Documentation for Administrators

12.0.60 - 08/17/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-44420- Fixed Assets - Print Asset Inventory Card

System Improvement adding option to print duplicate cards in Fixed Asset > Print Inventory Card.

See Print Inventory Cards for more information.

FOCUS-44412- Fixed Assets 04 - Federal vs District Asset

System improvement adding Asset Source column to Inventory tab and Print Inventory Cards in Fixed Assets.

See Manage Assets for more information.

FOCUS-43466- Accounting strip permissions by position

System Improvement adding position to account strip permissions.

See Accounting Strips for more information.

FOCUS-44649- AIMS column to Setup > Government Codes > State Job Codes

System improvement adding AIMS codes to State Job Codes. To enable: Setup > Settings > Payroll > Outside Reporting Options panel > AIMS Plan Code.


FOCUS-44563- Set profile permission to change the pay type used for wage calculations

System improvement adding profile permission to change the pay type used for wage calculations in Human Resources > Employee > Job > Details.

See Profiles > Human Resources tab for more information.

FOCUS-44096- Insurance allocation overrides then override the deduction allocations

System improvement using insurance allocation override to override deductions as well.

FOCUS-44094- Warning when adding money to wage recovery

System improvement adding Error 56 to Run Payroll Warnings.

See Run Payroll > Warnings and Errors for more information.

FOCUS-43466- Accounting strip permissions by position

System Improvement adding position to account strip permissions.

FOCUS-41520- Applicant Tracking Onboarding Pages

System enhancement adding ability for district to choose if onboarding is required for applicant when approving offer.

See Applicant Tracking > Applicants and Pending Offers & Offer History for more information.


FOCUS-44801- Florida EWS Report: Resolve PMP Bulk Triggers

This update corrects an issue in the Early Warning System (EWS) report where the count of bulk PMPs was inaccurately reflected. With this branch, the count is now accurate, ensuring that the EWS report displays the correct number of bulk PMPs.

FOCUS-44761- Scheduling: Add Bell Scheduled to Lunches

This enhancement adds the ability to define a bell schedule on lunches within the scheduling menu. This new feature allows users to assign specific bell schedules to lunch periods, providing greater flexibility and precision in managing school schedules.

See Lunches for more information.

FOCUS-44756- Handhelds: Ensure Receipt Prints Check In/Out

This branch resolves an issue that prevented receipt slips from being printed on the new N6 handheld devices. With this update, receipt slips will now print correctly on these devices, ensuring smooth operation and accurate documentation.

FOCUS-44721- Document Management: Improve Scheduled Job

This branch resolves an issue with the Document Management Scheduled Job, where previously, certain date settings were not being honored, leading to uploaded documents not processing correctly. With this update, the job now correctly processes uploaded documents according to the specified date settings.

FOCUS-44719- Print Student Schedules: Restore Missing Configuration Options

This update restores the missing options in the Print Student Schedules feature when sorting by Period/Teacher. The settings for "Display the Teacher on Each Schedule Sheet" and "Effective Date for Teacher Sorting" are now available again, allowing for more detailed and accurate schedule printing based on teacher and period criteria.

See Print Student Schedules for more information.

FOCUS-44715- Custom Fields: New Preferred User First/Last System Fields

This update introduces a migration that adds two new system user fields: preferred first name and preferred last name. If a site already has fields with the aliases 'preferred_first_name' or 'preferred_last_name,' the migration will not override them. These new fields will be available in both the User > User Fields and ERP > Human Resources > Employee Fields sections. This branch focuses on adding the fields without attaching any functionality, which will be implemented in future updates.

FOCUS-44714- Scheduling: Improve Run Scheduler for Advanced Rotations

This update enhances the logic of the "Run Scheduler" function, particularly when using advanced rotations. The improvement ensures that student schedules are accurately filled based on availability and any existing restrictions, resulting in more effective and optimized scheduling outcomes.

FOCUS-44712- Edit Rules & Workflow: Resolve Display of Table Contents in SQL Triggers

This update addresses an issue in the "Edit Rules & Workflow" module, specifically in the "SQL Triggers" section. Previously, the select options in the "Table" column were not displaying correctly through the interface. With this branch, the select options in the "Table" column are now visible and functioning as expected, ensuring a smoother user experience when configuring SQL triggers.

FOCUS-44701- Positive Behaviors: Improve Layout with View Only Permissions

This branch enhances the layout of the Positive Behaviors Setup screen specifically for users with View Only permissions.

FOCUS-44695- Communications: Respect Enrollment End Date Using Scheduled into Teacher

This branch ensures that the enrollment dropdown is correctly applied when sending messages using the "Scheduled into Teacher as of date" search criteria. This update ensures that the selected enrollment status in the dropdown is respected during message delivery, ensuring accurate targeting of recipients based on their enrollment status as of the specified date.

FOCUS-44690- Final Grades: Resolve Error Recalculating Parent Grades when Exam Grade is Modified in Previous School Year

This branch corrects an error that occurred when recalculating parent marking period grades after an exam grade from a previous school year was adjusted in the student's Final Grades. This issue only affected users with the system preference "Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a grade is changed on Final Grades, GPA, and Class Rank" enabled. With this update, the recalculations now function as expected, ensuring accurate grade adjustments.

FOCUS-44685- Zoning: Improve Set Next School Not Leveraging Separate PK Feature

This branch enhances the logic for the Set Zoned School feature to ensure that Pre-Kindergarten (PK) grade levels are appropriately zoned, even when a customer is not using separate PreK Address Catalog zoning settings. This update ensures that PK students are correctly assigned to their zoned school based on the standard zoning configurations when specific PreK zoning settings are not being utilized.

FOCUS-44670- Application Editor: Respect "Other Contact Type" Preference in Application/ Re-Enrollment Forms

This branch corrects an issue where the "Other" title was appearing in the dropdown of contact types on applications, even when the System Preference "Allow 'Other' Contact Type in the Contact Details area on the New/Edit Contact Screen" was not enabled. With this fix, the "Other" option will no longer appear in the dropdown unless the corresponding system preference is checked, ensuring that the dropdown options reflect the organization's specific configuration settings.

FOCUS-44665- New Translations: Remove Imported Translations for en_CA Locale

This branch includes a migration to remove incorrect translations that were mistakenly imported from the 'locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po' file. The issue occurred because records intended for English had a value other than 'EN' in the 'short_name' column. The migration will delete these incorrect entries to ensure the integrity of the translation data.

FOCUS-44659- Online Application: Improve Error Messaging on Online Application when Signature Authentication Expires

This branch resolves an issue where parents would encounter a white screen if a signature token had expired. The update introduces a more user-friendly error message that clearly informs parents of the expired token and prompts them to re-sign the signature field. This improvement enhances the user experience by providing clearer guidance in the event of an expired token.

FOCUS-44658- Communication Report: Templates Table Created By Column Shows Last Updated User

The "Created By" column in the Communication Template table view has been updated. Previously, this column displayed the last person who modified the template. Now, it accurately reflects the original creator of the template record, showing the name of the first person who created the template.

FOCUS-44654- Re-Enrollment Forms: Respect Future Active Students as Active

Previously, when a student had a future start date, the Re-enrollment forms treated them as inactive, preventing parents from seeing the forms in the Forms Summary unless "Include Inactive" was enabled in the form configuration. With this update, students with future start dates will now be correctly recognized as active, ensuring that their Re-enrollment forms are visible to parents without needing additional configuration.

FOCUS-44634- Scheduled Jobs: Resolve Error in Update Automated Translations

This update enhances the logic of the built-in "Update Automated Translations" scheduled job, ensuring more accurate and efficient processing of translations across the system. The improvements optimize how translations are identified and applied, enhancing the overall reliability of the translation automation process.

FOCUS-44627- Mobile App: Set User Language from Device Operating System

This update to the Community Mobile App ensures that the app's language will automatically match the language set on the device's operating system. This enhancement allows the app's interface to adapt to the users preferred language, providing a more seamless and user-friendly experience.

FOCUS-44592- Add a Student: Resolve Enroll in Applicants Feature

This update resolves an issue with the "Enroll in Applicants School" feature in the "Add a Student" module. Previously, if an address was outside the zone, the "Override Error" would appear to users without the ability to enroll students out of zone. The "Enroll in Applicants" button was displayed, but clicking it failed to enroll the student into the Applicants school. This update corrects the issue, ensuring the student is enrolled into the Applicants school when the button is clicked.

FOCUS-44584- Invalid Address Report: Incorporate New PK Zoning Feature

This update integrates the new Pre-K (PK) zoning feature into the Invalid Address Reports Zoning Issues section. This enhancement allows the report to identify and address zoning issues specifically related to Pre-K students, ensuring that zoning errors are accurately reported and managed for this age group.

FOCUS-44575- Communication Platform: Completed Recurring Scheduled Messages Show as Active

This update allows users to edit the frequency of recurring messages even if the start date is in the past, which was previously not possible. Additionally, any recurring messages that have reached their end date will now correctly display a checkmark, indicating that they are completed, instead of incorrectly showing that they are still recurring.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more details.

FOCUS-44543- Linked Students: Prevent Duplicate Entries

This update ensures that the same linked student cannot be added more than once under the "Addresses & Contacts" section within the Student Info. This prevents duplication of linked student records, improving data accuracy and integrity.

FOCUS-44541- User Calendar: Add Attendance Calendar Drop-Down Option

This update adds a new feature to the User Calendar event section, allowing users to select which attendance calendar an event applies to via a new drop-down option. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in managing events across multiple attendance calendars, ensuring that the correct calendar is associated with each event.

See Calendar for more information.

FOCUS-44539- Managed Integrations: Hide 'Edit Options' for Deleted Integration Reports

This update resolves an issue in the Managed Integrations interface. Previously, if report data was deleted, the "Edit Options" link would still appear, leading to errors when clicked. With this branch, the "Edit Options" link will now be hidden if the corresponding report has been deleted, preventing errors and improving the user experience.

FOCUS-44535- Delete A Student: Include Form Builder Instances and GL Requests

This update enhances the "Delete a Student" functionality by ensuring that when a student is deleted, associated form builder instances and 'gl_requests' records are also removed from the system. This improvement helps maintain data integrity and prevents orphaned records from remaining in the system after a student is deleted.

See Delete a Student for more information.

FOCUS-44534- New Translations: Improve Translations for Custom HTML Portal Alerts

This update resolves an issue in the new Translations system where portal alerts messages defined as 'Custom HTML' under Portal Editor were being incorrectly translated. The problem occurred because the translation function (`t()`) received encoded HTML characters, causing incorrect rendering. The branch also includes a migration to delete existing problematic translations and regenerate them correctly for supported languages, ensuring accurate translations for custom HTML content in portal alerts.

FOCUS-44521- New Translations: Translate User Calendar and Absence Summary

This update enhances the new Translations feature by adding support for translating additional sections within the User Calendar, including Absence Summary and Excuse Notes, across the Parent, Student, and Teacher Portals. This improvement ensures a more comprehensive multilingual experience within these portals, allowing users to access key information in their preferred language.

FOCUS-44516- Audit Trail: Record Deleted Uploaded Files

This enhancement to the Student and User Audit Trails ensures that when files are deleted, the deletion is recorded and noted in the Audit Trail, which can be accessed through the interface. This addition provides greater transparency and accountability, allowing users to track file deletions alongside other actions within the system.

FOCUS-44355- Discipline: Allow N/A Selection in Offender Type Column in Referrals Report

This update enhances the Referrals screen in Discipline by allowing end-users to unselect a value in the Offender Type column. This provides more flexibility in managing referral records by ensuring users can adjust or remove offender type selections as needed.

FOCUS-44230- Communication Report: Show Created by User for District Messages

With this update, any message sent by a user using "send as district" will now display that user in the 'From' column. However, it will still appear to the recipient as coming from the district. Attendance alerts for both students and teachers are unaffected by this change.

See Communication Reports for more information.

FOCUS-44147- Hall Pass: Enhancements to Create Hall Pass Screen

This update enhances the Hall Pass feature by reorganizing the Create Hall Pass screen. The "Student," "Departing From," and "Now/Scheduled" fields are now at the top of the popup window. A new "Restrictions" section has been added to display student restrictions once a student is selected. This section helps users identify any restrictions, such as location limits or restricted student interactions, before creating a pass. Users can hover over or click the restriction icon to view detailed restrictions, ensuring better decision-making when issuing passes.

See Hall Passes (admin), Student Info: Hall Passes (admin), Hall Passes on the Kiosk and Mobile App (admin), Hall Passes (teacher), Student Info: Hall Passes (teacher), Hall Passes in the Mobile App for Teachers, Hall Passes (parent/student), and Hall Passes in the Mobile App (Students and Parents) for more information.

FOCUS-44083- Attendance: Resolve Inconsistencies Between Search & Teacher Summary on Teacher Completion

This update addresses inconsistencies between the search and summary pages in Attendance > Teacher Completion. Previously, these areas used separate functions to return results, leading to discrepancies. With this branch, both the search and summary pages will now utilize the same function, ensuring consistent and accurate results across both pages.

FOCUS-44073- Workflow Triggers: Display All Schools Access Users in Actions

This update introduces a new feature in Student Workflow Triggers. Now, users with access to all schools will appear in the Action User selection area, enhancing the flexibility and functionality of the workflow trigger system.

See Workflow Triggers for more details.

FOCUS-43818- Scheduling: Display Full Year Marking Period Title on Courses & Sections

This update ensures that the Marking Period title configured for the Full Year under Marking Periods is accurately displayed on the Courses & Sections screen, replacing the previous hard-coded "Full Year" value. This change allows the screen to reflect the specific title set by the district, enhancing consistency and clarity across the platform.


FOCUS-44583- SSS: Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services Scheduled Job to Include Inactive Students

After the update, the "Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services" scheduled job now correctly populates the FEFP (Florida Education Finance Program) Code in the Student Information System (SIS) for inactive students. Previously, this code was not being populated for students who were no longer active, but this issue has been resolved with the latest branch.

FOCUS-44470- SSS: New Customize Caseload & Services Settings

This update adds new system preferences in the SSS > General section to enhance progress reporting on goals via the Caseload & Services screen. Users can now select progress options such as "Emerging," "Continuing," "Mastered," and "Not Addressed" from a customizable dropdown. Additionally, a preference allows for minutes calculation versus units based on actual time in and out, and the Service History screen now includes a total minutes calculation at the bottom of the Duration column for all duration settings.

See General for more information.


FOCUS-44631- CTE: Improve Estimated Course Completion Performance

This update improves the load speed of student schedules for a specific postsecondary client. This improvement ensures faster access to student schedules, particularly for students with numerous inactive records, enhancing the user experience on the clients site.

FOCUS-43890- COE Report Updates

This branch includes several improvements to the COE Report: column numbers and titles now match the COE numbering scheme, with the first column frozen when scrolling horizontally. New date fields have been added for search criteria. The Graduate Completer column now includes students who have earned any OCP in the program, not just the final course. Students with a "COE Exclusion" course completion code are removed from the report, and non-graduate completers with at least one OCP are not considered withdrawals.

See COE for more information.

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