The School Grade Scheduler Reports help schools improve school grades by comparing students' test scores to courses the students have not requested and/or have not scheduled.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click School Grade Scheduler Reports.

2. Select the All Schools check box to pull data from all schools, not just the school selected from the pull-down (located in the header).

3. Select the check box to Include Inactive students in the report.
4. Select Include Second School to include students who are simultaneously enrolled in two schools in the report. For example, if a student is attending a high school for core classes, but also attends a technical school as a second school for electives, selecting to Include Second School would ensure the information tagged to the student's technical school is also displayed.
5. Select Use Previous Year's GPA to use the previous year's GPA for the reports. This is useful when scheduling for the upcoming school year and GPAs are not available under the new school year.
6. Click the applicable report located in the left hand panel; options include Level 1 or 2 Students Not in Intensive Reading, Students not requested for Dual Enrollment, Students not scheduled for Advanced Placement, Students not scheduled for Dual Enrollment, and Students with no requests for Advanced Placement.

Level 1 or 2 Students Not in Intensive Reading
The Level 1 or 2 Student Not in Intensive Reading report displays a listing of students who have received an "Achievement Level" score on the FST test of a 1 or 2 but have not been scheduled into an Intensive Reading course to help improve their reading skills.
1. Click the Level 1 or 2 Students Not in Intensive Reading tab.

The report displays the Student, Student ID, Grade level, Cohort, School, FST Score SS, FST Score AL, FSA Score SS, FSA Score AL, FA1 Score SS, FA1 Score AL, FA2 Score SS, and FA2 Score AL.
2. Click the Student name to open the Test History screen in a new tab.
Students not requested for Dual Enrollment
The Students not requested for Dual Enrollment report displays a list of students that have no schedule requests for dual enrollment courses and shows what said students scored on select Standardized Tests (FSA, PERT, SAT & ACT).
1. Click the Students not requested for Dual Enrollment tab.

The report displays the Student, the Student ID, the Grade level, School, Cohort year, FSA (Test Title: Score), PERT Tests (Test Title: Score), SAT Reasoning Tests (Test Title: Score), ACT (Test Title: Score), and ACT, Enhanced (Test Title: Score). Test scores display in blue.
2. Click the Student name to open the Test History screen in a new tab.
Students not scheduled for Advanced Placement
The Students not scheduled for Advanced Placement report displays a list of students that have no schedule requests for AP courses and shows what said students scored on certain Standardized Tests (AP & FSA).
1. Click the Students not scheduled for Advanced Placement tab.

The report displays the Student, the Student ID, Grade level, School, Cohort year, AP Tests (Test Title: Score), and FSA (Test Title: Score).
2. Click the Student name to open the Test History screen in a new tab.
Students not scheduled for Dual Enrollment
The Students not scheduled for Dual Enrollment report displays a list of students that have no current schedule records for dual enrollment courses and shows what said students scored on select Standardized Tests (FSA, PERT, SAT & ACT).
1. Click the Students not scheduled for Dual Enrollment tab.

The report displays the Student, Student ID, Grade level, School, Cohort year, FSA (Test Title: Score), PERT Tests (Test Title: Score), SAT Reasoning Tests (Test Title: Score), ACT (Test Title: Score), and ACT, Enhanced (Test Title: Score).
2. Click the Student name to open the Test History screen in a new tab.
Students with no requests for Advanced Placement
The Students with no requests for Advanced Placement report displays a list of students that have no current schedule records for AP courses and shows what said students scored on certain Standardized Tests (AP & FSA).
1. Click the Students with no requests for Advanced Placement tab.

The report displays the Student, the Student ID, the Grade level, the School, the Cohort year, AP Tests (Subject Code: Score), and FSA (Test Title: Score). Test scores display in blue.
2. Click the Student name to open the Test History screen in a new tab.
Utilize the Search text box at the top of the panel by typing the name of a tab to quickly navigate from one tab to another.

To close the panel, click the X. Doing so will allow for more room on the screen, which will be helpful when viewing reports. To make the panel reappear, click the arrow where the panel used to display.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to organize the listed errors.
a. To add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.