Documentation for Administrators

12.0.2 - 06/03/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-38210- Add unofficial PO to requisition

System improvement adding 'Unofficial' watermark to a requisition pending approval. To enable: Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Accounts Payable - 'Print Pending Requisitions.'

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable, Purchase Requests/Orders, and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders for more information.

FOCUS-38175- Product List Limits

System Enhancement to the Internal Accounts Product List adding the ability to: Limit product by grade level, GPA, quantity, and/or restrict outstanding invoice obligations by due date. To enable: SIS> System preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing 'Enable Shopping Cart Product List Restrictions'. To enable profile permissions: SIS > Users > User Profiles > Billing > Product List.

See Setup > System Preferences > Billing tab and Product List for more information.

FOCUS-38155- Purchase Requests/Orders> Add 'Contract Number'

System improvement adding 'Contract' number to Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchasing > Purchase Requests/Orders. The contract number will print on the Purchase order and is searchable on Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Reports > Purchase Request/Order Report.

See Purchase Requests/Orders, Internal Purchase Requests/Orders, and Purchase Request/Order Report for more information.

FOCUS-38356- Speed up query on Purchase & Pay


FOCUS-37997- Applicant Tracking - Restrict User View By Account Strip Permission

System improvement to Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Job Postings > Applicants: limiting user view by account strip permissions.


FOCUS-38405- Communication: New Communication Tools Report

This enhancement adds a comprehensive Communication Tools report allowing administrators to track outbound messages (chat/email) from end-users. The report displays the message content with features allowing admins to easily flag message content and more. For customers leveraging the Call Out System, this report tracks all SMS and phone calls (please reference the notable changes 12.0.0 release notes for additional information).

FOCUS-38375- Communication: New Teacher Staff Messaging to Defined Admin Profiles

This enhancement allows teachers to message administrators associated with their school through Communication. Only administrator profiles with permission for "Include Profile in Messaging Search" will display.

See Communication for more information about these changes.

FOCUS-38363- EdFi: Resolve Instructional Hours in Output

Only applicable to Arizona State Reporting customers. This branch resolves an issue in the calculation of enrollment instructional hours on schedule reports in EdFi.

FOCUS-38343- Communication: All Schools Access to Templates

This branch ensures appropriate school selection options are displayed in Communication Templates for administrators with all schools access.

FOCUS-38312- Rollover: Associate Standards with Courses in Next Year

This branch resolves an issue where not all standards were properly aligned to courses in the next year during the Rollover process.

FOCUS-38287- Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: Clicking Grade Directs to Incorrect Section

This branch resolves an issue where an end-user was directed to the incorrect section when clicking the grades link on a student's Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank, Detailed View.

FOCUS-38277- Gradebook: Resolve Error Editing Assignment

This branch resolves an issue where a Teacher received an error attempting to update a Gradebook Assignment due to unsupported HTML being present in the assignment description.

FOCUS-38271- Communication: Email Subject Field

This enhancement to the Communication module allows end-users to customize the email subject when sending messages.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information about these changes.

FOCUS-38262- Attendance: Absences by Course & Student Performance Improvement

This branch adjusts how student photos are displayed in the Attendance Absences by Course and by Student report to improve performance.

FOCUS-38256- Audit Trail: Improve Display of Test History Adjustments in Student Audit Trail

This branch improves the display of changes made to a student's Test History record. Moving forward the Standardized Test display name vs. the ID will be presented to end-users when viewing changes to student test history records through the Audit Trail.

FOCUS-38239- View Full SSN: Support Feature with Negative Student IDs

This branch resolves an issue where end-users without "View Full SSN" permissions would receive an "Invalid SSN" message for students with negative student IDs in the applicant school.

FOCUS-38186- Student Fields: Adjustment to Schema for 'Placement Info'

This branch includes a migration to set the custom field flag to "System" for the Placement Info logging field (alias = custom_2015073101)

FOCUS-38183- Grad Req. Report: Improve Logic for Foreign Language

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch improves the logic associated with the Scholar and Biliteracy sections of the Graduation Requirements Reports for recognizing appropriate course numbers associated as the "same" language. Additionally, this branch ensures all appropriate Middle School level foreign language courses are only counted towards the Foreign Language requirements if one of the Course Flags has a value of "9."

FOCUS-38167- Discipline: Improve Display of Inactive Users listed as Reporter in Referrals

If a user listed as the Reporter on a Discipline Referral was inactivated, their name would no longer be visible in the referral. This branch ensures the name of the user displays as expected in the Reporter regardless of enrollment state, but ensures a referral cannot be entered new with an inactive user selected as the Reporter.

FOCUS-38085- [Enh Rqst] Add Ability to Discard Assessments

Only applicable to customers using Focus Assessments. This enhancement adds a Discard option to the Participation Report. When clicked the student's test attempt will be deleted and the test link will reopen for the student. Discard tests is associated with a new profile permission for administrators.

See District Assessments > Participation for more information about this change.

FOCUS-37947- Attendance: Correct count of Attendance Alerts vs. Teacher Completion Report

This branch fixes an issue with attendance alerts which caused a discrepancy with the Teacher Completion Report.

FOCUS-37891- Mobile App: Error Opening Assignments

Only applicable to customers using the Community Mobile App. This branch resolves an issue where teachers could not open and edit a Gradebook assignment.

FOCUS-37594- School Choice: Performance Improvement to School Choice Report

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch improves the load time of the School Choice Report.

FOCUS-37047- Student Fields: Improve Change Request Field Feature for Logging Fields

This branch adds support for Change Requests on field changes to a student logging field.

FOCUS-37564- Add a Student: Hide Drop Date and Drop Code fields

The Drop Date and Drop Code on Add a Student will no longer display to end-users regardless of the "Show all enrollment fields on Add a Student" system preference setting. Please note this does not impact the ability of end-users to withdraw students from other schools during the enrollment process with appropriate profile permission.


FOCUS-38326- SSS Mass Print Events - Performance optimization

This fix addresses slowness when printing SSS events in bulk.

FOCUS-38251- Enable 1 goal per domain validation for non-Focus events

This enhancement adds a new SSS sys preference on the SSS > General screen called Require one goal per domain/subject area in custom events. This setting adds a validation on custom events using the custom goals and objectives screen to ensure 1 goal is set for each present level/domain.

See General for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-38196- Add an option to allow parents to edit specific form components

This enhancement adds an option to the formbuilder editor where a component can be marked as Enable for Parents. When this toggle is enabled the component will be available for parents to edit in the new Student Services area on the parent portal.

See Form Builder > Adding Components and Presets to a Form and Student Services (for parents) for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-38145- Section 504 button color does not work when selecting an initial program

This fix addresses an issue of the Section 504 Program tab not displaying in the color selected in the SSS > Setup > Program Tab > Primary Color .

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