Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12 - Revision - 08/19/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39550 - Communication Platform: Set From Address = Reply To Address on Applicable Emails

Before the implementation of the mentioned branch, when a recipient could reply to a message, the "from" email address would be a no-reply email, and the "reply to" email would be the communication email with the conversation identification.

After the branch was implemented, a change was made so that when a recipient can reply to a message, the "reply to" email will be the communication email itself, ensuring a more streamlined and effective communication process.

Added FOCUS-39553 - Communication Platform: Streamline Entry into Letter Log

Before this branch, there was an issue with message logging. When sending a message to multiple contacts or a combination of contacts and a student, if the message was selected to be logged, multiple records would be logged for the student, causing redundancy and potential confusion.

After the branch was implemented, this issue was resolved. Now, when sending messages to multiple contacts or a combination of contacts and a student and selecting to log the message, the system behaves correctly, and only one record is logged for the student, avoiding duplication.

Added FOCUS-39587 - Communication - Fields - Prevent Export.php from running Student queries when evaluation a User

Added FOCUS-39545 - Communication: Do Not Call or Email Student When no Parent Emails or Phone Numbers Exist

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for details.


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