Documentation for Administrators

12.0.30 - 01/07/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41462- feat(accounts-payable): add Category button to some PO FA lines

System improvement adding Asset Category selector for assets on Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders.

See Purchase Requests/Orders and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders for details.

FOCUS-41449- feat(budgets): add permission to allow fund transfer in BM revision

System improvement adding profile permission preventing crossing funds on budget revisions.

See Budget Maintenance and Internal Account Budget Maintenance for more information.

FOCUS-41448- feat(manual-journals): add option to require element category in rules

System improvement adding option to require categories on Manual Journals. To enable Setup > Settings > Manual Journals > Category Required.

See Settings > Manual Journals, Manual Journals, and Internal Account Manual Journals for more information.

FOCUS-41330- feat(fixed-assets): add Asset Source field

System Enhancement adding a new Source tab to Fixed Assets > Setup > Maintenance. This text field will display under Asset Information.

See Fixed Assets > Manage Assets for details.

FOCUS-41308- feat(fixed-assets): add new Boolean fields

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Setup > Maintenance adding new fields to the Fixed Asset Purchasing Information.

See Fixed Assets > Manage Assets for details.


FOCUS-41453- Audit Trail linked to benefit deduction changes

System improvement to Human Resources > Employee > Audit Trail adding Deductions tab.

FOCUS-41379- CR - Payroll> Run Payroll> Leave> Facility Leave Requests> Cannot Change Personal Leave and Associated Sick Leave Records

Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Payroll > Payroll Calculations > Update Parent Leave to Yes > Save

When the setting is set to yes users will have the ability to update a parent record that has a child record attached to it (for example - personal leave and sick leave) in Payroll > Run Payroll > Run XYZ > Leave > Select Facility ABC.

See Settings > Payroll > Payroll Calculation for more information.

FOCUS-41372- Encumbrance on hourly employees

System improvement adding encumber column to Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types for Hourly employees.

See Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types for details.

FOCUS-41347- Applicant Tracking Accepted Position Hours on EAF

System improvement adding hours per day column to pending approvals on Pending Offers in Applicant Tracking.

FOCUS-41337- Payroll entry dockage warning

System improvement to Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry to receive warning if leave will cause wage dockage.

FOCUS-41318- Add Page Size and Toggle Columns functionality to Applicants tab

System enhancement adding page size and toggle column functionality to Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Applicants.

FOCUS-41285- New deduction option: If you can't take the deduction then take a percent of the disposable

System improvement adding option to take minimum percentage if full deduction cannot be taken in Payroll > Deductions.

See Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Employment for more information.

FOCUS-40793- Add setting for Accounts to Payroll Screens

System enhancement adding a setting to Setup > Settings > Payroll. When enabled, this setting will restrict account strip elements from the Payroll > Run Payroll tabs and Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry tabs.

See Setup > Settings > Payroll for more information.

FOCUS-40455- ESS - W4 Changes

System improvement to Employee Self Service W4 Request per IRS guidelines.


FOCUS-41471- Student Info: Allow Deleting Photos from Prior Years

The latest enhancement to the Student Primary Information section simplifies the process of managing student photos. Previously, if a student's photo was added in a prior year, end-users had to change to that specific year in their session to delete the photo. Now, with this update, users can delete the student's photo directly, regardless of the session's school year.

FOCUS-41466- Attendance Chart: Make Report Timeframe Consistent when Changing Students

This update resolves an issue on the attendance chart page where the Report Timeframe date would revert to default upon switching students. The selected Report Timeframe date now remains consistent, regardless of student changes, enhancing usability and user experience.

FOCUS-41455- Communication Platform: Ensure Sent Calls Display Correct Status in Message Thread

Prior to this update, the pending clock icon in the Communication Platform did not change to the sent/phone icon after sending a recorded call. This improvement ensures that once a recorded call is sent, the icon correctly updates from the pending clock to the sent/phone icon, reflecting the current status accurately.

FOCUS-41437- System Preferences: Ensure School-Specific Preference Precedence Over District-Level

The recent update addresses an issue with the 'Hide grades until X days after posting closes' System Preference. Previously, when this preference was enabled at the district level, it would override individual school preferences in the portal. Now, the correct value is used, ensuring that the school-specific preference takes precedence over the district-level setting. This change enhances the accuracy of grade visibility in the portal.

FOCUS-41416- Post Final Grades: Improve Behavior with "Hide Comments, Conduct Comments..." Preference Enabled

This update resolves an issue where teachers were unable to use the 'Use Weighted Average of Quarter Grades' link for posting grades. The problem stemmed from an attempt to set the value of the 'comment' swift box, which was not present when the system preference 'Hide Comments, Conduct Comments and local posting fields for all marking periods not set up as quarters' was enabled.

FOCUS-41399- Scheduling: Ensure Rotation Label Displays as Numeric in Courses & Sections when System Preference Set

This update addresses an inconsistency in the "Courses and Sections" section. When the "Rotation Day Label" is set to Numeric in System Preferences, the rotation days in Scheduling, Courses & Sections were still displaying as letters. The fix ensures that these rotation days are now correctly displayed as numeric values, in line with the selected system preference.

FOCUS-41397- Community Mobile App: Improve Behavior of Re-Enrollment Forms in Parent View

This update corrects an issue in the Community Mobile App's Re-Enrollment Forms feature. Previously, when parents with multiple students accessed Re-Enrollment Forms in the Parent View, the forms were incorrectly attached to the wrong students, leading to inaccurate data in the Parent Portal Forms Summary screen. The fix ensures that forms are now correctly associated with the specified students, eliminating the data mismatch.

FOCUS-41396- Grades: Ensure Zero Grades Appear in Grade Verification Sheets

This update addresses a problem in the Grade Verification Sheet where zeros were incorrectly filtered out as empty values. With the implementation of this change, zeros will now be correctly displayed.

FOCUS-41391- Student Info: Improve "Include Inactive Students" My Preference Setting Behavior with New Search

The latest update resolves a usability issue in the New Search feature for students. Previously, users with the My Preference, "Include Inactive Students" set couldn't directly select the "Include Previous Years Students" checkbox without first toggling the include inactive checkbox off and on again.

FOCUS-41386- Proficiency Gradebook: Resolve Deleted Assignment Displaying on Progress Report

This update fixes an issue in the Proficiency Gradebook, where grades for standards, once attached to an assignment and later deleted, continued to appear in the progress report. Now, if a standard is removed from an assignment, its associated grade will no longer display in the progress report, ensuring that the report accurately reflects current assignment standards.

FOCUS-41380- Form Builder: Improve Performance of Form History

This update enhances the load time performance for viewing Form History, specifically for customers using self-hosted MSSQL environments. The improvement significantly reduces the time taken to load form histories, offering a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

FOCUS-41375- Attendance: Exclude Hidden Students in Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

The recent update ensures that Hidden Students are now excluded from Verification Sheets and Sub Rosters in the Attendance module.

See Attendance > Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters for more information.

FOCUS-41374- Recent Programs: Respect My Preference Student Name Display Setting

The latest update ensures that the display of student names in the Recent Programs portal block aligns with the end-user's 'My Preference' settings for Student Name Display. This ensures consistency and personalization in how student names are presented across the portal.

FOCUS-41373- Attendance: New 2nd School Setting in Average Daily Attendance Report

This update introduces a new option in the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) report, allowing users to include or exclude 2nd school enrollments. The feature is implemented as a checkbox titled "Include 2nd School Enrollments," which is checked ON by default to reflect the current functionality. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in generating ADA reports under the Attendance module.

See Average Daily Attendance for more information.

FOCUS-41369- Communication Platform: Improve Visibility of Announcements for Teachers

With this update, teachers can now view their announcements in the Communication Platform, addressing the previous limitation where they were unable to see them. This enhancement improves accessibility and visibility of information for teachers within the platform.

FOCUS-41366- Communication Platform: Improve Immediate Message Processing

This update improves the Communication Platform to ensure that variables included in messages are now displayed instantly to parents and students. This enhancement provides a smoother and more efficient communication experience.

FOCUS-41362- Discipline: Update Session Student When Duplicating Referrals

This branch addresses an issue in the Discipline module where end-users would encounter a problem when creating a duplicate referral for another student. Previously, after clicking the generated link to view the duplicated referral, the page would still display the original student's user profile in the top left corner. This update resolves that issue for a smoother user experience.

FOCUS-41360- Scheduling: Resolve Display of Courses & Sections for Postsecondary, Attendance Period Records Exceeding 24 Hours

In the current system, when an attendance period record contains an hours value exceeding 24 hours, postsecondary customers encounter a database error in Scheduling, Courses & Sections. This branch resolves this issue.

FOCUS-41359- Scheduling: Allow Setting Standards Grading Scale to "N/A" in Master Schedule Report

This update improves the Master Schedule Report by introducing the option to set the Standards Grading Scale to an "N/A" option, providing more flexibility for users.

FOCUS-41355- Print Class Lists: Remove Support for Logging Fields

This branch removes the support of logging fields on Print Class Lists.

FOCUS-41353- Proficiency Gradebook: Improve Behavior of Gradebook Reports

This branch addresses a Gradebook Reports issue for districts utilizing Proficiency Gradebook. Previously, when viewing and closing Gradebook Reports from a student list of standards, the page would incorrectly return to a list of assignments instead of the expected behavior, which is to return to the list of standards. This update ensures that the issue is resolved, improving the user experience.

FOCUS-41333- School Choice: Remove Limitations on Choice Placements for Next Year if DNR or Victim/Aggressor has Prior End Date

Prior to this branch, school choice enrollment restrictions would continue to be enforced in the next year, even if their end dates were within the current year. With this branch, if the end dates on the victim logging field or the re-enrollment restriction logging field are before the first day of the next school year, students will no longer face any restrictions on their choice application for the following year.

FOCUS-41326- Portal: Allow Logged In As Users to View Recent Programs

In the latest update, the "Recent Programs" block in the portal now includes a new capability: when logged in as another user, you can view their recent program activities.

FOCUS-41287- Managed Integrations: Save Setting for "Send Email Only When Fails"

This branch resolves the issue where, within Managed Integrations, the setting for the "Send email only when fails" checkbox does not save when checked and reverts to an unchecked state after clicking save.

FOCUS-41267- Teacher Programs: Include Co-Teachers in Take Attendance User Search Results

This update addresses a specific issue in the User Programs, Take Attendance sections. Previously, Co-Teachers without primary classes were not appearing in search results. The fix ensures that all Co-Teachers, regardless of their association with primary classes, are now correctly displayed in User Programs.

FOCUS-41263- Transcripts: Improve Transcript Generation Including Special Explanation Codes (Texas Only)

The latest update enhances transcript generation for Texas customers. The Special Explanation 3 Code, when included in Transcript settings, will now display as expected.

FOCUS-41127- School Choice: Capacity Enhancements to School Choice Setup

The latest update introduces significant enhancements to the School Choice module, adding three new tabs to School Choice Setup: 'Capacity - Magnet', 'Capacity - SPA', and 'Capacity - Choice'. These tabs improve administrators' ability to manage and view capacity-related information. Key features include:

1) A school dropdown that defaults to the user's school and lists only accessible schools.

2) A display of all grade levels with a School Choice program at the selected school. Each row represents a grade level, showing school name, code, program name, grade level, capacity, registered students, reserved seats, available seats, and a percentage of seats.

3) Editable fields for capacity, % of seats (numeric), OC (checkbox), and TE (numeric).

4) Consistency in editable capacity data across the new capacity screens and the Programs screen. If the 'All Grades' capacity is set on a program, it reflects in capacity reports, restricting individual grade level editing.

Access to view/edit these screens is controlled by profile permissions and includes a migration to automatically enabled for profiles with existing view/edit rights to School Choice Setup, Programs. Schema changes are introduced with this enhancement to the school_choice_program_seats table, but should not impact customer custom processes associated with this module. This enhancement streamlines capacity management, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

See School Choice Setup > Setting Up Program Capacity for more information.

FOCUS-40990- Scheduled Jobs: Optimize Recalculate Daily Attendance Scheduled Job

The latest update enhances the performance of the built-in Scheduled Job named 'Recalculate Daily Attendance.' This improvement optimizes the job's efficiency, ensuring faster job completion.

FOCUS-40975- Insert Fields: Improve Logic of "Days Absent S1" Calculation

The update refines the logic of the CKEditor Insert Field, specifically for "Days Absent S1". It now excludes orphaned attendance records from its calculation, ensuring a more accurate count of days absent.

FOCUS-40922- Advanced Report: Respect More Search Options Attendance Timeframe Restrictions on Tardy Fields

This update ensures that when tardy-related fields are included in an Advanced Report, they accurately respect any attendance timeframe restrictions set by the end-user. These restrictions can be applied through the 'More Search Options' or 'New Search' criteria.

FOCUS-40244- Online Application: Ensure Applicants can Resent Passwords through Reset Link

The update fixes an issue with the 'forgot password' link in the application process. Students who used this link previously received a message stating their email was already in use, even though it was unique. This issue has been corrected, allowing students with unique email addresses to successfully use the 'forgot password' feature without erroneous messages.

FOCUS-38134- Postsecondary: New Option for Attendance when Merging 2 Students

The branch introduces new functionality to the "Merge 2 Students" tab within the "Delete a Student" feature for Postsecondary schools This enhancement addresses the handling of differing attendance records when merging two students. The changes are as follows:

- Cancel the Merge: This option will prevent the merge from happening and display an error message. The two students won't be merged.

- Keep Student's Attendance: This option maintains the current default behavior. It uses the attendance records of the student that is being kept.

- Use the Greater Attendance: This option selects the greater attendance record, regardless of whether it belongs to the student being kept or the student being deleted. This option is selected by default.

These changes provide more flexibility in handling attendance records during the merging of students.

See Delete a Student for details.

FOCUS-33309- Add a Student/User: New Distinct Preferences for inclusion of Username & Password

The enhancement in the enrollment tab's preferences now separates the "Show username/password fields on Add a Student/User" into two individual options: "Show username/password fields on Add a Student" and "Show username/password fields on Add a User." If the system previously had the "Show username/password fields on Add a Student/User" set, the default for both new preferences is 'Yes', maintaining continuity for existing users. This change offers improved customization, allowing end-users more precise control over the fields displayed when adding new students and staff to the database.

See System Preferences > Enrollment for more information.

FOCUS-41157 - Student Info: Restricting Enrollment Edit Capabilities

In the latest update, we've modified the enrollment record editing policy for previous year inactive students. Now, irrespective of the permissions for "Editing Previous Year Inactive Students" and "Editing Prior Year Enrollment", users will no longer be able to edit prior year enrollment records unless those records are associated with their school. This change ensures better data integrity and management. However, this update does not affect the 'Add a Student' feature, where editing is still governed by the "Allow Withdrawing from Other Schools" permissions.

See Student Info: Enrollment for more information.


FOCUS-41190- SSS: Enforce "Show status in Form History" Permission for Parents with Multiple Profiles

The recent update corrects an issue for parents with multiple profiles. Previously, even if the "Show status in Form History" setting was disabled in the parent profile, the Approval Status column would still display if the parent had a non-parent profile. Now, the system respects the parent profile setting, and the Approval Status column does not display when this setting is disabled, ensuring consistency with profile permissions.

FOCUS-40614- SSS: Don't Redirect to Production from Non-Production Sites in SSS Alert Triggers

SSS Alert triggers will not use full site address to avoid sending notifications to the incorrect site. SSS Alert trigger Emails will continue to use full site address in links.


FOCUS-41317- Postsecondary: New Billing System Preference 'Hide Courses and Sections on Public Catalog'

Introducing a new system preference in the Billing category named 'Hide Courses and Sections on Public Catalog.' When this preference is enabled, the public catalog will no longer load courses automatically. Instead, it will wait for students to select the course(s) they wish to view or select, enhancing the user experience.

See System Preferences > Billing for more information.

FOCUS-41296- Postsecondary: Kiosk Attendance Entry, Restrict Hours Over Class Sections

This improvement, designed for Postsecondary customers, guarantees that attendance hours entered on the Kiosk, typically done by students, cannot exceed the daily class hours of the respective Section. Previously, the ability to exceed these hours was reliant on the 'Teachers are allowed to enter more hours than scheduled' system preference, which is now no longer a factor for Kiosk attendance entry.

FOCUS-41021- Transcripts: Improve Transcripts Functionality for CTE Grouping (Postsecondary)

This update brings refinements to the CTE transcripts grouping and aligns the transcript screen with the grades screen in functionality. Key adjustments include:

1) Forced options in CTE transcript grouping are now respected.

2) Previously, changing the grouping to a non-CTE option made fields immediately available for updates. Post-update, a save and screen refresh is required for fields to become editable when switching to a grouping other than CTE.

3) The transcript screen now accurately reflects the 'Courses in Progress' option, mirroring the grades screen. Before this update, even when selected, this option was dimmed out for CTE, causing inconsistency.

These changes enhance the usability and coherence of the system, ensuring more accurate and user-friendly management of transcript data.

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