Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/16/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39198 - Communication Platform: Expanded Font Size Options

With this improvement, users can now select Font Size 16 as an option when composing messages or content in the CKEditor within the Communication Platform.

Added FOCUS-38985 - Communication Platform: Call Length Options for Call-Out System Configuration

This enhancement is only applicable to customers who have the Communication Platform with the Call Out System expansion. It adds support to extend the call timer for recorded calls. This adjustment can be made by a Focus representative and set to a value in accordance with the call-out length agreement defined during implementation.

With this improvement, customers can customize the call timer for recorded calls to align with their specific needs and contractual agreements. This feature ensures that recorded calls adhere to the agreed-upon call-out length and provides more flexibility in managing call durations within the Communication Platform.

Added FOCUS-39117 - Communication Platform: Remove Linked Users Option when Sending Communication Messages via Student Info

This branch removes the option to send a letter to the Linked User associated with a student if the letter template selected on Student Info is generated from the Communication Platform.

Added FOCUS-39315 - Auto Cron Messages: Include Title Above Query Messages & Default Subject When Not Specified

With this branch, two enhancements are introduced for Automated Cron Messages. If an Automated Cron Message does not have a subject specified in the setup, the email's subject will now default to 'Focus System Message' and the subject will now display above the query message. This improvement ensures that even in cases where the subject is not explicitly defined for Automated Cron Messages, the email will have a clear and standardized subject of 'Focus System Message'.

Added FOCUS-39442 - Authentication failure when pin id starts with zeros the pin is stripped of zeros causing an authenticate failure

Added FOCUS-39312 - Communication: Caller ID Schools Pull-down not Populating Correctly

Added FOCUS-39189 - Communication: Copy Self & CC Emails

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39360 - Communications: Restrict Emails with Announcements if User Does not have Send Messages

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39500 - Communication - Skip processing if possible, prioritize telephony messages, add 24 hour expiration

Previous Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/17/2023
Next Article 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/14/2023