Documentation for Administrators

12.0.32 - 01/21/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41653- feat(accounts-receivable): require comment for Other payment type

System enhancement adding a setting to 'Require Comment for Other Payment Type' in Billing > Student Billing.

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale section for details.

FOCUS-40069- feat(scheduled-jobs): add fiscal year to p-card bank import job

System improvement adding fiscal year override to Scheduled Job for PCard Bank Import Files.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.


FOCUS-41195- HR Changes Report

System improvements adding audit trail changes to Human Resources > Position Change Report.

FOCUS-40239- Add (inactive) to dropdown in Payroll > Run Payroll

System improvement identifying inactive jobs in Payroll > Run Payroll.


FOCUS-41639- Communication Platform: Remove Profile Subtitle for All Schools Admins for Students, Teachers and Administrators

This update modifies the Communication Platform Inbox display for users with All Schools access. Now, Administrators, Teachers, and Students when communicating with Admin Users with All Schools Access (without specific school selections in their User Permissions) will no longer see the 'Profiles' subtitle in their inbox view. However, parents will still see this subtitle related to the all-schools user's message, maintaining clarity in parent communications.

FOCUS-41601- Scheduled Jobs: Respect "Rollover Second School Enrollment Records" System Preference

This update enhances the "Rollover" Scheduled Job to align with a school's system preference for "Rollover Second School Enrollment Records." When this preference is enabled, the rollover job will process both primary and second school enrollment records for each student, provided they have a suitable Rolling Retention value for the default school year. If this setting is unchecked, the job will only consider primary enrollment records for rollover, maintaining the flexibility to cater to different school preferences.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

FOCUS-41599- Report Cards: Remove Teacher Edit Access to Marking Periods without Template Edit Permissions

This update addresses a permissions issue related to report card template editing. Previously, teachers could see marking period options when printing report cards, even if they didn't have view permissions for the template settings. This branch corrects this problem, ensuring that the visibility of template settings and options strictly adheres to the assigned permissions.

FOCUS-41594- Add a Student: Display Student Name in Header

This enhancement introduces a useful feature to the Add a Student process by displaying the name of the student being processed at the top of the screen, next to the Back to Search button. This addition aids enrollment technicians in easily identifying the student they are enrolling, especially on subsequent pages of the Add a Student process.

See Add a Student for additional information.

FOCUS-41555- Attendance: Correct Portal Alert for Inactive Excuse Notes

This update improves the functionality related to managing excuse notes for inactive students. End-users will now be correctly directed to an inactive student's Absence Summary upon clicking the Portal Alert associated with excuse notes uploaded through the Parent Portal. This ensures that excuse notes for inactive students can be processed efficiently and accurately

FOCUS-41539- Insert Fields: Populate Next Grade Field from School Gradelevel Configuration

This update introduces a new functionality to the 'Insert Fields' feature in Print Letter & Send Emails, specifically for the student enrollment field of 'Next Grade'. Now, when a student's 'Next Grade' is set to Automatic (indicated by student_enrollment.next_grade=NULL), the system will automatically determine and render the appropriate 'Next Grade' value based on the school's grade level configuration.

FOCUS-41524- School Choice: Prevent Editing on Evaluate Placement for Inactive Students

This update introduces a safeguard in the School Choice, Evaluate Placement screen to prevent users from editing records for students without active enrollments in the selected school year. Going forward, if a user attempts to edit such records, a warning message will be displayed: "{STUDENT NAME} does not have an active enrollment for the selected school year." This enhancement ensures that data integrity is maintained by restricting modifications to records of actively enrolled students only.

See Magnet/Special Assignment > Evaluating Placement for more information.

FOCUS-41506- Student Info: Improved Validate Address Logic for Addresses Containing Special Characters

This update improves the process of validating a student's address against the organization's Address Catalog. Previously, addresses containing special characters such as '/' encountered validation issues. This branch rectifies this behavior, ensuring that addresses with such characters are validated as expected.

FOCUS-41435- Custom Fields: Support Select Options Query in Select-One JSON Type Fields

This update brings a new feature to the School Fields setup screen, introducing support for JSON Select-One fields. These fields can now be configured using a Select Options Query, allowing customers to dynamically present the correct select options in JSON type fields to end-users.

FOCUS-41399- Scheduling: Ensure Rotation Label Displays as Numeric in Courses & Sections when System Preference Set

This update addresses an inconsistency in the "Courses and Sections" section. When the "Rotation Day Label" is set to Numeric in System Preferences, the rotation days in Scheduling, Courses & Sections were still displaying as letters. The fix ensures that these rotation days are now correctly displayed as numeric values, in line with the selected system preference.

FOCUS-41258- Communication Platform: New "Communication Template" Option in Edit Rules & Workflow

This update introduces a significant enhancement to the Edit Rules & Workflow feature with the addition of a new "Communication Template" option. Previously, selecting "Email" and choosing a Communication Platform template only copied the text content, treating it as a legacy Letter in Workflow Triggers. This approach disregarded SMS/TTS/Recorded attachments and skipped translations. With the new update:

- The "Communication Template" trigger type fully supports the sending of complete messages, including all attachments and translations.

- When "Communication Template" is selected as the trigger type, only new Communication Platform Templates are shown in the adjacent dropdown. This ensures compatibility and functionality with the full message format.

- Importantly, if "Email" is selected and then a Communication Template is chosen, the system will automatically change the type to "Communication Template" to ensure the full capabilities of the communication are utilized.

See Edit Rules & Workflow and Communication > Templates for more information.

FOCUS-38987- Parent/ Student Portal: Render Reports with PDF.js

This enhancement involves rendering report cards (non-Laravel) and test score reports using PDF.js on the Parent/Student Portal. This change aims to enhance the user experience on the Community Mobile App, specifically on Android devices by allowing these reports to be viewed directly without the need for downloading.

FOCUS-40782- Communication: Setting to Exclude School(s) From Communication

This update introduces an enhancement allowing specific schools to be excluded from using the Communications Platform in Focus. A new system field titled 'Exclude from Communication' has been added under School Information. By default, this field is disabled, with no permissions enabled upon installation.

Activating this feature has several implications. Primarily, it removes the excluded school from district-wide communication. This means users and students of the excluded school will no longer appear in the recipient dropdown for communications. Additionally, users associated with these schools lose access to Callout, SMS, or Attendance Communication Platform expansion features.

For schools marked as excluded, communication is restricted to within the school. Features like SMS and phone calls are disabled, and the 'Send as District' option is modified to 'Send as School'. This change ensures that any communication sent displays the school's title and logo, rather than the district's. Furthermore, announcement emails sent from these schools will list the schools title as the From Name. In the Communication Report, these emails will show School as the source and the school title under the 'From' field.

This update provides a more tailored and controlled communication environment within the Focus system, aligning with specific school preferences and charter schools residing within K12 SIS platforms.

FOCUS-41637- Report Cards: Ensure Marking Period to Pull Data Saves to Template Settings

This update addresses a previously identified issue where the selected Marking Period for Report Cards data was not being saved correctly in the letterhead template's default settings. With this fix, your chosen Marking Period will now be retained as expected in the template.

FOCUS-41055- Scheduling: Change Schema for courses.length

This update changes the database schema courses.length from varchar to numeric to resolve an issue with the display of referrals in the interface.


FOCUS-41720- Translated components may not load values correctly

FOCUS-41663- SSS/Formbuilder Florida and Texas Snapshots (January 2024)

This update includes the highly anticipated January 2024 SSS Snapshot for customers in Florida and Texas. Click the links indicated below to view improvements included in these snapshots:

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