Documentation for Administrators

12.0.70 - 12/08/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-46510- feat(accounts-receivable): add z-fold option to 1098-Ts

This system enhancement will introduce a Z-fold option in the Paper dropdown menu on the Print 1098-Ts screen. You can access the Print 1098-Ts screen through the Billing menu in SIS and Accounts Receivable menu in ERP.

See Print 1098-T's for more information.

FOCUS-46477- feat(ledger): move new True Balance Report to IA Activity Report

This system Improvement will move the True Balance Report from the Budgeting/ General Ledger menu to a tab on Internal Accounts Activity Report.

See Internal Accounts Activity Report > True Balance Report for more information.

FOCUS-46476- feat(fixed-assets): add brand and asset source to asset import

This system enhancement introduces a new "Brand" and "Asset Source" field within the Import Assets tab of the Manage Assets screen. The "Brand" field is a text input, while the "Asset Source" is presented as a dropdown menu. Users can add sources through the Fixed Assets Maintenance screen.

See Manage Assets > Importing Assets for additional information.

FOCUS-46448- feat(accounts-payable): allow duplicating canceled or denied imported p-cards

This system enhancement introduces the ability to duplicate a canceled or denied p-card purchase order request. The Duplicate button can be found on the Request History tab within the Purchase Requests/Orders screen.

See Purchase Requests/Orders > Request History and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders > Request History for additional information.

FOCUS-46419- feat(accounts-receivable): add setting to require certain element categories on IA receipts

This system enhancement introduces a new feature that allows specific allocation elements to be mandated on internal account receipts. You can find this setting in the Internal Accounts tab of the Setup Settings screen. It is presented as a multi-select dropdown menu. If a user tries to submit a receipt without including a required allocation element, an error message will be displayed.

See Setup > Settings > Internal Accounts tab for more information.


FOCUS-46416- Add option to view all users' Warehouse returns

This system enhancement introduces a new profile permission that allows users to view the complete approval history for warehouse returns.

See Setup > Profiles > Warehouse tab for more information.


FOCUS-46436- Add manually executed flag and pay run column to leave history

This system enhancement adds a run code column to the Leave History screen. The column is present on the pending, history, and history summary tab. The column is on the View ESS leave history screen for administrators and the Employee Self Service leave history screen for employees.

See View ESS and Employee Self Service > Leave History for more details.

FOCUS-46389- Leave Report > Facility Search and Update

This system enhancement adds a facility drop down to the leave report as well as a pay type column to the actual report. The facilities listed in the drop down will be tied to the users' account strip and will only show employees in the selected facility.

See the Leave Report for more details.

FOCUS-46267- Add the ability to mark a slot as inactive

This system enhancement introduces an Inactive column to the Slot/Step section of the Payroll Maintenance by Fiscal Year screen's main tables tab. A slot/step can be designated as inactive, causing it to be hidden from the records displayed on the page unless the "Show All Slots" checkbox is selected. Once a slot/step is marked as inactive, it will no longer be available for selection on other screens, such as the supplement screen on an employee's job screen.

See Payroll > Maintenance By Fiscal Year > Slots/Steps for more information.

FOCUS-46253- Employee Requests | Add profile perms for types + general upgrades

This system enhancement introduces new features to Employee Self Service:

  • New setup setting allowing districts to control which requests are visible on Human Resources > View ESS
  • Renamed "Dis-Allow Date Spanning Leave Requests" to "Prevent Date Spanning Leave Requests" to improve clarity in Setup > Setting > Employee Self Service
  • Expanded Profile Permission for employee request in employee self-service separated by request type

See Setup > Settings > Employee Self Service tab and Setup > Profiles > Employee Self Service for more details.

FOCUS-44533- feat(ess) - payroll review center

System Improvement adding the ability to send email notification and portal alert to employees regarding their Timecard and Substitute pay for review via Employee Self Service. To enable: Setup > Profiles > Employee Self Service > Payroll Review Center.

See Profiles > Employee Self Service tab, School/Department Payroll Entry > Assigning Payroll Runs, and Employee Self Service > Payroll Review Center for additional information.


FOCUS-46638- Assessment Report: Restrict State ID to User Permissions

This update enhances the security of the Assessment Report by aligning the visibility of the state_id field with user permissions. Previously, any user with access to the Assessment Report could view the state_id for all students, regardless of their permissions for that field. With this update, visibility of the state_id field is now controlled by the user's profile permissions for the student field with the alias state_id, ensuring proper access restrictions.

FOCUS-46566- Communication Platform: Errors Column Improvements in Communication Report

This update enhances error handling and display in the Communication Platform for messages sent to large recipient lists. Previously, if more than 10,000 records were sent, errors were only visible for the first 10,000, requiring users to download the full list to view all errors. With this improvement, only errors are displayed. If errors exceed 10,000, the first 10,000 are shown, and a download link for the complete CSV file remains available. This streamlines error management for high-volume communications.

FOCUS-46538- School Choice: Ensure Appropriate Number of Choices Appear on Application

This update resolves an issue in the School Choice Module where the school choice application did not consistently reflect the correct number of program choices allowed. The number of program choices was intended to align with the "How many program choices can the user choose?" setting in the Customize Application preferences. With this update, the application now consistently displays the correct number of program choices based on the configured setting.

FOCUS-46534- Communication Platform: Disable Attendance Alerts per Student Enhancement

This update brings a enhancement to the Communication Platform, Call Out System expansion with the addition of a new system student field, 'Disable Attendance Alerts.' Designed for flexibility, this field is initially unassigned to a category or permissions. Once configured, it appears as a checkbox, allowing schools to easily exempt individual students from receiving attendance alerts, even if they meet the usual criteria. This improvement offers a more tailored approach to managing student notifications.

See Communication > Student Attendance Alerts for more information.

FOCUS-46518- Communication Platform: Remove Recipients from a Message when Discarded

This update addresses an issue within the Communication Platform where recipients selected via the search screen were not cleared when a message was discarded. With this improvement, discarding a message now also clears its associated recipients, ensuring proper cleanup and consistency in the message handling process.

FOCUS-46513- Community Mobile App: Resolve "Reports" Tab Visibility in Parent/Student View

This update resolves an issue in the Community Mobile App where the 'Reports' tab on the home screen would disappear after navigating away and returning. With this update, the condition now persists, ensuring the 'Reports' tab consistently appears whenever the home screen is accessed.

FOCUS-46502- Communication Platform: Display Enrollment School in Communication Report

This update improves the Communication Report by aligning school information with student enrollment. Previously, the report displayed the school associated with the communication_messages record, which could cause discrepancies if a message was sent to a student at a different school. With this update, the report now reflects the school where the student was enrolled at the time the message was sent, ensuring accurate and consistent reporting.

FOCUS-46474- Scheduling: Improve Completed Course Warning when Scheduling

This update resolves an issue where the warning message "This student has already taken and passed this course" did not appear in certain scenarios. Previously, the system only checked if the student's completed credits exceeded the course's course weight, missing some edge cases. With this update, the warning logic has been refined to account for all relevant scenarios, ensuring the message displays consistently when applicable.

FOCUS-46439- Letterhead Templates: Improve Handling with Translations

This update improves the performance of translations within Letterhead Templates by optimizing the logic behind translating template elements. The enhanced logic ensures more efficient handling of translated content, reduces API calls, and delivers a smoother and more streamlined user experience.

FOCUS-46430- Student Fields: Improve Behavior of Suggestions Query Functionality in Logging Fields

Previously, the Suggestions Query behavior within the Logging Fields setup was inconsistent. Suggestions appeared only on the first row with empty inputs when creating a new record, did not appear on newly added rows without saving, and were unavailable when editing existing saved records. With this update, the Suggestions Query now functions as expected, providing suggestions consistently when creating new records, adding new rows without saving, and editing existing saved records.

FOCUS-46430- Student Fields: Improve Behavior of Suggestions Query Functionality in Logging Fields

Previously, the Suggestions Query behavior within the Logging Fields setup was inconsistent. Suggestions appeared only on the first row with empty inputs when creating a new record, did not appear on newly added rows without saving, and were unavailable when editing existing saved records. With this update, the Suggestions Query now functions as expected, providing suggestions consistently when creating new records, adding new rows without saving, and editing existing saved records.

FOCUS-46413- School Choice: Ensure Application Notes Display in Application

This update resolves an issue in the School Choice module where Application Notes were not appearing in Choice Applications, even when applicable conditions were met. Additionally, it enhances the printing functionality, ensuring that Application Notes are correctly included when parents or end-users print the application after saving. This improvement provides greater accuracy and usability for both on-screen and printed applications.

FOCUS-46334- Communication Platform: Show Awarded Positive Behaviors as a Teacher Only if they Contain Comments

This update resolves an issue in the Communication Platform related to Positive Behavior messages. Previously, when a teacher awarded a Positive Behavior, the message was correctly delivered to the student and their primary contacts, but the teacher's Sent Box did not display the message sent to the primary contacts. With this update, the teacher's Sent Box now accurately reflects Positive Behavior messages sent to parents, ensuring consistent tracking of communications.

FOCUS-46313- Scheduling: Do Not Auto-Download Schedules with Switching Schools in Print Teacher Schedules

This update improves the behavior of the Print Teacher Schedules feature. Previously, after downloading Teacher Schedules for one school, switching to another school would automatically trigger a download for the second school without returning to the Print Teacher Schedules search screen. With this update, when switching schools, the end-user will remain on the search page, providing greater control and a more seamless experience.

FOCUS-46288- Post Final Grades: Require Non-Empty Text Input for Explanation

This update enhances the Post Final Grades functionality, specifically for systems where the preference "Force teachers to enter a comment if they override posted grades" is enabled. Previously, teachers could bypass the requirement by entering a single space in the Explanation field. With this improvement, users are now required to provide meaningful text in the Explanation field before saving changes, ensuring compliance with the system preference.

FOCUS-46284- Communication Platform: New Admin Profile "Allow Student/Parent Reply" Setting Enhancement

This update enhances the Communication Platform by introducing a new admin-configurable setting: "Allow Student/Parent Reply." When enabled, this setting makes the "Allow Student/Parent Reply" option default to active on the Compose screen, while still allowing users to manually disable it for individual messages before sending. However, if "Send as District" or "Send as School" is selected, the "Allow Student/Parent Reply" option will remain disabled as expected. This setting is available in both the Settings and Default User Settings sections for administrators, offering greater flexibility and control.

See Communication > Settings and Default User Preferences > Communication for more information about this new setting.

FOCUS-46252- Report Cards: Ensure Preference Setting in Program User Config has Value

This update resolves an issue in Report Cards where, in rare cases, setting preferences and clicking "Continue" could update program user configuration with an inappropriate value. This would result in a white screen when attempting to return to Report Cards. With this update, the preference handling logic has been corrected to prevent invalid configurations, ensuring users can navigate Report Cards without errors.

FOCUS-46216- Scheduling: Display Warning Scheduling Section with Inactive Child Section

This update introduces a new enhancement to the Scheduling module to improve section assignment accuracy. End-users will now see a warning when attempting to schedule a student into a section linked to an inactive section. The warning message, "There is a conflict. Are you sure you want to add this section?" includes details about the inactive section, providing users with clearer guidance before proceeding.

FOCUS-46215- Communication Platform: Updates for User Dropdown and Cron Messages in Communication Report

This update enhances the Communication Platform by refining the functionality of the Communication Report:

  • Teachers will no longer see automated cron messages that were sent to them, ensuring their view is limited to relevant communications.
  • Admin users will now only see cron messages that were either sent to them directly or to users/students they have access to. Previously, admins could see messages sent to users/students outside their access scope if those messages involved a user they could access.
  • For admins with "view all users" permissions, the user dropdown has been updated to include the cron user as an option. The dropdown list will now display consistently whether "all users" is selected or the "view all users" checkbox is used.

These changes improve clarity and access control within the Communication Report.

FOCUS-46165- Third Party Systems (API): Support Homeroom classType Attribute in OneRoster Dialect

This update enhances the OneRoster Third Party Systems (API) dialect by introducing support for the classType attribute, which can now be set to "Homeroom" for applicable sections. A new system column, "Homeroom," has been added to the Course Catalog to facilitate this improvement. The Homeroom column features a Yes/No/Null dropdown, and when set to "Yes," the corresponding classType in the OneRoster API is set to "Homeroom." Existing functionality remains unchanged for other courses, which default to "Scheduled" when the Homeroom value is "No" or left as "Null."

See Course Catalog > Viewing the Course Catalog for more information.

Course Catalog

FOCUS-46075- Communication Platform: New Recipient Count Confirmation on Scheduled Messages

This update enhances the Communication Platform by introducing a recipient count confirmation pop-up when scheduling a message. Previously, this confirmation only appeared when sending a message immediately. The confirmation pop-up will now display after a user clicks "Save" on scheduling a message and includes a note: "Recipient count for Groups will be pulled at the scheduled time." The pop-up activates under two conditions: when the preference 'Always Confirm Recipient Count when Sending Communication' is enabled, or if the preference is disabled and the recipient count exceeds 100.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-46044- Communication Platform: Display Warning for Scheduled Messages With No Recipients

This update introduces new functionality to the Communication Platform. If a scheduled message fails to generate any recipients, a warning will now be recorded and displayed. The warning will indicate issues like "This message was sent but did not reach any recipients" or "All groups were empty when this message was sent." Warnings will appear with an 'i info' icon and a light blue background, unlike error messages, which display a yellow background and prevent future sends. Recurring messages with warnings will still send at their next interval.

FOCUS-46025- Community Mobile App: Update Ck Editor 5 to v43.3.0 to Improve Typing

This update resolves an issue in the Community Mobile App for Android devices related to the CK Editor. Previously, users reported problems with repeated letters and unintended capitalization while composing messages in the Communication module. With this update, typing behavior in the CK Editor on Android devices has been corrected, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience.

FOCUS-45879- Grades: Performance Improvement to Standards Report Cards

This update introduces a performance enhancement to the generation of Standards Report Cards, streamlining the process and reducing the time needed to create the reports. This improvement ensures that schools can generate standards-based report cards more efficiently, leading to faster access and smoother overall performance during report card generation periods.

FOCUS-45849- Advanced Reports: Ensure Custom Graduation Requirements Display as Expected

This update resolves an issue in Advanced Reports where reports with fields derived from SQL-based Graduation Requirements data would fail to generate results. With this fix, Advanced Reports now successfully process and display data from these fields, ensuring more comprehensive report functionality and accuracy.

FOCUS-45730- Letterhead Templates: Resolve Current Date Insert Field Variable Population

This update resolves an issue with the Teacher Completion Report when printing with a letterhead template containing the "Current Date" insert field variable. Previously, the "Current Date" field would not populate as expected. With this update, the "Current Date" variable now populates correctly on the printed letterhead, ensuring accurate and consistent output.

FOCUS-45404- Teacher Gradebook: New Mark Individual Grades Exempt or Late

This update introduces two new features in the Grade Comment modal within the Teacher Gradebook: checkboxes for marking a grade as "Late" or to "Exclude from Average." The "Exclude from Average" option ensures that the grade is not calculated into the student's overall average while still retaining the grade for record purposes. Grades marked as excluded will display a drop arrow in the Gradebook grid and include an "Excluded" message in the single student view. The "Late" option allows teachers to flag assignments submitted past the deadline. This designation does not impact the grade but adds a late icon in the Gradebook grid and displays a "Late" message in the single student view. These features enhance transparency and flexibility in grade management.

See Gradebook > Entering Grades for details.

FOCUS-45221- Teacher Gradebook: New Transfer Grades Feature

This update introduces a new feature to the Teacher Gradebook, allowing teachers to seamlessly manage transfer grades for students. A new "Insert Transfer Grades" link is now available on the Transfer Student Report for teachers with access to gradebook reports. By clicking the link, teachers can input a transfer date, which automatically excuses any assignments with due dates prior to the transfer date and creates a new transfer grade assignment. The points for this assignment will equal the total points of all excused assignments.

Key Details:

  • Proficiency Gradebooks Excluded: The feature is unavailable for proficiency gradebooks.
  • Locked Gradebooks Restrictions: The functionality is not available if the gradebook is locked and the "Allow Teachers to Modify the Gradebook After Grade Posting Closes" system preference is disabled.  
  • Weighted Gradebooks: When mapping categories during a transfer, the average of multiple categories in the old gradebook will populate the corresponding category in the new gradebook.
  • Dynamic Updates: Transfer grades update district totals (DT grades) and are reflected in progress reports using the gradebook option on report cards.
  • Assignment Customization: Teachers can re-title the inserted transfer assignment, which appears at the far right of the gradebook view as requested.
  • Grading Scale Compatibility: The system supports transferring grades between different grading scales, including proficiency scales, converting points accurately to the appropriate grade for the section.

This enhancement streamlines the process of managing transfer grades, ensuring consistency and reducing manual adjustments for teachers.

FOCUS-44861- Grad Req. Report: New Fine Arts Seal in Florida Graduation Requirements Report

This update to the Graduation Requirements Report for Florida customers introduces the Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program in alignment with House Bill 523. It includes new fields and reporting elements to support tracking of fine arts achievements for high school students. A new system field, "Seal of Fine Arts Additional Requirements," allows schools to track criteria like juried event participation, arts-related community service, and recognition for original works. Additionally, a checkbox field, "Fine Arts," has been added to the Course Catalog, marking courses that meet the fine arts requirement. As part of the migration, any course in the Course Catalog with a "Graduation Subject Area" of "PF" for the 2024 school year will have the "Fine Arts" designation set to 'Y' by default.

In the Graduation Requirements Report, the Seal of Fine Arts designation is displayed in the detailed student view for students who have completed qualifying coursework and met at least two additional criteria, such as completing advanced fine arts courses, community service, or receiving arts recognition. In the report's summary view, a new Fine Arts Designation column shows a green checkmark for students who meet the designation requirements, with filter options for quick analysis. This enhancement provides schools with a structured way to recognize and report students' achievements in the fine arts.

See Graduation Requirements Report and Course Catalog for more information.

FOCUS-44436- Discipline Incidents: Resolve User Incident Deletion if Referral Deleted

This update improves the Discipline module by preventing users from clicking the delete button while a referral is still loading, which previously allowed deletion of a referral while it was still linked to an incident. This caused issues when the incident could no longer be deleted. With this branch, users will no longer be able to delete the referral prematurely, and incidents can still be deleted if a referral was previously removed under the updated system.

FOCUS-44323- Online Application: New Preference to Automatically Link Siblings

This update introduces a new system preference called "Automatically link students created by parent profiles." This preference allows administrators to select specific Parent type profiles from a multi-select list. When selected, if a parent completes an Online Application for multiple students, those students will automatically be recognized as siblings and linked in the Address & Contacts section under the Linked Students logging field. This feature streamlines the process of linking sibling records, ensuring they are connected automatically during the application process.

See System Preferences > Online Application and Application Editor > Setting the Online Application System Preferences for more information.

System Preferences

FOCUS-42627- Protected Students: Improvements to Hidden Information

This update enhances the security of sensitive information for students marked as "Protected." Going forward, the birthdate, social security number, and profile photo of Protected Students will be hidden unless the end-user has explicit permissions to view protected student information. This improvement ensures greater privacy and stricter access control for sensitive student data.

See Student Fields > Protected Students for more information.

FOCUS-46482- Progress Reports: Proficiency Gradebook Overall Grade Rounding Issue


FOCUS-46465- SSS: Resolve IEP Goal Domain Saving when Editing

This update enhances the SSS module by addressing an issue with the IEP Goal Domain field. Previously, the dropdown for IEP Goal Domain would not display or save values when editing existing goals in the IEP Goals & Objectives step of an IEP Event. With this improvement, the IEP Goal Domain dropdown now functions as expected, properly displaying and saving selected values during the editing process.

FOCUS-46454- Form Builder: Resolve Student Forms Edit Permission

This update resolves an issue in the Form Builder affecting forms published to students on the portal. Previously, students were unable to edit forms, even when View/Edit permissions were correctly assigned to their profile. With this update, forms are now editable by students with the appropriate permissions, ensuring expected functionality for selected student profiles.

FOCUS-46441- SSS: Improve Print Preview in PMP Events

This update enhances the printing functionality for PMPs within the SSS module. Previously, certain fields would not appear when printing a PMP, leading to incomplete print previews. With this improvement, all populated fields are now included in the print preview, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate representation of the PMP.

FOCUS-46385- SSS: Missouri November Snapshot 2024

This update introduces essential improvements and updates to the SSS module tailored for customers in Missouri. These changes align with the latest requirements and enhancements for the region. For a comprehensive overview of the updates, refer to the November 2024 Updates to MO Master Forms & Setup Zendesk Guide article.

FOCUS-46384- SSS: Resolve Students Appearing in Wrong Periods in the PMP Data Collection Screen

This update improves the SSS module by refining the student list on the PMP Data Collection page. Previously, students who had been dropped from a teacher's class still appeared in the list, with the dropped section displayed in the top-right selection. With this update, only actively scheduled students now appear in the list, ensuring accuracy and relevance in the data collection process.

FOCUS-46042- SSS: Allow PMP Record Deletion with Attendance Data

This update improves the SSS module by addressing the handling of PMP goals with associated attendance data. Previously, PMP goals with attendance data could not be deleted, requiring manual intervention to resolve conflicts. With this update, deleting a PMP goal will automatically remove any associated attendance data, allowing rows to be deleted without errors and streamlining the process.

FOCUS-45939- SSS: October 2024 Ohio Snapshot

This update introduces essential improvements and updates to the SSS module tailored for customers in Ohio. These changes align with the latest requirements and enhancements for the region. For a comprehensive overview of the updates, refer to the October 2024 Updates to Ohio Master Forms & Setup Zendesk Guide article.

FOCUS-45366- SSS: Improve Running Detailed Reports on Dynamic Steps

This update improves the SSS module by addressing an issue with event reporting for dynamic steps. Previously, attempting to view a report for a dynamic step could result in an error, preventing the report from displaying. With this update, the issue has been resolved, and reports for dynamic steps now load and display correctly as expected.

FOCUS-45254- SSS: Show Related Services Transportation Code when Transportation Option Selected

This update improves the Schedule of Services printing functionality in the SSS module. Previously, the Transportation Code column would always display, even if no transportation services were selected. With this update, the Transportation Code column will only appear if at least one service listed in the table includes "Transportation" in its name, ensuring a cleaner and more relevant output.

FOCUS-45159- SSS PMP Data Collection: New Collection Types & Columns - Participation (Comments) & Minutes

This branch introduces a comprehensive enhancement to the SSS module, specifically refining the PMP Data Collection interface to provide more customization and functionality.

A new option under SSS General, titled "PMP Data Collection - Collection Type dropdown options," allows districts to control which options appear in the Collection Type dropdown on the PMP Data Collection screen. The available options in the dropdown are: Attendance, Data Collection, Participation, and Minutes.

Additionally, two new columns, "Participation" and "Minutes," have been introduced:

  • Participation Column: This column features a dropdown to specify participation levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). Selecting an option allows users to double-click and add a comment, which is indicated by a bubble next to the selected percentage. Hovering over the bubble displays the comment content, similar to the "gradebook comment" functionality.
  • Minutes Column: Titled with the selected date, this column allows users to enter the number of minutes per session, with a "Numbers Only" input restriction. The column is positioned next to the "Intervention Frequency" column, displaying the "Intervention Minutes Per Session" value pulled directly from the PMP.

Upon saving, the data entered into these columns is saved into two new data tables associated with the event. Print options are available to include both the Participation and Minutes data tables in reports. Additionally, the "Data Table" label has been updated to "Data Collection Table" to clarify the data source in cases where multiple tables are printed.

See General, PMP Data Collection, Academic PMP, and Behavior PMP for more information.

PMP Data Collection

FOCUS-46401- Postsecondary: Additions to Basic Skills Assessment Scheduled Job for Q/R/S (Florida)

This update enhances the Basic Skills Assessment Scheduled Job for postsecondary customers in Florida to ensure compliance with updated requirements from the Florida Department of Education (FDOE). The update includes support for newly added codes Q, R, and S in Basic Skills. The scheduled job now applies the following logic:

  • Test Shortname = HSQ will set code Q on the schedule.
  • Test Shortname = HSR will set code R on the schedule.
  • Test Shortname = HSS will set code S on the schedule.

These improvements ensure accurate processing of the new FDOE codes.

See Scheduled Jobs > Built-In Scheduled Jobs Explained > Basic Skills Assessment for more information.

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