The purpose of the HOPE Scholarship Notification is to report the number of HOPE Scholarship Program parent notification forms given per school. This information will be collected in the SESIR format. The Hope Scholarship Incident Process will automatically generate HSN Incidents per school based upon the numeric value entered into the Number of Hope Scholarship system school field.
1. From the Florida Reports menu, click Hope Scholarship Incident Process.

2. Select the Dry Run (No Incidents Will Be Inserted) check box.

3. Click Run Process to view a report of the number of incidents that will be added when the process is run.
The report displays the following columns:
School: The report will list all schools within the district.
School Field Count: The School Field Count will list the value from the Number of Hope Scholarships school system field for the school.
Current Incident Count: The Current Incident Count will display the number of HSN Incidents in the default school year at the school.
Number Process Will Insert: The Number Process Will Insert will display the number of HSN Incidents that will be inserted by the process when run.
4. To run the process, clear the selected Dry Run (No Incidents Will Be Inserted) check box click Run Process. Once completed, a confirmation message displays along with an output report of the number of HSN incidents inserted.
The Hope Scholarship Incident Process will only insert HSN Incidents, it will not delete HSN Incidents if the number of Hope Scholarship Notifications in the system school field is less than the number of HSN Incidents present at the school. Discrepancies will appear as negative numbers in the Number Process Will Insert column in the dry-run report.