Documentation for Administrators

12.0.33 - 01/28/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41747- feat(budgets): add optional category restrictions to BM requests

System improvement adding a setting to require specific elements in Budgeting/General Ledger > Budget > Budget Maintenance. To enable: Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > Misc. - 'Required elements on Budget Revisions/Amendments' select elements that are required.

See Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous for more information.

FOCUS-41695- feat(warehouse): add facility addresses to delivery location column

System improvement adding campus address to each item on Warehouse > Pick List.

FOCUS-41677- feat(accounts-receivable): update Receipt Report void checkbox logic

System improvement updating 'Void' logic on Receipt Report.

FOCUS-41650- feat(accounts-payable): allow including drafts in PO Report

System improvement adding 'Draft' to search criteria in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Reports > Purchase Request/Order Report > Detailed Report.

See Purchase Request/Order Report for more details.

FOCUS-41565- feat(elements): add 'Send Back to Originator' button for element requests

System improvement adding ability to 'Send Back to Originator' in Setup > Settings > Element Requests.

See Element Requests for more information.

FOCUS-41368- Import/Export on Buildings / Rooms

System improvement adding export, print, and import functionality to Buildings tab and Rooms tab in Fixed Assets > Setup > Maintenance.

See Fixed Assets  > Maintenance for additional details.


FOCUS-41634- System Setting For Printed Check Option In ESS

System enhancement adding option for "Printed Check" view in Employee Self Service.

See Setup > Settings > ESS for more information.

FOCUS-38362- Applicant Tracking Job Posting from Position Control

System improvement adding template with position control selectable fields on Job Posting summary.


FOCUS-41833- SIS: Improved SwiftBox Filtering

The update addresses an issue with the swiftbox's filtering functionality. Previously, if a school had nine or more classes with titles beginning with a number, fuzzy matching was not performed. The new change allows the swiftbox to match items that start with a number followed by whitespace, a colon, or a number on its own.

FOCUS-41792- Student Final Grades: Prevent Error Stemming From Invalid Data Present in Course Periods

The update addresses a SQL error encountered by users, specifically the message 'Invalid text representation' on Student Final Grades. This error occurred due to certain entries in the 'School Of Instruction' field under Scheduling > Courses & Sections which were set as strings without numeric values.

FOCUS-41775- School Choice: Display Relevant Sibling Information on Evaluate Placement

For School Choice customers, the update resolves an issue in the Evaluate Placement feature related to displaying sibling information. Siblings who were in the lowest grade level grouping were previously omitted. This has now been corrected, ensuring accurate display of sibling information across all grade levels.

FOCUS-41772- Profiles: Restore Prior 12.0.30 Enrollment Editing Functionality by New User Permission

Before the implementation of 12.0.30, users with the permission to edit previous years' enrollments could do so for any school, regardless of its association with the enrollment record. 12.0.30 restricted this by allowing edits only for the school selected in the top right corner. This update introduces a new profile permission titled 'Edit Previous Year Enrollment Other Schools', which is disabled by default. When enabled, this permission grants users the ability to edit previous years' enrollment records from any school, reinstating broader editing capabilities.

See Student Info: Enrollment and Profiles > Permissions Explained for more information.

FOCUS-41771- Scheduling: Simplified Section Title Appearance with Rotations

The update enhances the logic for section naming conventions. Previously, when a user selected all rotation days in Courses and Section, the section title would display each rotation day. Now, if a user selects all the rotation days, the section title will no longer display any of the rotation days, simplifying the title's appearance.

FOCUS-41763- Parent Auth: Improve Display of Date Picker

Before this update, the date picker in Parent Authorization procedures included an extra month/year label on the date field. This branch has removed this unnecessary label, streamlining the interface.

FOCUS-41755- Communication Platform: New Use Button on Templates Table

The Communication Platform has been enhanced for a more efficient user experience. Previously, users had to select 'View' on a template and then click 'Use' on the opposite side of the screen, which involved unnecessary additional clicks. Now, a 'Use' button has been added directly to the template table, streamlining the process and reducing the number of clicks needed to utilize a template.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for details.

FOCUS-41745- Online Enrollments: Improved Application Deletion Protocols

This update introduces streamlined functionality for managing submitted online applications via the Online Enrollments Report. These changes provide more control and specificity in handling online applications.

- Administrators now have the ability to delete applications that do not have a school listed.

- If an administrator is logged into a school different from the one listed on an application, they cannot delete that application.

- Administrators can delete an application if they are logged into the same school that the applicant listed.

See Online Enrollments for more information.

FOCUS-41741- School Choice: Consistency in Program Layout Related to Choice Selection when Printing

The update addresses a problem with the printed Choice Application, where the order of programs displayed did not match the numeric choice value entered by the parent. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that the program order on the printed application accurately reflects the parents' numerical choices.

FOCUS-41714- Communication Platform: New Middle Name Addition to Staff Dropdown

In the Communication Platform's communication compose screen, there has been a change to how user names are displayed in the staff dropdown. Previously, names appeared in the format 'last, first'. With the new update, they are now hard coded to display as 'last, first, middle'. This change is specific to the dropdown and does not affect the format of names in the sent or inbox sections, which continue to display names as 'last, first'. It is intended behavior that this display will override the display name My Preference settings.


FOCUS-41713- Districts Report Cards: Ensure RC Appears for Manual Grades on Student/Parent Portal

The recent update fixes a problem where District Report Cards became inaccessible on the Reports screen in the Student and Parent Portal if all grades displayed on the Report Card were manually entered through Student Grades.

FOCUS-41701- School Choice: Better Handling of Active Status in Evaluate Placement

The update corrects a problem where students were incorrectly marked as inactive on the School Choice Evaluate Placement screen. This issue occurred when students had multiple enrollment records, both active and inactive, within the same school year. With this fix, the system now accurately reflects the active status of students in such scenarios.

FOCUS-41694- Communication Platform: Messages from Previous Student Contacts Hidden in Inbox

The update addresses an issue in the Communication Inbox where messages from contacts who no longer have a link to a student were hidden if the contact did not have a user account. With this fix, messages from these contacts will now be visible in the Communication Inbox, ensuring that all communications are accessible regardless of the contact's current link to a student or user account status.

FOCUS-41691- Re-Enrollment Forms: Ensure Completion Email Distribution for Students without Enrollment in Default School Year

The update fixes a specific issue with Re-Enrollment Forms. Previously, if a Completion Email was set, it would not be triggered upon form completion if a student did not have an active enrollment record for the current school year, and only had one for the next school year. This error has now been resolved, ensuring that completion emails are sent as expected under these circumstances.

FOCUS-41690- Master Schedule Report: New Delete Option

The latest update introduces a significant enhancement to the Master Schedule Report. A new "Delete" button has been added to provide a more user-friendly option for deleting sections vs. Courses & Sections. However, it's important to note that sections can only be deleted via the Master Schedule Report when working in the next school year. Additionally, deletion is only possible in the default school year if the school year has not yet started, as determined by the first day specified in the Full Year Marking Period configuration.

See Master Schedule Report > Deleting Sections for more information.

FOCUS-41670- Attendance: Resolve Display on Absences by Course and Student Reports

The update addresses a problem in the Absences by Course and Student. Previously, the first student listed in these reports did not display the correct information when filters were applied. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that all students, including the first one listed, show appropriate information when filters are used in these reports.

FOCUS-41659- Student Final Grades: Increased Adherence to Final Grade Field Permissions

The update introduces permission checks for the non-required fields in the insert row of Student Final Grades, specifically when the "Use Individual Final Grades Field Permission" feature is enabled. This enhancement aligns the insert row's behavior with that of the existing result row editing checks, by appropriately disabling fields in the insert row based on user permissions.

FOCUS-41640- Student Fields: Improved Deletion for Local Fields

The recent update fixes a problem where, in certain cases, local student fields were not being deleted from the database upon clicking the delete button in Student Fields. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that local student fields are properly removed from the database when the delete action is initiated.

FOCUS-41631- API: Improved Transmission of Enrollments for Moodle

The update addresses a specific issue with the built-in Moodle API, where changes made to the Moodle setup were not triggering the sending of "enrollments." This branch aims to correct this malfunction, ensuring that enrollment updates are properly triggered and sent through the Moodle API when modifications are made in Moodle.

FOCUS-41623- Form Builder: Improved Auto Image Functionality

The issue where PDF files were not being generated due to the presence of a colon (:) symbol in the file name, which included date and time, has been resolved. The updated Auto-Image functionality now correctly generates a PDF file when a form is submitted, even if no name is specified on the form.

FOCUS-41614- Ed-Fi: Fix issue with descriptors in fields using option_query

The improvement to the Ed-Fi API rectifies an issue where Discipline Incident descriptors were not accurately displaying the referral discipline code obtained from the select options query. It is important to note that after installing this update, users will need to remap the Behavior Descriptors to ensure correct functionality and display of data.

FOCUS-41610- Gradebook Reports: Better Handling of Grade Format in Progress Reports

This update ensures that printed Progress Reports display grades in the correct format. The system now checks the primary teacher's gradebook settings specifically for the "percentage" option. If this option is enabled and the gradebook is set to a format other than letter grades only, the grades will be displayed with the applicable percent sign. This enhancement aligns the printed Progress Reports with the teacher's chosen gradebook settings.

FOCUS-41609- Discipline: Display Student Info Header on Referral when Accessed via Linked Incident

The latest update addresses an issue where student information was missing in the header when opening a linked referral from a Discipline Incident. With this update, the relevant student information is now properly displayed in the interface, ensuring that all necessary details are visible when viewing linked referrals.

FOCUS-41587- Re-Enrollment: Better Handling of Determining School from Student's Enrollment to Display Re-Enrollment Forms

The update enhances the handling of student enrollment records in relation to Online Enrollments reporting. It ensures that a student's primary-enrollment record is given priority when determining which school has the authority to approve enrollments and include them in the Online Enrollments report. This change streamlines the enrollment approval process and clarifies reporting responsibilities among schools.

FOCUS-41586- Communication Platform: New Communication Integrations Feature

The update introduces an enhancement to the Communication Platform, specifically for customers with the Communication Platform Expansion. A new feature, Communication Integrations, has been added. This feature allows customers to send template messages using files from their uploaded-assets folder on the server. These messages can be sent to recipients specified in the import file and can incorporate additional column variables as insert fields within the message template. This enhancement broadens the capabilities of the Communication Platform, offering more flexibility in message customization and distribution.

See Communication (Admin) for more information.

FOCUS-41553- Gradebook Reports: Ensure Averages Display in Transferred Students Report

The update addresses a problem encountered in the Gradebook Reports, specifically within the Transferred Students section. In certain instances, the averages for students were not displaying as expected. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that student averages are correctly shown in these reports.

FOCUS-41534- Gradebook: Ensure Template Locked Assignment Description Displays

The recent update fixes a problem in the Gradebook where Assignment descriptors were not displaying correctly when Gradebook Templates were utilized. This issue has been resolved, ensuring that Assignment descriptors are now properly shown in the Gradebook, even when templates are in use.

FOCUS-41505- Graduation Requirements Report: Update Marching Band Waiver Logic (FL)

The update addresses a specific issue in the Graduation Requirements Report for Florida customers. Previously, marching back waivers incorrectly fulfilled personal fitness requirements in cases where there was no personal fitness Graduation Subject listed on the waiver. This branch corrects that behavior, ensuring that marching back waivers are accurately applied in accordance with the actual Graduation Subjects listed.

FOCUS-41471- Student Info: Allow Deleting Photos from Prior Years

The latest enhancement to the Student Primary Information section streamlines the management of student photos. In the past, to delete a student's photo that was added in a previous year, end-users had to navigate to that specific school year in their session. The new update eliminates this requirement, allowing users to delete a student's photo directly from the current session, irrespective of the school year in which the photo was added. This change simplifies the photo management process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

FOCUS-41246- Online Application: New Preference to Prevent Duplicate SSN Entry

The update introduces a new enhancement in the form of a System Preference, named "Prevent Duplicate SSN," found under the Online Application tab. When this preference is activated, it ensures that a validation error is presented to a student or parent during the Online Application process if the Social Security Number (SSN) they enter already exists in another record in the database. To maintain consistency, this system preference will be set to the 'Off' position by default upon installation. This feature enhances the system's ability to prevent duplicate records and maintain data integrity.

See System Preferences > Online Application and Application Editor > Setting the Online Application System Preferences for more information.

FOCUS-41142- Communication Platform: New Flexibility for Email Subjects in Communication Messages

This update enhances our Communication Platform with several key features:

- Users can now enter email subjects in the Announcements, Templates, and Attendance Messages tabs, providing clearer context for each communication.

- The update introduces the ability to specify subjects for translated emails, enhancing clarity in multilingual communication.

- It transitions from using 'title_text_id' to 'email_subject_text_id' to streamline email subject management.

- The email subject field is now mandatory for the first email in Templates, Compose Tab, Announcements, and Attendance Messages. However, the subject field for translated emails (manual translation tab) remains optional

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more details.

FOCUS-41064- Calendar: Improved Handling of Available Conference Appointments

The update brings an improvement to the Calendar Conferencing feature. Now, if a teacher who has previously approved a conference request decides to cancel it, the timeslots for that conference will become available again for selection on the Parent Portal. This enhancement ensures better flexibility and efficiency in managing conference schedules, accommodating changes in availability for both teachers and parents.

See Calendar > Approving or Denying a Pending Conference Request (admin) and Calendar > Approving or Denying a Pending Conference Request (teacher) for more information.

FOCUS-41063- Advanced Reports: Increased Performance

The update introduces a performance improvement to the load times of Advanced Reports. Previously, the system evaluated Edit Rules & Workflow validation for all fields upon loading a report, regardless of whether they were included in the report or not. The new behavior alters this approach, focusing only on the fields that are actually part of the report.

FOCUS-41014- Print ID Budges: Improve Barcode Alignment

The recent update addresses a problem related to the alignment of barcodes on Print ID badges. Prior to this update, users experienced issues with the positioning of barcodes on these badges.

FOCUS-40699- Communication Platform: New Settings Options & Add Settings to Teacher Profiles

The latest update introduces three new settings to the Communication Platform settings screen, accessible to both admin and teacher users:

1) Opt in for Push Notifications on All Messages: When enabled, users receive push notifications for every message sent to them.

2) Opt out of Email Notifications: Activating this setting prevents users from receiving email notifications for messages.

3) Out of Office: This feature includes start and end date fields and a CK editor for setting the out-of-office period. Users can compose a custom message that will be sent automatically in response to incoming messages during this period. Notably, each email address will receive this out-of-office message only once, regardless of the number of times they message the user.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for details.

FOCUS-40496- CTE: Improve CTE Report Card Functionality

The update resolves a discrepancy in the logic used to calculate attended hours between CTE Report Cards and Course history. Furthermore, the scheduled hours on the CTE Report Card have been aligned to use the same logic as the Attendance Chart.


FOCUS-41740- SSS: Allow Individual in Group to Approve

Before the update, for SSS Services approval, if multiple people were set in the Approval group, all of them were required to approve a service for it to proceed to the next level in the approval chain. The update changes this process: now, if there are multiple people in the Approval group for SSS Services, only one person's approval is necessary for the service to advance to the next group in the chain.

See Approval Flow > Setting Up an SSS Services Approval Flow for more information.

FOCUS-41729- SSS: Prioritize Recent Schedules when Determining Mass Print Teacher

Prior to this update, in cases where a student had multiple schedules for the same course within a year (including one dropped and one enrolled), and an event was mass printed with the Teacher's name included, the downloaded PDF displayed the Teacher from the dropped course instead of the current one. The update rectifies this issue. Now, when mass printing events with the Teacher included, where a student has multiple schedules for the same course in a year, the Teacher associated with the current, active course will be correctly displayed instead of the one from the dropped course.

FOCUS-41676- SSS: Resolve Error Viewing Events with View User Only Permissions

Prior to this update, users with the "View User Only" permission for an event in SSS>User Profile Permissions encountered an error message stating "You do not have permission to view events" when trying to view the event, if they lacked the "View All" permission. The recent update resolves this issue, allowing users with "View User Only" permission to view events without encountering any errors.

FOCUS-41627- SSS Alerts: New Additional Parameters to Specify Schools

The branch update enhances the 'Create Profile Portal Alert With Link' and 'Create User Portal' event trigger actions by introducing an additional parameter. This new parameter enables users to specify schools for SSS alerts, allowing for more targeted and relevant alert generation in the system.

FOCUS-41617- SSS: New Disable Sequence Events Feature

The update introduces a new column labeled 'Disable' in the Sequences tab under SSS Setup. When this checkbox is enabled for a particular step, it ensures that the step is neither displayed nor included as part of the event sequence. This addition provides users with greater control over the configuration of their event sequences, specifically aimed at ensuring SSS customers can remove steps without them being re-initiated upon snapshot updates.

See Setup > Setting Up Sequences for more information.

FOCUS-40724- SSS: Resolve Save & Validating on Goals & Objectives

Prior to this update, there was an issue where IEP (Individualized Education Program) Goals & Objectives were not being saved and validated correctly. The recent update resolves this problem. Now, the IEP Goals & Objectives step is properly saved and validated, ensuring accurate and reliable record-keeping of these crucial educational plans.

FOCUS-40614- SSS: Don't Redirect to Production from Non-Production Sites in SSS Alert Triggers

SSS Alert triggers will not use full site address to avoid sending notifications to the incorrect site. SSS Alert trigger Emails will continue to use full site address in links.


FOCUS-41547- Billing: Improved IPEDS Financial Aid Report by Facility

In the Billing, IPEDS Financial Aid, a modification has been made to address an issue with the display of student payments. Previously, the tab showed all payments received by a student, regardless of the facility associated with those payments or the facility for which the report was requested. With the update, the display of payments is now limited to those that reference the same facility as the one selected in the report request, ensuring more accurate and relevant financial data.

Previous Article 12.0.30, 12.0.31, 12.0.32, 12.0.33 - Revision - 01/29/2024
Next Article 12.0.32 - Revision - 01/22/2024