Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/17/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39488 - Communication Platform: Correct Migration Associated with Historical Chat Messages into Inbox

This branch addresses an issue related to the migration of Focus Chat messages from Version 11 to the Communication Platform in Version 12. With this correction, all messages that have been migrated will now display their content to end-users in the inbox as intended. This ensures that users can view the content of their migrated messages within the Communication Platform, providing a seamless transition and consistent message visibility for users during the migration process.

Added FOCUS-39382 - Communication Platform: Improve Sort Order of Messages

This branch addresses an issue related to the sort order of the Communication Inbox. With this update, the Communications Inbox will now display the most recent messages at the top of the list, ensuring that users can easily access and view their latest communications without the need for manual sorting.

Added FOCUS-39088 - Communication Platform: Improve Load of Communication for Admins

This branch brings about significant improvements in the initial load times for end-users who possess 50 or more admin profiles when they generate the screens for Student Communications.

Added FOCUS-39366 - Communication Platform: Scheduled Messages Should Respect User Enrollment

Before the implementation of this branch, if a user whose enrollments had all ended had scheduled a message, the message would continue to be sent even after the user's end date. With the introduction of this branch, scheduled messages will no longer be sent for users whose enrollments have ended. This enhancement ensures that messages are not sent to users who are no longer actively enrolled, preventing unnecessary communication and maintaining accurate messaging practices.

Added FOCUS-39428 - Communication Platform: Prevent Error Sending Draft Messages

Before the branch implementation, there was an issue where attempting to send a message from drafts in the Communication platform would result in a process that never completed, accompanied by an error. With the introduction of this branch, users can now successfully send messages from drafts in the Communication platform without encountering the previous issue.

Added FOCUS-39473 - Communication Platform: Support Non-Numeric Local Student IDs when Sending Messages

This branch implements support for non-numeric Student Local IDs when sending messages through the Communication Platform. Prior to this enhancement, attempting to send messages using non-numeric Student Local IDs would result in an error. With this improvement, non-numeric Student Local IDs can be used seamlessly for sending messages, eliminating the previous error and ensuring a smoother messaging experience within the Communication Platform.

Added FOCUS-39323 - Communication Platform: Improve Performance of Messaging

Before the implementation of this branch, selecting a large number of students to message from the search screen would trigger an error, preventing the communication screen from loading. With the introduction of this branch, the communication screen now loads successfully even when a substantial number of students are selected from the search screen.

Added FOCUS-39476 - Communication Platform: Resolve Error in Attendance Messaging

Before the implementation of branch 39291, there was an issue concerning the saving of attendance message titles, which resulted in a language_id error. Unfortunately, even with the introduction of branch 39291, this problem persisted for those records. However, this latest branch effectively resolves this error, enabling the successful saving of attendance message titles without encountering the language_id issue. This enhancement ensures the proper functioning of saving attendance message titles, contributing to a more streamlined and error-free user experience.

Added FOCUS-39437 - Communication Platform: Require Announcement Title

Before the implementation of this branch, creating an announcement without specifying a title would result in a blank announcement block on the portal. With the introduction of this branch, users are no longer able to add an announcement without providing a title. This enhancement enforces the requirement for a title when creating announcements, ensuring that announcements are always meaningful and correctly displayed on the portal, contributing to a more consistent and informative user experience.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39429 - Communication Platform: Prevent Batch Failure due to SMS Message Exceeding Length

Before the implementation of this branch, if an SMS that exceeded the maximum length was sent, it would prevent other SMS messages from being sent. This issue could arise when a translated message was being sent. With the introduction of this branch, only the long message that exceeds the maximum length will not be sent, and other SMS messages will still be sent as intended. Additionally, if a message is not sent due to length restrictions, the error message will now display the length of the unsent message. This enhancement ensures that SMS messages are sent more reliably and provides clearer information to users in case of message length issues.

Added FOCUS-39334 - Communication Platform: Respect School Info Settings in School Dropdowns

In the Communication module, all school pulldowns now employ a unified approach. These pulldowns utilize the sort order specified in School Info, which is then followed by alphabetical sorting. Additionally, schools that fall outside any specified minimum or maximum school years are excluded from the options presented in these pulldowns.

See Communication (Admin) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39449 - Communication Platform: Prioritize New Messages in Inbox

This branch guarantees that all unread messages within the Communication Platform will be displayed at the top of the Inbox for end-users. This enhancement enhances user experience by prioritizing unread messages and making them easily accessible, allowing users to promptly attend to their new messages.

Added FOCUS-39516 - Communication Platform: Correct "Teachers Of" Including Students

Before the implementation of this branch, when a message was sent to the "teachers of," the student would also receive the message. With the introduction of this branch, this behavior has been corrected. Now, when the recipient of the message is set to "teachers of," the student will no longer receive the message. The student is no longer treated as a fallback for teachers in this specific case.

Added FOCUS-39380 - Communication Platform: Edit Scheduled Messages Enhancement

Prior to the branch implementation, there was no way to edit a scheduled message after it was added. With the branch update, the "Schedule" button has been renamed to "Reschedule." When this button is clicked, the current schedule is populated, allowing users to edit and save the schedule accordingly. Additionally, a fix has been applied to address an issue with the appearance of the subject field in the scheduled message. This enhancement offers users the ability to adjust schedules and subject fields for their messages, providing greater flexibility and control over their communication timing and content.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39496 - Communication Platform: Send Mass Message Confirmation

This branch introduces a pop-up message within the Communication feature when a user attempts to send a message to more than 100 recipients. The pop-up message displays the number of recipients involved and offers the user the choice to either go back or proceed with sending the message. This enhancement provides users with a clear alert regarding the high number of recipients and allows them to make an informed decision on whether to continue with the message sending process.

See Communication (Admin) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39523 - Communication Platform: Improve Display of Send Message Button on Parent Portal in Community Mobile App

Prior to the implementation of this branch, parents using the mobile app experienced an issue where the send button would be positioned off the screen, making it inaccessible. With the introduction of this branch, this problem has been resolved. Adjustments have been made to the CSS to ensure that all options, including the send button, now appear properly on the screen within the mobile app.

Added FOCUS-39494 - Communication Platform: Refine URL Link in Secure Emails for SSO Customers

Prior to the implementation of this branch, the link for secure messages would consistently direct users to the "/focus" URL. With the introduction of this branch, this behavior has been refined based on the system preference settings.

When the profile's system preference is set to use single sign-on (SSO), the link in the secure message will exclude the "skip SAML" part of the URL. This adjustment ensures a seamless experience for users who have SSO enabled.

On the other hand, if the profile is not configured for single sign-on, the "skip SAML" parameter will be included in the secure message link. This ensures that users are directed to the Focus login screen with the appropriate authentication process.

This enhancement ensures that the behavior of secure message links is aligned with the specific authentication setup of each user's profile, providing a smoother and more relevant user experience.

Added FOCUS-39415 - Communication Platform: Improve Options for Linked Images in Announcements & Messages

This branch involves updating the CKEditor used in the new Communication Module and introducing a Summernote plugin to enhance image attributes. The plugin adds an attribute menu that becomes visible when an uploaded image is clicked in the Announcement or Email editor. This update reinstates the functionality to have linked images, allowing users to work with images more effectively within the editor and enabling the inclusion of linked images in communications.

See Communication (Admin) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39506 - Communication Platform: Ensure Advanced Search captures Negative Student IDs

Prior to the implementation of this branch, if you selected a student with a negative ID during advanced searching on communication, they would not appear as selected in the swiftbox . With the introduction of this branch, this behavior has been changed. Now, when you select a student with a negative ID in advanced search for communication, they will appear as selected in the swiftbox, and they will successfully receive the message.

Added FOCUS-39450 - Communication Platform: Update Historical Messages to Read from Upgrade

This branch guarantees that older messages sent through Focus Chat are now properly marked as "read" in the Communication Platform. Previously, during the Version 12 upgrade, these records were being migrated with an incorrect "unread" status. With this correction, the messages' status will be accurately updated to "read," ensuring that users have a consistent and accurate reflection of the read/unread status of their messages in the Communication Platform.

See Communication (Admin) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39539 - Communication Platform: Do Not Allow Letter Logging if Sending to 'Teachers Of'

Before the implementation of this branch, if a message was sent to a student's teachers by way of "Teachers of" and the "add log record" option was selected, the log record would be logged for the student. With the introduction of this branch, there is a change in behavior. Specifically, if the message is addressed to the "Teachers of" a student, the "add log record" option will be disabled. This means that in this specific scenario, the log record will not be added for the student.

This change ensures that the "add log record" option is aligned with the recipient selection, preventing unintended logging of records for students in cases where messages are sent to their teachers.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39540 - Communication: Some Fields Cannot be Edited on Scheduled Messages

Before this branch, there were issues related to saving certain options when transitioning from the compose screen to the draft or scheduled tab in the Communication Platform. The emergency option did not save when being saved as a draft or scheduled. Additionally, the "cc" and "copy self" options wouldn't save on the schedule screen, both when initially scheduling and when editing on the schedule tab.

Previous Article 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/18/2023
Next Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/16/2023