The Enrollment Discrepancies module helps to identify and correct enrollment errors that may affect data and state extracts, as well as the calculation of attendance. Errors displayed for review and modification include Missing/Incorrect Attendance Calendars, Missing/Incorrect Grade levels, and All Enrollment Records Marked as Second School.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Enrollment Discrepancies.

2. This navigates to the Enrollment Discrepancies screen where data will only be pulled for the selected school, i.e. the school you are logged into via the school pull-down located in the header. If needed, to pull data for all schools, select the check box to Include All Schools.
The information at the top of the screen explains the purpose of this program, which is to attempt to identity and correct enrollment errors that may skew the results of reports. The errors displayed include: Missing/Incorrect Attendance Calendars, Missing/Incorrect Gradelevels, and All Enrollment Records Marked as 'Second School.'
The report displays the Student ID (Local), FLEID, Student Full Name, Enrolled School, Enrollment Start Date, Enrollment End Date, Current Grade Level, Enrolled School Grade Level(s), the Current Calendar, Enrolled School Calendar(s), and whether the school listed is the Second School. Note: If data is missing there is an "open" field where the data can be corrected.
3. Click the Student ID number to open the Student Info screen in a pop-up window.
4. The values listed in the Current Grade Level and Current Calendar columns are able to be updated with the pull-down menus located in the corresponding Enrolled columns: Enrolled School Grade Level(s) and Enrolled School Calendar(s). Note: The pull-down menu is available only if the current value for that field differs from the expected value or if the value missing, providing an opportunity to resolve the discrepancy.
5. Clicking on the value displayed in the Second School column displays a check box that toggles between Yes and No to set a school as secondary, or not.

6. Click Save to finalize any adjustments made.
Click the floppy disk icon to an Excel spreadsheet where you can then save it to your computer for future reference, if needed.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.