Documentation for Administrators

12.0.81 - 03/09/2025

Updated on


FOCUS-47914- Add field trip transactions to exp/rev report drill-downs

This system improvement moves field trip transactions into a separate section in the budget drill-down of the expenditure revenue report.

FOCUS-47280- feat(accounts-payable): add watermark to non-prod checks

This system improvement adds a watermark to checks produced from a non production site.

FOCUS-46731- PO Emailing Feature - Multi-Select

This system enhancement introduces a multi-select field that allows users to choose existing attachments from the Purchase Order Files Box. This feature is integrated into the Email PO# pop-up window, facilitating the process of sending attachments along with the Purchase Order to vendors.

See Purchasing Requests/Orders > Request History and Internal Purchasing Requests/Orders > Request History for more information.

FOCUS-47531- Add delete permission for administrators for forms in ERP

This system enhancement introduces a delete permission for forms created in Focus. Once enabled, this permission adds a delete column to the Forms history tab for each available form. The delete column features a red line, which can be utilized to delete the respective form. If a profile lacks the delete permission, the delete column will not be displayed.


FOCUS-47743- Employee Agreement Confirmation

This system improvement will add a confirmation dialog when an agreement is being created and assigned to more than one person.

See Employment Agreement Maintenance > View/Create Agreements for more details.


FOCUS-48023- Scheduled Jobs: Corrected Priority Sorting for Any/Any Jobs

This branch improves the behavior of Scheduled Jobs configured to run at Any/Any - set to run every 15 minutes. Previously, jobs with a higher numeric priority were incorrectly processed last instead of first. With this update, the correct priority order is applied, ensuring jobs with the highest priority are executed first.

FOCUS-47993- School Choice: Resolve Incorrect Field Value When Using Communication Template

This branch resolves an issue within the School Choice Module when using a Communication Platform template as the Choice Application receipt. Previously, the "Choice Application Submissions [Next Year]" insert field was not correctly filtering by Application Type and was displaying records from other applications. With this update, only application choices from the specific Choice Application completed by the parent will be included.

FOCUS-47983- Grade Change: Fix for Approval Error when Checking Incomplete Grades

This branch resolves an error that occurred when administrators attempted to approve an electronic Grade Change request. The issue was caused by the system not properly verifying whether the grade scale had an incomplete grade configured. With this update, the approval process correctly checks the grade scale settings, ensuring grade changes can be approved without error.

FOCUS-47958- Master Schedule Report: Duplicate Teacher Change History Records Corrected

This branch improves the behavior when modifying the Teacher of Record through the Master Schedule Report. Previously, when changing the teacher for multiple sections in a single action, duplicate entries were created in the section's history log. With this update, only a single accurate history record is created for each teacher change, ensuring cleaner and more accurate logging.

FOCUS-47943- Importer: Resolve PowerBI Schema Conflicts with Importer Scheduled Jobs

This branch resolves an issue with the Importer scheduled jobs for customers using PowerBI. Previously, import jobs could fail due to column data type conflicts caused by the PowerBI schema. With this update, the logic has been adjusted so that only the public schema is referenced for data conversion, preventing conflicts and ensuring successful imports.

FOCUS-47937- Discipline: Minor Infraction Print Header Update

This branch improves the Discipline module by updating the printout header for Minor Infractions. Previously, Minor Infractions were labeled as "Student Referral" when printed. With this update, they will now correctly display "Minor Infraction" at the top of the page, providing clearer differentiation between referrals and minor infractions.

minor infraction printed.pdf

FOCUS-47934- Communication Platform: Exclude Inclusion Teachers from Student Dropdown

This branch resolves an issue in the Communication Platform where students enrolled in a class with an inclusion section would see the inclusion teacher listed in their communication dropdown, even if they were not part of the inclusion section. With this update, inclusion teachers will no longer appear in the communication dropdown for students and parents unless the student is directly enrolled in the inclusion section.

FOCUS-47912- Online Enrollments: Resolve Contact Birthdate Permission Error

This branch resolves an error that occurred when processing Unprocessed Applications through Online Enrollments, where the message "You are not allowed to update that column" would display. This issue was caused by the newly added optional Contact Birthdate field. With this update, the system correctly checks the user's permissions for contact birthdates, preventing the error and allowing applications to be processed as expected.

FOCUS-47892- Communication Platform: Improved Message Formatting for Print and Preview

This branch improves the Communication Platform by ensuring student communication messages appear the same when printed or previewed as they do on the page. Previously, extra space would appear between tables, and line breaks immediately after tables would shift down unexpectedly. With this update, the printed and previewed versions now match the on-screen layout more closely.

FOCUS-47852- Advanced Report: Improved Display of Accented Student Names when Printing

This branch improves the printing of Advanced Reports that include student names with accented characters. Previously, student names containing accents would display in an inconsistent font. With this update, accented characters now appear correctly and consistently in the report output.

FOCUS-47846- Texas: Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Update from Post Final Grades

This branch improves the behavior of Post Final Grades for Texas customers, specifically for courses using a Pass/Fail grading scale. Previously, when teachers posted grades, the Texas-specific "Pass/Fail Credit Indicator" field did not update correctly. With this update, the Pass/Fail Credit Indicator is properly set based on the posted grade, ensuring accurate reporting.

FOCUS-47834- Graduation Requirement Report: Update Final Grades and Courses Query for Fine Arts Seal (FL)

This branch improves the logic used to determine Fine Arts Seal eligibility on the Graduation Requirements Report for Florida customers. Previously, the system matched courses based on the first seven characters of the course number when searching for a matching record in the Course Catalog with a Fine Arts indicator. With this update, the system will prioritize an exact course number match before falling back to the left 7 match, ensuring greater accuracy in identifying Fine Arts courses.

FOCUS-47826- Document Management: Display Future-End Dated Published Report Cards & Transcripts

This branch improves the behavior of the Document Management module to ensure published report cards and transcripts with a future end date are properly displayed in the Student Files screen. With this update, all published report cards and transcripts for the current school year will appear, regardless of their end date, ensuring better visibility and access for users.

See Uploaded Files (Students menu) for more information.

FOCUS-47812- Communication: When Reply is Enabled, Send a Copy of the Email Without Reply by Email Option, to CCs

This branch improves the handling of replies from CC recipients in the Communication Platform. Previously, if a CC replied to a message, their response would appear in the original sender's inbox as if it came from the primary recipient. With this update, CC recipients will have the reply-to address set to [email protected], preventing accidental replies. Additionally, a header is added to the email informing CC recipients that they are receiving a copy of the message and that replies are not accepted.

FOCUS-47799- Discipline: New Permission to Edit Positive Behavior Award History

This update introduces a new permission allowing administrators to edit the history of Positive Behavior Awards. A migration will automatically grant this permission to users with existing view and edit rights to Discipline > Setup > Positive Behaviors. Users without the new permission will no longer be able to edit or delete award history.

See Profiles > Permissions Explained and Positive Behavior Awards > Viewing and Editing a Student's History for more information.


FOCUS-47777- Online Application: Enhanced Completion and Continuation Email Options

This update enhances the email functionality for Online Applications by introducing a new continuation email field, allowing continuation and completion emails to be sent to separate destinations. Additionally, the completion email field has been updated to a multi-select, enabling completion emails to be sent to multiple recipients. A new "Other" option has also been added, allowing administrators to manually enter a custom email address for the completion email if needed.

See Application Editor for more information.

Application Editor

FOCUS-47771- Attendance: Portal Alert and Teacher Completion Report Alignment Fix

This update resolves an issue where the portal alert stating "X teachers haven't taken attendance on the prior school day" displayed results that did not consistently match the Teacher Completion Report. With this update, the portal alert and the Teacher Completion Report will now consistently reflect the same data.

FOCUS-47765- Post Final Grades: Fix 'Use Gradebook Value' within Grade Change Pop-up

This update enhances the Post Final Grades process for districts with the system preference "Force teachers to enter a comment if they override posted grades enabled." Previously, teachers could bypass the comment requirement if multiple grades were changed before submitting the initial comment, and reverting to the Gradebook Grade did not consistently restore the correct letter grade. This update ensures all grade changes requiring comments are properly tracked and prompts teachers for all required justifications before submission. Additionally, the system now correctly restores both the percent and letter grades when reverting to the Gradebook Grade, ensuring accurate grade reporting.

FOCUS-47652- Online Applications: Implement Letter Logging for Communication Templates

This branch improves the Communication Platform by ensuring that templates used for Online Application completion or continuation emails are properly logged in the student's Letter Log if the template has "Add Log Record" selected. This enhancement ensures better tracking and documentation of all communication related to online applications.

FOCUS-47629- Student Requests: Credits not being calculated correctly

This update corrects the credit calculation displayed on Student Requests. For courses where in the Course Catalog the Course History Semesters Credit Per Course History is set to 0.5 and Total Credits is left blank, the Student Requests page will now correctly display 0.5 credits when the Credits Per Course is 0.5, and 1.0 credits when the Credits Per Course is set to 1.0. This ensures the displayed credit amount accurately reflects the course setup.

FOCUS-47568- Address & Contacts: New Click to Clear Button for Address Fields

This enhancement adds a new Click to Clear button within the Address pop-up on the Student Address & Contacts screen. When selected, all fields within the physical and mailing address sections will be cleared, allowing users to quickly enter new address information or pull from the Address Catalog if enabled. This improvement streamlines the process of updating student addresses.

See Student Info (Admin), Student Info (Teacher), and Child Info/My Information (Parent/Student) for more information.

Student Info

FOCUS-47198- School Choice: Prevent Changing Previous Selections in Late Application

This update adds new functionality to the School Choice module by introducing a "Lock Accepted and Waitlisted Choices in Late Application" setting under School Choice Applications. When enabled, and combined with the "Enable Late Applications" preference, parents will see school choice fields disabled for applications with a status of waitlisted, pending, or accepted. This ensures accepted or pending placements are preserved during the late application window.

See School Choice Setup > Setting Preferences for more information.

FOCUS-47128- Document Management Module Redesign

The Document Management module has been redesigned to improve usability and file organization. The Uploaded Files screen now includes a category list on the left, allowing users to easily filter files displayed in a structured table. The update also enhances export functionality, enabling users to export selected files in formats such as PDF, ZIP, Redacted PDF, and Redacted ZIP, with permissions controlling access to unredacted files. Additionally, the "View" and "Redactions" buttons have been relocated to the left side of the screen for easier file management. These improvements streamline document handling and enhance the overall user experience.

See Uploaded Files (Students menu) and Uploaded Files (Users menu) for more information.

Uploaded Files

FOCUS-46796- Communication Platform: Communication Breakdown Report 2.0 Enhancement

The new Communication Breakdown Report provides enhanced visibility into district-wide communication, offering interactive visual reports, filtering options, and breakdowns by communication type. A new "Communication Breakdown" tab has been added under Communication Reports for Admin users with View access to Communication Reports. Users with "View All" access will have a "View All" checkbox to include data from all schools they have access to. This feature improves readability and analysis of communication trends.

See Communication Reports > Communication Breakdown Report (Admin) and Communication Reports > Communication Breakdown Report (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-45947- Hall Pass: Add Ability to Schedule Recurring Hall Passes

This update introduces a new feature allowing teachers and administrators to schedule recurring hall passes for students who need regular visits, such as to the nurse or specific staff. Recurrence options include daily, weekly, or monthly passes. A new Scheduled tab has been added to the Hall Pass screen to display and manage these passes, showing recurrence type and end date. Users with appropriate permissions can view and edit scheduled passes, with options to modify the time, recurrence type, and end date directly from the Scheduled tab. For additional information, please reference:

See Hall Passes (Admin) and Hall Passes (Teacher) for more information.

Hall Passes

FOCUS-47811- Option for not local ID

See System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Parent Registration for more information.


FOCUS-47989- SSS: ESE Minutes Validation for Frequency of Minutes Setting

This branch resolves an issue within the SSS module. With this update, IEP Supplementary and Support Services Total ESE minutes will no longer be checked against the maximum when the "Schedule of Services Frequency of Minutes" preference is enabled, ensuring the correct validation logic is applied based on the district's settings.

See General for more information.

FOCUS-47925- SSS: Resolve Blank PDF Reports When Mass Printing or Publishing

This branch resolves an issue in the SSS module where event PDF reports would generate as blank when mass printing or publishing to the parent portal. With this update, the reports now generate and display correctly.

FOCUS-47885- SSS: Ohio February 2025 Snapshot

This branch implements the February 2025 Ohio SSS Snapshot, delivering necessary improvements to forms and system setup for Ohio customers. For full details, please refer to the release notes available here:

FOCUS-47088- SSS: Relocation of Progress Monitoring Chart Setting

This update relocates the setting "On Progress Monitoring steps, display a chart and additional data inputs for each progress period" within the SSS module. The setting has been moved from the Progress Monitoring Plan tab to the Program Preferences tab, grouping it with other ESE progress monitoring settings for improved organization and easier access.

See General for more information.

Previous Article 12.0.79, 12.0.80, 12.0.81 - Revision - 03/10/2025
Next Article 12.0.79, 12.0.80 - Revision - 03/05/2025