Documentation for Administrators

12.0.11 - 08/05/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-39159- Toggle feature on Work Orders

System improvement adding 'Toggle Columns' functionality to Work Orders > Work Order Requests > Request History.

See Work Order Requests for details.

FOCUS-39282- Cash Drawer Missing on Cashout


FOCUS-38958- Applicant Tracking Fiscal Year Drop Down

System improvement adding ability to 'Default Fiscal Year' in User Preference.

See User Preference and Applicant Tracking for more information about this new preference.

FOCUS-38107- Applicant Tracking - Add Calendars to Job Posting Dates

System improvement to Job Postings allowing the user to select from a pop-up calendar the posting dates.


FOCUS-39216- Parent Portal: New Profile to Allow Viewing Protected Students

This enhancement introduces a new Profile permission for Parent Types, called "View Protected Students," in the Focus SIS feature for Protected Students. When this permission is selected on a parent profile, the parent will have the ability to view their student's demographic information in their portal, even if the student is flagged as protected. Conversely, if the permission is not selected, the parent will not be able to view any demographic information for students marked as protected. This new feature provides more flexibility and control for parents while ensuring the privacy and protection of sensitive student information in the Parent Portal.

See Student Fields > Protected and Hidden Student Fields for details.

FOCUS-39213- Master Schedule Builder: Ensure Appropriate Sections Removed when Running Builder

This branch ensures that sections that should be removed when running the Master Schedule Builder are deprecated, even if they are linked to a student schedule record. In the past, failing to remove such sections resulted in an error being presented to the end-user in the Master Schedule Builder.

FOCUS-39209- District Reports: Improve Print Format when Variables Leveraged

This branch ensures that variables included in a District Report will appear in the header when the report is printed from the interface.

FOCUS-39198- Communication Platform: Expanded Font Size Options

With this improvement, users can now select Font Size 16 as an option when composing messages or content in the CKEditor within the Communication Platform.

FOCUS-39197- School Choice: Add Notes to Magnet/Special Assignment screen

This enhancement is specific to customers using the School Choice Module. It introduces the ability for end-users to enter free text notes for students on the Magnet/Special Assignment screen, similar to the functionality of the School Choice Report. With this improvement, users can now add personalized notes for students directly in the Magnet/Special Assignment section, enhancing the level of detail and customization available for managing student assignments within the School Choice Module.

See Magnet/Special Assignment and School Choice Reports for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-39188- Student Form Records: Allow Modification to Form Records when JSON Fields Present

This branch corrects an issue where end-users encountered a database error while trying to modify or enter new Student Form Records if the form category contained JSON type fields. With this correction, the error is resolved, and end-users can now successfully modify or add new Student Form Records.

FOCUS-39184- Scheduling: Total Number of Students per Period Display Option on Teacher Schedules Report

This enhancement introduces a new setting called "Total Number of Students for the Entire Period" on the Teacher Schedules Report. When enabled, the report will display the total number of students per period at the bottom of the table, based on the subjects and content selected for display. With this enhancement, administrators can easily review and analyze the distribution of students across different periods, offering a comprehensive view of the master schedule.

FOCUS-39176- Print Avery Labels: New Feature for Barcodes in User Print Avery Labels

This feature enhancement for the User Print Avery Labels introduces a new insert field option for User ID barcode. When this option is included in the label, a barcode representing the User's ID will be generated on the label. This addition allows for efficient labeling and tracking of users, as the barcode can be scanned to quickly retrieve the User's ID information.

FOCUS-39126- Course Catalog: Connect Course Length between Catalog and Master Schedule

This feature enhancement establishes a connection between the district's Course Catalog and the school-based Master Schedule for Course Length. The options for Course Length have been streamlined to match those available on Courses. When a Course Length is selected in the Catalog and pushed to the Master Schedule, it will be reflected on the School Course. Moreover, administrators will not be able to modify the Course Length on the Course when it is locked by the district through the Catalog. This improvement ensures consistency and synchronization of Course Length information between the Course Catalog and the Master Schedule, providing a more efficient and unified management system for administrators.

FOCUS-39117- Communication Platform: Remove Linked Users Option when Sending Communication Messages via Student Info

This branch removes the option to send a letter to the Linked User associated with a student if the letter template selected on Student Info is generated from the Communication Platform.

See Communication > Creating Templates and Student Info > Printing Forms and Letters for details.

FOCUS-39098- Scheduling: Elementary Scheduler should Preserve Locked Schedules

This branch ensures that the Elementary Scheduler, when executed, will not override student schedules that have been "locked" by administration. With this improvement, the scheduler will respect the locked status set by administrators for certain student schedules, preventing any unintended modifications or changes during the scheduling process.

FOCUS-39089- Grade Verification Reports: Add Small Font Option for Teachers

This branch adds a "Small Font" option on the Teacher Portal when printing Teacher Grade Verification Reports.

See Posted Grades Verification Report for details.

FOCUS-39088- Communication Platform: Performance Improvement

This branch significantly improves initial load times for end-users with 50 or more admin profiles when generating the Student Communications or Advanced Reports screens.

FOCUS-39036- Grad. Req. Report: Prevent Grades Counting Towards Course Duplicate Times

This branch ensures that the Graduation Requirements Report will not count the same grade multiple times towards the same course subject requirement.

FOCUS-39019- Communication Platform: New Remove from Messaging Search Setting for Administrators

This enhancement introduces a new Communication Platform setting for administrators called "Remove from Messaging Search." When an administrator selects this setting, their name will no longer appear as an option for other end-users to select when sending messages through the Communication Platform. However, messages initiated by the administrator can still be responded to by other users.

See Communication > Settings for details about this new setting.

FOCUS-39015- User Info: Mask SSN User Profile Permission

This feature enhancement adds a new User Profile Permission called View Full SSNs. When unchecked, end-users will only see the last four numeric values of an end-users SSN, while checked will grant them permission to access the entire value.

See User Info for more information.

FOCUS-38985- Communication Platform: Call Length Options for Call-Out System Configuration

This enhancement is only applicable to customers who have the Communication Platform with the Call Out System expansion. It adds support to extend the call timer for recorded calls. This adjustment can be made by a Focus representative and set to a value in accordance with the call-out length agreement defined during implementation. With this improvement, customers can customize the call timer for recorded calls to align with their specific needs and contractual agreements. This feature ensures that recorded calls adhere to the agreed-upon call-out length and provides more flexibility in managing call durations within the Communication Platform.

See Communication for details.

FOCUS-38865- Edit Rules & Workflow: Prevent Logging Field Column Selection as Tool Tip Field

This branch removes logging field column options as selectable choices when configuring the display Tool Tip for an Edit Rule & Workflow Alert Icon. Previously, these logging field columns could be selected as Tool Tip display options, leading to the issue where end-users were unable to click the Alert Icon and be directed to the appropriate Student/User category.

FOCUS-37916- Utah Shots: Add Support for Importing Immunizations from USIIS

This enhancement is specific to customers using Utah State Reporting. It introduces support on Student Info for importing immunizations from USIIS (Utah Statewide Immunization Information System). With this improvement, the Focus SIS will be able to seamlessly import immunization data from USIIS, providing a more efficient and accurate process for managing student immunization records.

FOCUS-39315- Automated Cron Messages: Include Title Above Query Messages & Default Subject When Not Specified

Auto Cron Messages: Include Title Above Query Messages & Default Subject When Not SpecifiedWith this branch, two enhancements are introduced for Automated Cron Messages. If an Automated Cron Message does not have a subject specified in the setup, the email's subject will now default to 'Focus System Message,' and the subject will now display above the query message. This improvement ensures that even in cases where the subject is not explicitly defined for Automated Cron Messages, the email will have a clear and standardized subject of 'Focus System Message.'

FOCUS-39270- Use correct package for District Report Variables in Manage Integrations

This branch addresses an issue that was occurring for customers who use both SIS and ERP District Reports and have overlapping custom variables with the same name in each instance. The error was encountered in Managed Integrations, specifically when a report connected to the integration had a duplicated custom variable. With this correction, the system will default to the SIS instance of the customer's custom variables in case of overlapping names.

FOCUS-39131- Student Print Badges: Resolve Color/Gradelevel when Generating

This fix addresses an issue with printing badges for students not in the currently selected top-right school year, where the colors and grade levels do not print on the badges. With this correction, the printing functionality will be modified to allow grades and colors to print on badges for all students, regardless of their active status or the currently selected top-right school year.


FOCUS-39004- Student Academic Report: Use Correct Marking Period

This branch is specific to postsecondary customers. It addresses an issue where the session Marking Period was not properly called when loading the Student Academic Report under the Billing menu, leading to a database error.

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