Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13 - Revision - 08/23/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39547 - Communication - Attendance - Grade Levels, Periods, Once Per Day

This branch introduces several enhancements to the attendance setup in the Communication Platform. Notably, a "period" column has been incorporated to enable callouts for specific periods when the period type is chosen. Additionally, the inclusion of a "grade level" column allows callouts to be restricted to certain grade levels. Both of these selections can accommodate multiple values.

Furthermore, a new option labeled "one per day" has been introduced, accessible via a checkbox. Activating this option guarantees that, regardless of how many times the criteria are met, only one message will be dispatched per day. These improvements provide users with increased flexibility and enhanced control over attendance callouts within the communication module.

See Communication (Admin) for details about these new settings in Attendance.

Added FOCUS-39565 - Communication: Send Messages From District Account

With this update, a new feature called 'Send as district' has been introduced on the compose screen. This option is available to administrators through a profile permission. When enabled, messages sent with this option will appear to recipients as if they were sent from the district itself. Additionally, when this option is used, the sent messages will not be placed in the user's sent box. Instead, users will receive a confirmation message indicating that the message was successfully sent.

See Communication (Admin) for details about the new "Send as District" setting.

Added FOCUS-39607 - Student Portal Blank if Translations Fail

Before this update, displaying a very large announcement on the portal page for a student with a non-English preferred language would cause a white screen. With this update, the white screen issue has been resolved, although please note that the message may not be translated correctly; this issue is being addressed with a separate branch.


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