Documentation for Administrators

12.0.35 - 02/11/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41934- W2 Correction

System improvement adding option to mark W2 as Correction in Payroll > W2 Reporting > Adjustment. When selected, the employee will receive a message on ESS to contact Payroll for a W2C.

See W2 Reporting for details.

FOCUS-41218- Employee Requests | Timestamp W4 approval

System improvement adding time stamp to Human Resources > Employee > W4 information.


FOCUS-42004- SIS Core: Improved Numeric Filtering in Swiftboxes

In the latest update, SwiftBox has enhanced its filtering capabilities for numeric options. Previously, users had to input the exact number to match an option in the filter. The new filtering mechanism is more lenient, allowing partial matches as long as the entered sequence of numbers exactly matches a portion of the option's number.

FOCUS-41995- Online Enrollments: Ensure Comments Area Displays in Unprocessed Applications

This branch resolves an issue where the Comments area was missing on the Online Enrollments, Unprocessed Applications report for end-users with appropriate permissions.

FOCUS-41972- Communication Platform: Resolve Student Search "Message" Feature

Prior to this update, attempting to message students from a search result outside of the communication module would result in an error, preventing the message from reaching any recipients. With the latest update, this issue has been addressed, ensuring messages are sent as expected regardless of where the search is initiated.

FOCUS-41956- Florida Reports: Improve Sorting in EWS Report

This update corrects the sorting issue within the Early Warning System (EWS) report accessible from the Florida Reports menu. Previously, when sorting grades in descending order, failure grades appeared after passing grades (e.g., 100 A). Now, the fix applies to Current Year English Language Arts and Math quarter grades (Q1-Q4) that include both a numeric and letter grade in the same value (e.g., 99 A, 82 B). This ensures that grades are sorted accurately, enhancing the report's usability and effectiveness in tracking student performance.

FOCUS-41955- Grad. Req. Report: Improved Scrolling in Tooltip for Custom SQL Requirements

This update resolves an issue in the Graduation Requirements Report where the scroll bar was not displaying for requirements derived from custom SQL when hovering over the tooltip. Now, users will see a scroll bar when needed, improving the accessibility.

FOCUS-41945- Student Portal: Exclude Orphaned Schedule Records in Class Dropdown in Gradebook Grades

This update addresses an issue experienced by students when logged in and viewing gradebook grades. Previously, the class dropdown would display section records derived from orphaned schedule records, leading to potential confusion. With the new fix, the logic now considers the student's currently enrolled school when displaying section records in the class dropdown.

FOCUS-41932- Scheduled Jobs: Add Support for New iReady in Generate Test Score Report Records Based on Report Files

This update enhances the functionality of publishing Test Score Reports to the Parent/Student Portal by introducing support for iReady tests. A new file naming convention has been established to accommodate the new iReady Test Score Reports, ensuring they are correctly processed and accessible. Files should be uploaded to the existing, case-sensitive folder: test_score_reports/iReady.

The new naming format is as follows: {SYEAR}_{STUDENT_LAST_NAME}_{STUDENT_FIRST_NAME}_{STUDENT_ID}_for-families_{SUBJECT}_{DATE_OF_DOWNLOAD}.pdf, with an example being "2016_smith_jane_123456789_for-families_reading_12132023.pdf." This structure helps in organizing and identifying reports efficiently, enhancing the experience for both students and parents.

See Publishing Test Scores and Reports to the Student/Parent Portal for more details.

FOCUS-41925- Communication Platform: Ensure Appropriate Courses Display Printing from Final Grades

This update fixes an issue with the Communication Platform concerning the "Detailed" Grades report (Final Grades). Previously, if the Grade Report template originated from the Communication Platform, it did not pass the correct data to the print logic, resulting in the report generating for the wrong class. With this fix, the template now correctly communicates the necessary information to the print logic, ensuring that the report generates accurately for the intended class.

FOCUS-41919- Attendance: Improve Perfect Attendance Report School Day Check

This update enhances the logic behind the Attendance, Perfect Attendance Report by ensuring that an attendance record is specifically linked to a date designated as an attendance date by the calendar.

FOCUS-41915- Students: Performance Improvement Student Groups

This update introduces a performance improvement to Student Groups, resulting in a faster initial page load for customers when accessing this feature through the interface.

FOCUS-41900- User Search: Improve Searching on Local Staff IDs with Leading Zeros

This update enhances the search functionality for Users by addressing how local staff IDs with leading zeros are handled. Previously, searching for staff IDs that begin with zeros might have been problematic.

FOCUS-41899- Elementary Scheduler: Adding Support for Including Race Conditions in Additional States

This update enhances the Elementary Scheduler by incorporating support for race conditions across additional states. This improvement ensures that the scheduler can more accurately manage and account for the complex scheduling scenarios that may arise, particularly those involving race conditions.

FOCUS-41896- Course Catalog: Adjust 'CCD Certification Req' Field from VARCHAR to TEXT

This update implements a schema change in the Course Catalog, specifically for the CCD Certification Requirement field. Previously defined as a VARCHAR type, which limited input to shorter strings, it has now been changed to a TEXT type. This adjustment allows for the accommodation of longer values, exceeding 500 characters, providing greater flexibility for detailing certification requirements within the course catalog.

FOCUS-41858- Post Final Grades: Individual Use Gradebook Grades Button Not Respecting Max Posted Percent

This update addresses an issue encountered when using the 'Use Gradebook Grades' button, where letter grades were posted higher than the Max Posted Percent allowed in system preferences. This occurred in specific instances where grading scales had grade titles exceeding 100. The fix ensures that if a gradebook grade surpasses the maximum posted grade limit, the corresponding letter grade is adjusted to reflect the maximum allowed. This correction aligns the posting of grades with system preferences, maintaining consistency and accuracy in grade reporting.

FOCUS-41837- Communication Platform: Improve Recurring Scheduled Messages

This update addresses a timing issue within the Communication Platform related to recurring messages. Initially, recurring messages would send immediately on their first scheduled date without adhering to the designated time, though they would wait for the correct time on subsequent dates. With this fix, if a recurring message that has already been sent is rescheduled, it will now be dispatched at the next valid send date and time according to the updated schedule for the recurring message.

FOCUS-41781- School Choice: Ensure Correct Zoned School Displays Predicated from Session School Year

This update corrects an issue on the School Choice Report where the Next Year Zoned School column displayed incorrect data when the default school year (syear) was selected in the top-right corner. Now, the value in this column accurately reflects the data from the student enrollment column "Zoned School" that corresponds with the school year the user is reviewing. For instance, if the default syear is set to 23-24, the 'Zoned School' from the 23-24 enrollment record will be shown when a user loads a report with 23-24 selected in the top-right. If a student does not have any enrollment records for 23-24, or if the value is not set, an empty value will be displayed, ensuring the report accurately represents current enrollment information.

FOCUS-41690- Master Schedule Report: New Delete Option

The Master Schedule Report now features a significant update with the addition of a "Delete" button, enhancing the user experience by offering a straightforward method for deleting sections, as opposed to the more complex Courses & Sections approach.

A new permission setting, "Allow Deleting Sections," has been implemented to control access to this feature. By default, this permission is set to off upon installation to preserve the existing system functionality.

It's essential to understand that section deletions through the Master Schedule Report are permitted only when operating within the next school year's planning phase. Deletions are feasible for the default school year only if the year has not commenced, based on the start date outlined in the Full Year Marking Period configuration.

Furthermore, a new system preference titled "Lock Master Schedule Report Deletion As of Date" has been introduced in the Scheduling sub-tab. This allows for the specification of a cutoff date for deletion, potentially before the school year begins, offering additional control over this functionality.

Users will be alerted with a warning about the consequences of deletion, indicating that all schedules connected to the section will be permanently removed. The deletion of sections and associated schedules is irreversible, emphasizing the importance of careful consideration before proceeding with this action.

See Master Schedule Report > Deleting Sections, System Preferences > Scheduling, and Profiles > Permissions Explained for more information.

FOCUS-41685- Address Validation: New USPS API Integration

This update introduces a significant feature that integrates the USPS API for validating addresses in both Student Information and parent/student applications. This integration aims to ensure accuracy in address data entered into the system. The feature is designed to benefit all customers, regardless of whether they utilize an Address Catalog for address validation.

For districts that already use the Address Catalog for validation, there will be no visible change. However, for those without this preference enabled, if USPS is configured, the system will now suggest addresses based on USPS data upon entry. This enhancement applies whether or not addresses are included in the catalog, improving address accuracy across the board.

To activate this new feature, please submit a Zendesk ticket including your organization's USPS API credentials. Credentials can be obtained by registering at

See Student Info > Adding an Address and Add a Student > Adding a New Student for more information.

FOCUS-41484- Add a Student: Improved Config Variable for Custom Enrollment Fields

This update enhances the Global Config variable functionality, allowing for greater customization of student enrollment fields displayed on the second page of the "Add a Student" process, when the system preference "Display all enrollment fields on Add a Student" is turned off.

FOCUS-41241- Attendance: Resolve Tardy Tracking Issue in Handheld Devices

This update resolves an issue encountered when marking a student tardy using a handheld device. Previously, if marking a student tardy caused them to exceed the tardy threshold, an error would occur on the handheld device. With the current update, this issue has been fixed. Now, when a student is marked tardy and surpasses the threshold, they are correctly marked tardy, assigned detention, and their slip is printed as expected.

FOCUS-40910- Meeting Pattern with 0 hours not graying out day on attendance chart


FOCUS-41946- Billing: Ensure IPEDS Graduation Rates are School Specific

This update addresses an issue for postsecondary customers concerning the Billing, IPEDS report. Previously, the report did not display Graduation Rates data on a school-specific basis.

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