Documentation for Administrators

12.0.1 - 05/28/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-37322 - Add Tax-free option in Manage Discounts

See Manage Discounts for more information.


FOCUS-38157- Applicant Tracking - Create EIN at Job Acceptance

System improvement to create employee identification number when applicant accepts job offer.

See Applicant Tracking > Applicants for more information.

FOCUS-38254- Add Fiscal Year Dropdown to Applicant Tracking

See Applicant Tracking for more information.


FOCUS-38250- Gradebook: Ensure Valid Documents Uploaded as Assignment Resource

This branch prevents non-image file types from being uploaded as a Gradebook assignment resource if selecting an image file to upload on a Windows computer.

FOCUS-38231- Post Final Grades: Resolve "Gradebook Grades" method for Seniors Only

This branch resolves an issue with Post Final Grades where teachers would receive an error stating they had incomplete assignments when posting for seniors only when clicking "Use Gradebook." The program has been updated to ensure when posting for seniors only, the determination of incomplete assignments and grades is also looking only at seniors.

FOCUS-38217- Grad. Req. Report: Include Marching Band Waivers in PE logic regardless of preference setting

This branch adjusts the logic of the Graduation Requirements Report to now display Marching Band Waivers in the calculation of Physical Education without having to check the preference "Use Personal Fitness Option on Graduation Requirements Report."

FOCUS-38208- Gradebook: Resolve Error on Drop Lowest Grade setting in Categories

This branch resolves an issue where teachers received a database error when attempting to remove the "Drop lowest grades" value from their Gradebook categories.

FOCUS-38194- Post Standard Grades: Fix Alert Displaying for Primary Teacher when Co-Teacher Posted

This branch resolves an issue where the primary teacher of record still received Post Standard Grade alerts in the portal when the co-teacher assigned to the section had completed posting standard grades.

FOCUS-38191- Rollover: Roll Double Blocked Setting on Course Periods

This branch resolves an issue where the double blocked value on course periods was not rolled to the next year when the end-user rolled sections.

FOCUS-38172- Master Schedule: Support New Entry Format on Class Duration

This branch updates the Section field of Class Duration to accept data entry compatible with Arizona State Reporting (e.g., 8:30, 7:25, etc.). Previously this element only accepted numeric values.

FOCUS-38140- Grades: Better Performance Generating Transcripts

This branch introduces a loading status bar when generating transcripts for students from the grades screen, which will improve performance.

FOCUS-38069- Print Letters & Send Emails: Better rendering of School Logos in email.

This branch makes improvements to the rendering of school logos in Print Letters & Send Emails when sending an email.

FOCUS-38058- Print ID Badges: New Option for District Name

This enhancement adds a new option to Print ID Badges, allowing end-users to generate badges with the district's name vs. the school's name.

See Students > Print ID Badges and Users > Print ID Badges for more information about these changes.

FOCUS-37890- Custom Fields: New Display Short Name Feature on Categories

This enhancement allows administrators to define the category short name that will display in the icon on student/user information. Previously, if no icon was selected, Focus would display the short name from the first characters of the category title.

See Student Fields, Student Info, User Fields, and User Info for more information about these changes.

FOCUS-37093- School Choice Letters: Changing the criteria for email addresses

This branch adjusts the logic of sending to custodial contacts in Choice Print Letters, now custodial contacts not residing at the student's primary address will be included in the email distribution list.

FOCUS-36957- Re-Enrollment Forms: New Option for Canceling Optional Forms

This enhancement introduces functionality that allows parents to cancel an available (not required) re-enrollment form once started without school/district intervention.

See Application Editor and Forms Summary for more information.

FOCUS-31489- Re-Enrollment Forms: New Setting to Set School Year for Approval

This enhancement adds a School Year setting in the Application Editor, Student Re-Enrollment Form Setup. This field allows customers to better define which school should see the portal alert and approve a student's re-enrollment form by enrollment year. The options include the following:

1) Current: When School Year is set to Current, the Re-Enrollment form will be visible in the student's currently enrolled school only.

2) Future Year: When School Year is set to Future Year, the Re-Enrollment form will be visible in the student's next year enrollment school only.

3) All Years: When School Year is set to All Years, the Re-Enrollment form will be visible in both the student's current and next year enrollment schools.

The branch will be installed with the School Year set to Null, which is the same as having the School Year set to All Years. Customers leveraging Re-Enrollment Forms should evaluate this new option and define the School Year as applicable on currently published forms.

See Application Editor for more information.

FOCUS-38313- Third Party Systems (API): Update to GET /users, resolve missing schools in Orgs list

This branch resolves an issue with Third Party Systems (API) where end-users who had a teacher profile at one school were not being transmitted associated with a supplemental admin profile assignment to a different school where the profile was flagged as "Send as Teacher."

FOCUS-38293- Select Student/Staff: Teachers will now see all students currently enrolled in their sections from the Select Student/Staff quick-pick feature.

This branch improves the Select Student/Staff quick-pick feature so teachers see all students currently enrolled in all their sections.

FOCUS-37060- Add a Student/User: Visible on Add a Student/User Search now adds field to Search Criteria

This enhancement introduces new functionality to the student/user custom field flag for Visible on Add a Student/User Search. When a custom field has this flag set, the field will display in the search/entry criteria on the 1st page of Add a Student/User and remain in the returned search results.


FOCUS-37920- Prevent error when SSS is disabled for "Publish to Parent"

This fix addresses an issue of an error occurring when an event is published to the parent portal, but SSS is disabled.

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