark with a message will appear stating the FASTER request was created.
For an up to date list of FASTER message codes please use the following link: FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Send Requests tab.

3. Set a Report Timeframe from the month, day, and year pull-downs to view all sent requests during a specific period of time.
4. Select the Student Group from the pull-down if searching for a specific set of students identified in a group. Note: Student groups are set up via Students > Student Groups.
5. Select the Show All Schools check box to view sent requests for students at all schools.
6. Click Go.
Here you can review the Status of the request, the student's Full Name, Date Created, Gender, Birthdate, Student Identifier, Addressed Institution, and Sending Institution.
7. If the status is Pending, you can click the delete button (black minus sign) to delete a request.

8. Click the student's name in the Full Name column to open Students > Student Info.

9. Click Export Current Outgoing Requests File to download a file of all sent requests.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Incoming Requests tab. Information will be populated here when another school is requesting information from you for a student.

3. Set the Report Timeframe using the month, day, and year pull-downs to view incoming requests over a specified time frame.
4. Select to Show All Schools using the corresponding check box.
5. Once all applicable options have been chosen, click Go.
6. To fill the request, click on the student’s name, which will allow Focus to search for a match for the student.
7. If the Student is located, click on the name again to complete the request.
8. If the Student is not located, click the This student doesn't exist button.
Clear the SSN and birthdate check boxes to find near matches.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Incoming Transcripts tab.

3. Set the Report Timeframe using the month, day, and year pull-downs to view incoming transcripts over a specified time frame.

4. You can select to Show All Schools using the corresponding check box.
5. Once all applicable options have been chosen, click Go.
4. Click the student's name in the Full Name column to begin importing the transcript records.
Each area of data that matches what is already in Focus will have a green check mark next to it.
5. If the data being imported from FASTER is different from the data that is currently in Focus, the box will not be checked and you have the option to select it or override it by clicking the Incorrect Student Matched button.
6. If the data being imported from FASTER does not exist in Focus, the check box will automatically be selected for import. To review all other data, be sure to click each tab and select the check boxes for correct data should be imported.
7. Once you have made your selections, click the Save Demographics button to import the data. You can also Print the data, if needed.
8. Click the FASTER Transcript tab to view and/or print the transcript. Then, click Print, if needed.
a. Click Open in a new window to view the transcript in another window.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Aging Report tab.

3. Set a date range using the Report Timeframe month, day, and year pull-downs.

4. You can select the check box to Show All Schools in the report.
5. Once all applicable options have been chosen, click Go.
6. In reviewing Aging Reports, you can click the corresponding tabs to view the Outgoing Aging Report or the Incoming Aging Report.
The Outgoing Aging Report displays students with outgoing transcript information and lists the students' Full Name, Student Identifier, Message Type, Sending Institution, Addressed Institution, Date Posted, Date Received, and the Receive Status.
The Incoming Aging Report display students with incoming transcript information and lists the students' Full Name, Student Identifier, Message Type, Addressed Institution, Sending Institution, and Date Posted.
The Reports & Logs tab only displays if you have access to all schools.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Reports & Logs tab.

3. The Reports & Logs tab contains several sub-tabs: Edit Reports, Aging Reports, Outgoing Files, User Report, Log Files, and Request SAT/ACT Files. Click on the desired tab for corresponding data. For more information on each tab, see the information below.
4. Click the Edit Reports tab to download the reports from FASTER.
a. Click the File name to open information regarding FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS, as shown in the image.
b. Click Download to download the report by clicking the button. A txt file downloads to your computer. To open the file, navigate to your download folder and use any standard text editor to open and display the downloaded file.
5. Click the Aging Reports tab to download the aging reports from FASTER.
a. Click the File name to open with information regarding FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS, as shown in the image.
b. Click Download to download the report by clicking the button. A txt file downloads to your computer. To open the file, navigate to your download folder and use any standard text editor to open and display the downloaded file.
6. Click the Outgoing Files tab to download the files transmitted through FASTER.
a. Click the File name to open with information regarding FLORIDA AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL RECORDS, as shown in the image.
b. Click Download to download the report by clicking the button. A txt file downloads to your computer. To open the file, navigate to your download folder and use any standard text editor to open and display the downloaded file.
7. Click the User Report tab to view an audit trail per user; what that user transmitted or received in the FASTER application is available for review.
a. Enter the user’s name in the User text box and select corresponding options, such as Search All Schools, etc. Then, click the Search button. You also have the option to click on the User List tab for a list of all users using FASTER.
b. As a result of the user search conducted, the user(s) will display along with profile information and associated schools. From this screen, click on the user’s name for a detailed audit trail.
8. Click the Log Files tab to display the daily cron job output. For more information on scheduled (cron) jobs, see Scheduled Jobs.
a. Set a date range using the Report Timeframe month, day, and year pull-downs. When the dates have been entered, click Go.
b. To see detailed information about each log record, click on the gray arrow as applied to the second log in the image.
9. Click the Request SAT/ACT Files tab to request, track, and download SAT/ACT import files.
a. Click Request Files to initiate the process of retrieving the SAT/ACT files as well as the "Error File."

b. Click Refresh History to refresh the page so you can see when the retrieval of the 3 files is finished upon requesting files. The "Received Date"column updates with the date/time when the retrieval process has finished.
c. Click the files in the Report Downloads to download ACT Scores, SAT Scores, and Error File[s].
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Setup tab to define district wide comments that will be sent on every student’s transcript.

3. Click the Comments tab.

4. Any existing comments will display. To add a new comment, in the empty row, add a Sort Order number, such as, 1, a Title, and the Comment.
5. When all information has been entered, press Enter or click the Save button to add the new comment.
6. Once added, you can delete the comment clicking the delete button (black minus sign).

7. Comments are automatically enabled; to disable, click Yes in the Enable column to clear the selected check box.

8. Click the desired field to edit the Title and/or Comment.
See the explanation of comments at the top of the screen: Up to 5 comment records can be sent on each student's transcript; this includes the student's own comment field and these comments that are district wide. For more information about FASTER comments click here. Note: The total number of characters for each of the 5 comment records is 960 characters.
9. Continue to add comments in the row leading with the black addition sign, as needed.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click FASTER.

2. Click the Setup tab.

3. Click the FASTER Setup tab.
4. Select the Enable FASTER to "Hold" transcripts to send at a later date check box to display the option to hold transcripts to be sent on a different date than the current date upon sending transcripts via Outgoing Transcripts.
5. Select the Allow FASTER to create requests/transcripts for students without 'Student Number Identifier, Florida' check box to allow requests and transcripts to be created for students who do not have "Student Number Identifier, Florida" defined.
6. Select the Word wrap when printing raw transcript file from FASTER check box to word wrap the raw transcript when printing through Incoming Transcripts.
7. Select the Do not send Immunization Records for Bright Futures Transcripts check box to exclude immunization records from outgoing transcripts to Bright Futures.
8. Select the Do not Rearrange Postsecondary Lab/Combined Course Numbers check box to not convert Lab/Combined course numbers when transmitting to FASTER (for example, reporting 'PHYL050' for 'PHY1050L').
9. Click Save.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
Use the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the resulting data. Start by adding one rule, such as Status Contains errors, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you’d like to filter by in the text box.
a. Click the Add Rule link to add an additional filter.
b. You can clear the filter by clicking the Clear Rules link.
c. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.

d. Select AND or OR from the corresponding pull-down to determine how filters are applied when using more than one filter.

Header Error:
Error: Header Error means that something was incorrect in the sending file to the institution.
1. Double check that the sending institution is correct.
2. Delete the record.
3. Try sending through the Commonly Used schools. OR if sent through FASTER Schools, try SPEEDE/ExPRESS or vice versa.
Course Number:
Error: Course Number means that something was incorrect with one of the Courses sent with the student’s information.
1. Verify the Course is valid for the school year.
a. If the State made changes to a Course Number, this will need to be changed in the Course Catalog to prevent schools using the number.
2. Click on the Student’s Name.
3. Go to the Grades sub-menu.
4. Turn on Filters.
5. Find the incorrect course and replace it with the correct Course Number.