FOCUS-47610- feat(fixed-assets): add setting to skip transfer confirmation during inventory
This system enhancement introduces a setting that takes away the transfer confirmation pop up during take inventory. The setting "Bypass transfer request confirmation during inventory" will automatically transfer the asset to the current location when selected with the confirmation popup. To enable: ERP > Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets.
FOCUS-47016- feat(accounts-payable): add more granular element exclusions
This system enhancement modifies the "Apply To" field within the Element Exclusions section of the Accounts Payable settings. The dropdown for the "Apply To" field has been upgraded to a multi-select option, allowing users to choose from various types of purchase orders.
See Settings > Accounts Payable > Element Exclusions for additional information.
FOCUS-46326- Human Resources_Applicant Tracking Onboarding Changes
In this system enhancement a new button has been introduced to facilitate the selection of onboarding groups and to allow users to adjust their sort order as needed.
See Setup > Profiles > Setup tab and Job Posting Setup > Onboarding Groups for more information.
FOCUS-47847- Attendance: Display Correct Totals using Custom Timeframe on Print Absence Summary
This update resolves an issue with Print Absence Summary where the output did not correctly reflect attendance based on the custom timeframe entered. With this update, the report now accurately includes attendance records within the specified date range.
FOCUS-47844- Respect School Min Syear Setting in Address Catalog
This update ensures that the School Info Min Syear setting is properly enforced when selecting schools within the Address Catalog, preventing the selection of schools outside the defined year range.
FOCUS-47833- Class Rank: New 'Magnet' Include in Class Rank Option
This update introduces a new Class Rank grouping called "Magnet" to the Include in Class Rank student enrollment system field, allowing for more precise classification and ranking of students in magnet programs.
FOCUS-47827- Attendance: Correct Totals in Absence Summary for Attendance Codes with Lowercase Characters
This update resolves an issue in the Absence Summary where certain attendance codes were being ignored due to character case mismatching. The issue specifically affected attendance codes containing lowercase characters. With this update, all attendance codes are now recognized correctly, ensuring accurate reporting.
FOCUS-47825- Student Search: Display Gradelevel Search Widget by Default
This update introduces an enhancement that adds the grade level widget to Student Info and all other student search screens by default. This adjustment makes it easier for users to filter and search for students based on grade level, improving efficiency in navigating student records.
See Searching for Students (Admin) and Searching for Students (Teachers) for more details.
FOCUS-47814- Report Cards: Display Correct School in Header in Published Report Cards in Parent Portal
This branch resolves an issue where the incorrect school was displayed on a student's published report card when viewed by a parent.
FOCUS-47810- Post Standard Grades: Evaluate Grade Based on Top Right Quarter, Even for Semester and Full Year Gradebooks
This branch improves the behavior of posting standard grades when a teacher uses a running gradebook for a semester or full year. Before the branch, if a teacher used a semester or full-year gradebook when posting standard grades, the grade calculated as of the current quarter would post for the previous quarter. With the branch, assignment due dates are compared to marking period dates so that grades are accurately posted for the previous quarter.
FOCUS-47794- Scheduled Jobs: Adding New Tests to Basic Skill Assessment Job (CTE FL)
This branch improves the built-in scheduled job called "Basic Skills Assessment" for Postsecondary customers in Florida by adding support for PERT (PER), ACT, and SAT tests to the Basic Skills Assessment process.
See Scheduled Jobs for more information.
FOCUS-47791- Advanced Report: Adding Restriction Reasons to Advanced Report
This branch resolves an issue in Students Advanced Reports where the Reenrollment Restriction Reason would not display, even when present on Student Info. With this update, the Reenrollment Restriction Reason now correctly appears in Advanced Reports when included.
FOCUS-47776- Communication Platform: Do not Include Finance Fields if Finance Not Enabled
This branch improves the Communication Platform by ensuring finance-related fields are only available when finance is enabled. Previously, sites without finance enabled could still see finance fields when adding fields to a communication message. With this update, finance fields will only display if finance is enabled for the site.
FOCUS-47761- Scheduling: Ensure Future Date Withdrawn Students Still Appear on Teacher Schedules Report/Room Schedules Report
This branch resolves an issue where students with a future end date, but who are still considered active today, were not appearing on the Teacher Schedules Report or Room Schedules Report. With this update, those students now display as expected.
FOCUS-47746- School Choice: New "Hide Upload Files" Customize Application Setting
This enhancement to the School Choice Module adds a new "Hide Upload Field?" option to the Customize Application preferences. This setting is disabled by default to maintain existing functionality. When enabled, the Upload File section will be hidden on the applicable Choice Application.
See School Choice Setup > Setting Preferences for more information.
FOCUS-47733- Gradebook: Add Comments to Parent/Student View of Proficiency Gradebooks
This enhancement allows parents to view assignment grade comments in the Parent Portal for users of the Proficiency Gradebook. Previously, this functionality was only available for non-proficiency gradebook configurations. With this update, parents can now see assignment comments directly from the Grades (Assignment) screen.
FOCUS-47719- Administration: 'All' option not showing all students when printed
This branch resolves an issue in Attendance > Administration where selecting "All" students before printing was not correctly applied, causing the printed output to exclude certain students. With this update, the "All" selection is properly honored when printing attendance records.
FOCUS-47696- Communication Platform: Fit Tables to Page Print Option
This branch adds a new "Fit Tables to Page" option to the Communication Platform when printing letters. When selected, this option automatically adjusts tables to fill the width of the page, ensuring better formatting and improved readability in printed letters.
See Communication (Admin) > Printing & Previewing Messages, Communication (Teachers) > Printing & Previewing Messages, and Student Info > Printing Forms and Letters.
FOCUS-47684- Scheduled Jobs: Ensure Zoned Schools Updates for Parsed Address Scheduled Job
This branch improves the behavior of the Parsed Addresses scheduled job by enhancing its logic to better determine when updated or new records need to be added to the address_zoned_schools table, ensuring accurate zoning information by school year.
FOCUS-47630- Conference Requests: Lower Environment Portal Alert Link Redirects to Production
This branch resolves an issue where, when logged in as a parent on a non-production instance, clicking the Request Conference alert in the Parent Portal would incorrectly redirect the user to the production instance. With this update, the alert will correctly direct the user to the appropriate environment, allowing the feature to be properly tested in non-production environments.
FOCUS-47605- Utah February Snapshot 2025
This snapshot was created to introduce the 'Ready to Sign' permissions to the Utah User Profile Permisions screen on all programs.
FOCUS-47572- Student Request Page Saving Error
This branch resolves an issue with the new Student Requests screen. Previously, when adding multiple rows using the new auto-save functionality, if one row triggered an error, the resulting pop-up would block the successful addition of other valid rows. With this update, only the row with the error is blocked, allowing valid rows to be added as expected.
FOCUS-47450- Scheduling: Loading Reports, Unfilled Requests Link Opens Student Schedule
This branch improves the Scheduling module by updating the behavior of the Courses with Unfilled Requests tab in Loading Reports. Previously, clicking the Number of Unfilled Requests opened the Student Requests page. With this update, clicking the Number of Unfilled Requests will now open the Student Schedule page instead, providing quicker access to scheduling adjustments.
See Loading Reports > Viewing the Courses with Unfilled Requests Report link for more information.
FOCUS-47446- Communication Platform: Add Sort On Feature to Templates
This branch enhances the Communication Platform templates by adding a new column, "# of Times Used," which tracks how many times the current user has used each template. Additionally, a new "Sort On" option has been added, allowing users to sort templates by Title, Date Created, or # of Times Used, providing more flexibility when managing templates.
See Communication (Admin) > Templates and Communication (Teachers) > Templates for more information.
FOCUS-47412- Gradebook: Fix Invalid Standards Pop-Up Bypass
This branch resolves an issue for customers using the Proficiency Gradebook where teachers could bypass the required "Assign Standards" popup by clicking on the gray background area. With this update, the popup must be properly acknowledged, ensuring teachers assign required standards before proceeding.
FOCUS-47188- Scheduling: Ensure Highly Qualified Status Fields Are Greyed Out on Co-Teacher's Master Schedule Report
This branch ensures that when the preference "Automatically determine Highly Qualified status for class sections" is enabled, the "Highly Qualified" and "Cert/Licensure/Qual Status" fields are correctly greyed out on the Co-Teacher's Master Schedule Report. Previously, this functionality was applied to the Master Schedule Report for Sections and Courses & Sections but was not reflected on the Co-Teacher's report. This update resolves that inconsistency.
See Master Schedule Report > Viewing the Co-Teacher Sections Tab for more information.
FOCUS-46752- Student Groups: New Preference Setting for Visibility Based on School Permissions
This update introduces a new system preference, "Make Student Groups available based on Users School Permissions," to control student group visibility based on school permissions. When enabled, users will only see student groups for schools they are assigned to, restricting visibility of group details to authorized schools. When disabled, the current functionality remains, allowing student groups to be visible across schools. The preference will be disabled by default to maintain existing behavior.
FOCUS-46603- Online Application: Ensure Attached Communication Templates Run through Translations
This branch ensures that emails, such as the Confirmation Email, attached to the Online Application originating from templates in the Communication Platform are processed through the Translations API. This ensures the emails sent to families align with the language preference set in their portal account.
FOCUS-45071- New Single Sign On Setup Features
This update introduces a new Single Sign-On setup screen, moving SSO configurations previously located in System Preferences to a dedicated screen under the Setup menu. This new screen simplifies the management of SSO configurations (including LDAP and SAML) and also allows Focus to act as an Identity Provider for third-party applications (such as LMS platforms) and other Focus non-production instances, like state reporting survey sites. When Focus is configured as the Identity Provider, assigned users can access these third-party applications directly from the Portal Page in Focus. To maintain existing permissions, any profiles with the "Configure Single Sign-On" sub-permission in System Preferences will automatically have the "Edit" permission enabled for the new Single Sign-On screen. For more information, please see our Focus University article: Single Sign-On.
FOCUS-47710- FOCUS-47710 Changes '0' & '1' to 'N' & 'Y' for FL custom_87
FOCUS-47691- Delete Student: Fix custom field query ignoring deleted flag.
FOCUS-46097- *Remove signature files from legacy app data without migration, Part 1
FOCUS-47778- SSS: Ensure Event Trigger Secondary Condition Work with Dropdown/Checkbox Form Fields
This branch improves the SSS module by ensuring that event triggers with secondary conditions can successfully evaluate dropdown and checkbox form values. This enhancement ensures that conditions set for these field types function as expected when triggering events.
FOCUS-47685- SSS: Resolve Formbuilder Tab Indexing Issue in Chrome
This branch improves the SSS module by resolving an issue where the tab index was not honored in Chrome. Previously, pressing the tab key would unexpectedly move focus to the top of the browser page instead of advancing to the next field. With this update, the tab key navigation works as expected in Chrome.
FOCUS-47677- SSS: Resolve PMP Graphs Printing
This branch resolves an issue in the SSS module for MTSS where PMP graphs for Goal 2 would not print if Goal 1 had no data points but Goal 2 did. With this update, PMP graphs for Goal 2 will print correctly regardless of whether Goal 1 contains data points.
FOCUS-47607- SSS: Hide tables from PMP screen when Data Collection option is disabled
This update improves the SSS module by ensuring that tables under SSS > Manage Student > Academic/Behavior PMP are only displayed if the corresponding Data Collection setting is enabled in SSS > General > PMP > Data Collection. This update helps streamline the interface by hiding unnecessary tables when the related settings are disabled.
FOCUS-46268- SSS: Add New Event Trigger Action - Set Step Not Required
This branch adds a new Event Trigger Action to the SSS module called "Set Step Not Required." When triggered, this action updates the specified step to no longer be required within the event workflow. This enhancement provides additional flexibility in customizing event requirements based on user-defined conditions.