Documentation for Administrators

12.0.13 - 08/20/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-39300- Picklist Request Date

System improvement adding 'Request Date' to Pick List in Warehouse > Pick List > View Pick List.

FOCUS-39079- Request additional fields added to: Assigned User Report

System enhancement adding 'User Report' to Fixed Assets > Reports > Assigned User Report.

See Assigned User Report for more information about the new User Report.

FOCUS-38454- feat(accounts-payable): add approval flow to PO resubmissions

System enhancement adding an approval flow for Purchase Order change requests. To enable: Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Accounts Payable - 'Require PO Change change request to use approval flow'. Also in Setup > Permissions > Profiles, user must have profile permission to Edit Approved POs and Edit Approved POs (Cumulative) Up to $XXX.XX.

FOCUS-38429- Department Permissions

System improvement adding the ability to assign multiple users to a department in 'Permitted Users' on Fixed Asset > Setup > Maintenance > Departments. The user will have view access to that department in Manage Assets, Transfer Assets, Inventory Report, Fixed Asset Report and Take Inventory.

See Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Departments for more information about this new setting.

FOCUS-39546- Limit by GPA bug

FOCUS-39421- fix(accounts-receivable): cashout report PDF error when printing from SIS

FOCUS-39385- Course Title when creating an invoice


FOCUS-38955- Rollover Leave | Allow toggle between units & hours

System improvement adding option for leave rollover to be calculated by hours or units to Payroll > Maintenance > Rollover > Leave.

See Payroll > Rollover > Employee Leave for details.

FOCUS-38817- Leave | Paid holidays should be charged

System enhancement to Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Buckets - Enable "Charge Holidays" checkbox. This checkbox allows the district to charge a paid holiday as leave.

FOCUS-39448- Online Enrollments Speed Improvements/Loading Time


FOCUS-39460- Gradebook: Resolve Admin Ability to Combine Teacher Gradebooks by Custom Groups

This branch addresses a specific issue related to combining gradebooks for teachers and administrators. Before this branch, if the System Preference 'Allow Teachers to Combine Gradebooks' is not enabled, but the System Preference 'Allow Admins to Combine Gradebooks when Combine Gradebooks is not enabled for Teachers' is enabled, an admin received an error attempting to combine a teacher's sections using 'Custom Groups.' The branch implements a fix to ensure that when the admin attempts to combine a teacher's sections using 'Custom Groups' in this specific scenario, the action is successfully saved.

FOCUS-39451- Advanced Report: Resolve Error Switching Session School

This branch fixes an issue where users were encountering permissions errors when changing the selected school within a session while using published Advanced Reports. The changes in this branch ensure that permissions are correctly applied when switching schools, eliminating the error.

FOCUS-39432- Re-Enrollment: Resolve Error when Parent's Name Contains Special Characters

This branch addresses an issue where attempting to navigate to the next page on a re-enrollment form resulted in an "invalid characters" error. The error was triggered by a parent's name containing special characters. The branch fixes this by implementing multibyte encoding to handle such characters properly.

FOCUS-39405- Discipline: Resolve Display of Inactive Teacher Codes

This branch adjusts the behavior of teacher codes with specified start and end years. Now, a teacher code will be considered inactive if the currently selected school year is before the start year or after the end year, rather than including the start and end years as inactive periods.

FOCUS-39404- Web Pages: Resolve Error Copying Webpages from Prior Years

This branch resolves the issue where users are shown a "The web page has been copied." message even when the web page fails to copy to the current year.

FOCUS-39401- District Reports: Ensure Reports as Portal Alerts Display when No Schools Selected

This branch addresses an issue where District Report Portal Alerts were not being displayed. The problem occurred when the value of custom_reports.school_ids was set to '0', causing Portal Alerts to not show up. The fix involves changing the default value of custom_reports.school_ids from '0' to NULL through a migration. Additionally, existing records with custom_reports.school_ids set to '0' will be updated to have a value of NULL.

FOCUS-39398- SSO: New Native Browser Option for Mobile SSO Login Requests

This branch effectively addresses the issue of Single Sign-On (SSO) login requests on mobile devices, particularly in situations where certain providers like Google and Azure are involved. Previously, there were challenges with using webviews for SSO, leading to errors during login attempts. With this branch, a solution has been implemented that allows OAuth and OpenID Connect profiles to utilize a native browser for all mobile login requests. This enhancement ensures smoother and more reliable SSO experiences on mobile devices, regardless of the specific identity provider being used.

FOCUS-39384- Scheduled Jobs: Update FlEID Import/Export Scheduled Job for New Library

This branch modifies the built-in Scheduled Job responsible for Importing/Exporting FLEID to align with the updated version of Focus' PHPSECLIB library. This update specifically applies to customers involved in Florida State Reporting.

FOCUS-39377- Gradebook: Correct Entry Options on Rubrics in Assignments

Before the branch, there was an issue when adding new criteria and scores in the Rubric section of Gradebook Assignments. The "Percent of Grade" column was missing on the new row, and the description boxes were shifted to the left, causing alignment problems and making it impossible to add a description under the last column. With the branch, these issues have been resolved. When teachers add new criteria and scores in the Rubric section of Gradebook Assignments, all columns are editable and aligned correctly.

FOCUS-39369- Avery Labels: Fix Output in Insert Fields

This branch resolves an issue with the Print Avery Label feature, where custom labels were not generating the correct insert fields as expected. With this correction, the custom labels will now correctly populate the appropriate insert fields, ensuring accurate and consistent label generation.

FOCUS-39179- Discipline: New Feature to Customize 'Detention' Verbiage on Tardy Slip

With this enhancement, a new 'Text' column has been added to the feature for printing Tardy Slips. This addition allows schools to include additional descriptions or notes when printing Tardy slips from the Kiosk/Handheld. This extra column provides flexibility to customize the information displayed on the Tardy slips to better suit the school's needs.

See Attendance Setup > Adding a Tardy Threshold Rule for more information.

FOCUS-39128- Attendance: Overlapping Sections without Preference Enabled

In situations where the setting "Students can have attendance for more than one section in a period" is not enabled, this branch introduces changes to how attendance functions:

Combined Sections:

If a teacher combines their sections, they will not be able to assign two different attendance codes for each period when they have students in both classes. The system ensures that students in combined sections receive the same attendance code in both periods.

Separate Sections:

If a teacher does not combine sections and takes attendance separately for each class taught in the same period, both classes will have the same attendance code in each period if the teacher has students in both classes. This maintains consistency in attendance tracking across the multiple classes a teacher is handling during the same period.

These changes help streamline attendance recording and maintain accuracy when dealing with combined or separate sections in a period, ensuring that attendance codes are applied consistently to students across their classes.

See System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Attendance tab for details about the setting.

FOCUS-39120- User/Student Info: Allow Prepending S in Social Security Numbers

This branch enables the appending of an 'S' to Social Security Numbers (SSNs) in accordance with Texas state reporting regulations.

See Student Info and User Info for more information.

FOCUS-39096- District Reports: Resolve Issue in District Reports with Strings

This branch resolves an issue in District Reports where strings were being replaced incorrectly with NULL. The fix also addresses a similar problem with column names, ensuring that the replacement is accurate and appropriate.

FOCUS-39093- Change Requests: Display Students Correctly Based on Enrollment

This branch addresses a problem related to loading pending Change Requests. Previously, the logic in place would incorrectly mark students with lapsed enrollment records as 'dropped', leading to the filtering out of their change requests. This issue has been resolved to ensure that students with valid enrollment records are not affected.

FOCUS-39076- Pulling Grades: Course Flags of Exclude on Grade Records Logic Change (Florida)

This branch is specific to Florida customers. With this branch if a student's Report Card Grade value has a Course Flag 1 through 4 value of X-Exclude, the grade record will not be included in any calculation through Pull Grades for Report Cards.

FOCUS-39057- District Report Cards: Correct Title of Report Card to Progress Report when Applicable

This branch modifies the title of published progress reports when utilizing the District Report Cards feature. Specifically, it updates the title of the progress report from "Report Card" to "Progress Report." This change is designed to provide a more accurate and informative representation of the content and purpose of the progress reports when they are generated and made available through the District Report Cards functionality.

See District Report Cards & Transcripts for more information.

FOCUS-38988- Form Builder: Resolve Disabling Text Area Components with Rich Text Editor

Before this resolution, there was an issue where a text area that was set to be required and enabled through programming would not allow users to type in the text area within the Form Builder. With the branch implementation, this issue has been resolved. Now, when a text area is set to be required and enabled through programming, the rich text area behaves as expected, allowing users to type in the text area within the Form Builder.

FOCUS-38134- Postsecondary: New Option for Attendance when Merging 2 Students

The branch introduces new functionality to the "Merge 2 Students" tab within the "Delete a Student" feature for Postsecondary schools. This enhancement addresses the handling of differing attendance records when merging two students. The changes are as follows:

- Cancel the Merge: This option will prevent the merge from happening and display an error message. The two students won't be merged.

- Keep Student's Attendance: This option maintains the current default behavior. It uses the attendance records of the student that is being kept.

- Use the Greater Attendance: This option selects the greater attendance record, regardless of whether it belongs to the student being kept or the student being deleted. This option is selected by default.

These changes provide more flexibility in handling attendance records during the merging of students.

See Delete a Student for details.

FOCUS-39355- Error thrown on Service Desk where sql could not be prepared

FOCUS-39347- Add LDAP debugging utility

FOCUS-39338- Elementary Scheduler - Restrictions follow student from one school to another school

FOCUS-39336- Seating Chart : Google Translate Widget Overlaps Name/Photo Buttons

FOCUS-39333- Fix Calc Filled Seats on MSSQL

FOCUS-39327- Allow selection of Alert Icons for Badges, or student lists, or both

See Edit Rules & Workflow for details.

FOCUS-39290- School Choice: Add student Id to sibling block and customize instructions

See School Choice Setup > Setting Preferences, and School Choice Application, Magnet Application, and Special Placement Application for more information.

FOCUS-39242- Prevent deletion of custom field if used in an option query

See Student Fields > Deleting a Field for more information.

FOCUS-39240- Saved computed table data doesn't load if the collection would return no results

FOCUS-39225- Formbuilder editor keyboard shortcut activate when swiftbox dropdown filters are selected

FOCUS-39220- Ed-Fi: Fix error in StudentProgramAssociation

FOCUS-39185- *[Enh Req] Use Transcript Title on Report Cards

See Report Cards fore more information.


FOCUS-39352- Add support for non-standard grade levels in PMP setup

This enhancement adds support for any grade level in the system, even non-standard grade levels.

FOCUS-39331- Set Inactive permission is granted excessively

This fix addresses the issue of the Set Inactive permission erroneously being granted to most users, even if they should not have it. NOTE *** As this fix cleans up the permissions via migrations. Clients will want to review permissions granted to users and may need to grant permissions again.

FOCUS-39268- Add support for cloning PMP steps

This enhancement adds support for cloning the PMP custom screen in an event.

FOCUS-38674- Secondary schools take precedence in reports

This fix addresses an issue in SSS Reporting where the reports were looking at the students' secondary school and not the primary school when running reports.

FOCUS-37617- Make default goal start and end date data sources configurable

This enhancement allows for the start and end dates on goals & objective custom screen to pull from the form & field set on SSS > General. If no setup is changed the dates will continue to pull from the default form and fields.

See General for more information.


FOCUS-39276- Postsecondary: Update COE Report Columns 5 & 8

This enhancement is applicable only to our Postsecondary Customers. As per the Postsecondary Users' Group (PUG) agreement, it has been determined that OCPs are not mandatory to be reported in certain fields of the COE Report. Specifically, columns 5 (Non-Graduate Completers) and 8 (Non-Grad Completers Employed in Positions related to Field of Interest) will no longer require OCP data to be included.

Previous Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13 - Revision - 08/22/2023
Next Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/19/2023