Documentation for Administrators

12.0.54 - 06/29/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-43261- Add Fields to Fixed Asset Report

System improvement adding Asset Source and Location to Fixed Asset report.

See Fixed Assets Report for details.

FOCUS-44008- feat(accounts-payable): add setting to remove Shipping checkbox from POs

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable for more information.

FOCUS-43765- feat(permissions): split PO/BM submit permissions into current/past years and future years

See Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab and Budgeting/General Ledger tab for more information.

FOCUS-43687- Assigned User Report - allow display option for inactive students

See Assigned User Report for more details.


FOCUS-43812- Profile Permission to edit Job Posting Title

See Profiles > Human Resources tab > Applicant Tracking section for more details.


FOCUS-43971 - Postsecondary: New 3 & 4 Year CASAS & TABE Test Intervals Option (Florida)

For postsecondary customers, this enhancement adds 3-year and 4-year options to the "Assign Functioning Levels CASAS" and "Assign Functioning Levels TABE" system preferences. These options are utilized in the Assign LCPs built-in scheduled job.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

FOCUS-43960 - Edit Rules & Workflow: Improve Validation Logic Recognizing Empty vs. '0' Values

This update resolves an issue where the validation edit rules were confusing **Empty** and 0, causing false warnings and errors that prevented users from saving. With this fix, the validation logic now correctly distinguishes between empty values and zero, allowing users to save without encountering these errors.

FOCUS-43956 - Attendance: Allow Teacher Attendance Modification for Admin-set 'N/A' Options

This update resolves an issue where teachers were unable to assign attendance for previous days if an administrator had set attendance to 'N/A.' With this fix, teachers can now assign attendance for past days even when 'N/A' has been set by an administrator. However, this update does not change the behavior where teachers cannot modify attendance if an administrator updates the student's attendance to a specific attendance code.

FOCUS-43949 - Communication Platform: Improve Message Handling

This update addresses two issues: First, when an admin with no schools on their user enrollment record sent a message to a parent, the alert would appear, but no message would be visible in the parent's inbox. This has been resolved, ensuring messages display correctly. Second, when an admin at a student's future school sent a message, the student would not see it. This issue has also been fixed, allowing students to receive messages from admins at their future school.

FOCUS-43930 - Scheduling: Improve Inclusion Minute Subtraction Calculation (Florida)

Currently, in Students With Inclusion, changing the inclusion record's Class Minutes Weekly also modifies the schedule record's Class Minutes Weekly to match the total minutes defined in the course_periods table, and vice versa. This update applies the same logic to the Student Schedule program.

See Student Schedule > Manually Adding Inclusion Sections to a Student Schedule for more information.

FOCUS-43917 - Community Mobile App: Improve Display of Students in List

This update improves the list display of students in the Community Mobile App. Previously, some users encountered an issue where no students were displayed in the list. This update ensures that the student list is correctly populated and visible to all users.

FOCUS-43913 - Scheduling: Improve Error Handling in Master Schedule Report

This update improves error handling logic in the Master Schedule Report. Previously, the Master Schedule Report was generating false-positive errors when comparing course data to the Course Catalog. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring accurate error reporting.

FOCUS-43912 - Scheduling: Add 'Schedule First' checkbox to Mass Requests

This enhancement adds a new "Schedule First" checkbox to the Add and Replace Mass Requests feature. This option allows for a more robust mass adjustment of student requests, enabling users to prioritize the scheduling of specific requests.

See Mass Requests for more information.

FOCUS-43901 - Student Groups: Resolve Error on Student Groups

The School Administrator User Profile encountered an error: “Undefined text for option key." This issue occurred during the retrieval of student group data, where certain student groups had null values for their associated schools. This update corrects this issue.

FOCUS-43883 - Attendance: Improve Entry of Excuse Notes in Absence Summary

This update corrects an issue where administrators entering Excuse Notes in the Absences Summary would see the full text of the note cut off. The notes will now display in their entirety.

FOCUS-43877 - Discipline: Improve Display of Referral Header

This update improves the header display in Discipline referrals, ensuring all options, such as settings and print, display correctly on the screen as expected.

FOCUS-43864 - Grades: Resolve Insert Fields when Generating District Standard Report Cards

This update ensures that the Insert Fields included in the letterhead template for District Report Cards and Standards-Based Report Cards generate the appropriate values for each student as expected.

FOCUS-43849 - Third Party Systems (API): New "Real OneRoster Class Marking Periods" Setting

This update enhances the OneRoster '/classes' endpoint by refining the "terms" property. Previously, our API interpreted "terms" as semesters and derived constituent semesters for classes tied to quarters. The update adds a new option in Third Party Systems called "Real OneRoster Class Marking Periods." When enabled, the "terms" array will contain the actual marking period, even if it is not a semester, providing a more accurate representation for vendors.

See Third Party Systems for more information.

FOCUS-43848 - Letterhead Templates: Improve Display of Insert Field Pop-Up

This update improves the Insert Field pop-up for Letterhead Templates, allowing it to be expanded. This enhancement makes it easier for users to select fields when customizing templates.

FOCUS-43836 - School Choice: Improve Messaging on Print Letters

This update removes the need to refresh the screen after sending Choice email letters. Now, after sending emails, the screen will display a message stating, "Emails were sent successfully. This screen will reload automatically in 5 seconds," and will reload automatically, eliminating the manual refresh step.

See Print Letters > Sending Emails for more information.

FOCUS-43829 - Graduation Requirements Report: Improve Waiver Descriptions on Summary

The Graduation Requirements Report Summary will now display "Waived" under "Passed Algebra I EOC" and "Passed Reading Assessment" when the ESE EOC waiver is set to Algebra I and State Assessment Reading. This ensures that waivers are clearly indicated in the summary.

See Graduation Requirements Report for more information.

FOCUS-43801 - Scheduled Jobs: Update FL ARMS Tracker Scheduled Job (Florida)

This enhancement adds the tracking of Student Name and Date of Birth to the FL ARMS Tracker built-in scheduled job. This allows for more detailed and accurate tracking of student information within the system.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

FOCUS-43781 - Communication Platform: New Communications Report for Users/Staff

This update introduces the new Communications Report for Staff/Users. The User Info Communication Report includes two key reports for tracking communication messages to and from specific staff/users. The User Report displays all communications directly to and from a selected User/Staff, while the District Report shows district-level communications relevant to the selected User/Staff. These reports provide an efficient way to monitor communication activities involving specific staff members.

See User Info: Communication Report for details.

FOCUS-43755 - Scheduled Jobs: Improve Job Status Messaging in Execution History

This update improves the messaging of Scheduled Jobs in the Execution History. Now, when a scheduled job is currently running, the Execution History report will display the term "Running" instead of "Pending."

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

FOCUS-43754 - Communication Platform: Improve Student's Name Display with Multiple Custodial Contacts in Communication Report

Previously, if a student had multiple custodial contacts, their name would not appear as a link in the communication report when an attendance message was sent out. With this update, the student's name is now a clickable link that directs to the student info page for that student.

FOCUS-43753 - Student Final Grade Report: Improve Display of Inactive Students

This update corrects an issue where inactive students were still displayed on the Student Final Grade Report, even when the Include Inactive Students checkbox was unchecked. Now, only active students will be shown on the report when the checkbox is not selected.

FOCUS-43717 - New Search: Introduce New Search Additional Screens

This update expands the implementation of New Search functionality to more areas within the Student Information System, including the ISP Page, Login History, Seating Chart Contact Tracing, Test History Report, and Uploaded Files (Students).

See ISP Page, Login History, Seating Chart Contract Tracing, Test History Report, and Uploaded Files (Students) for more information.

FOCUS-43710 - Student File Uploads: Remove Interface File Size Limit

This update removes the hard-coded 32MB file size limit when uploading files via the Student File Uploads within the Document Management module. Although the code check is removed, the server will still enforce a file size limit via php.ini, which is currently set at 512MB.

See Import Student Files and Import Staff Files for more information.

FOCUS-43700 - Attendance Calendars: New Edit Bell Schedules Sub Permission

This update adds a new permission to School Setup → Attendance Calendar called 'Edit Bell Schedule'. When enabled, users can edit the Bell Schedule ID field in each cell of the calendar without needing general edit permission. This matches the behavior of the existing ‘Edit Rotation Day’ permission. This enhancement allows customers to grant school-based access for editing the bell schedule on the calendar, while retaining the ability for the district to manage the calendar itself. To maintain existing functionality, end-users with edit permissions to Attendance Calendar will receive this new profile permission by default.

See Attendance Calendar and Profiles > Permissions Explained for more information.

FOCUS-43666 - Attendance: Improve Start Time Display with Rotation in Teacher Completion Report

This update corrects an issue where the start time in the Teacher Completion Report did not account for rotation days and advanced rotation preferences. The start times will now properly reflect these settings.

FOCUS-43574 - Scheduled Jobs: Set Current and Earned with "Populate Graduation Requirements Summary"

This update adds a new column called "current" to the graduation requirements summary. When the Populate Graduation Requirements Summary scheduled job runs, it will populate this column with the total of scheduled credits. Additionally, the update ensures that the existing "Earned" column is populated with the number of credits earned by a passing score.

See Scheduled Jobs > Populate Grad Req Summary for more details.

FOCUS-43555 - Re-Enrollment Forms: Displaying Forms to Students Outside Allowed Profiles

This update resolves an issue where Re-Enrollment Forms were available on the Student Portal, Forms Summary for student profiles that were not assigned in Setup > Application Editor. With this fix, Re-Enrollment Forms will only be available for student profiles that have been properly assigned in the Application Editor.

FOCUS-43530 - New Team Scheduler Enhancement

This version introduces our new Team Scheduler. The Team Scheduler screen is used to assign students to teams, setting the Team field on the student's Enrollment record. Students can be manually assigned to teams or evenly distributed using the Optimize feature, which considers gender, race, discipline referral history, assessment scores, ESE status, ELL status, and 504 status.

See Team Scheduler and Teams for more information.

FOCUS-43484 - Add a Student: Resets Local Student Id when Enrolling Student

When using the System Preference "Automatically update Local Student ID when the Student ID changes,” enrolling a student out of the Applicants school with a negative number will not update the Local ID to the newly established non-negative Student ID. This update corrects that issue, ensuring the Local ID is properly updated to the new Student ID.

FOCUS-43074 - Allow organizing Forms menu by tags

System improvement to Form Builder adding ability to organize forms into categories.

See Form Builder > Customizing Tags for Forms and  Tagging a Form for more information.

FOCUS-43068 - API: Improvements to Third Party Systems

This update enhances the API performance for third-party systems, specifically improving the filtering on "date" custom fields in the GET /users endpoint. Additionally, performance optimization has been implemented for GET /users in scenarios where a vendor’s configuration includes a large list of "Synced Schools." This branch also introduces support for {student_id} and {staff_id} variables in computed custom fields for both GET /users and /demographics endpoints, further enhancing data integration capabilities.

FOCUS-42976 - Teacher Gradebook: Prevent Multiplying Category Weights when Copying to Another Section

This update resolves an issue in the Teacher Gradebook where copying a category to a different section caused the category weights to be multiplied by 100 in the new section. The issue has been corrected, ensuring category weights are copied accurately.

FOCUS-40095 - User Profiles: New Login as Parent Profile Permission

This enhancement adds a new User Profile permission named "Login as Parent." When enabled, this permission allows a user to log in as Parent User types, but not as other admin or teacher-related users. The permission will be initially set to the off position, preserving current functionality. Additionally, the existing User Profile Permission "Login As" remains unchanged by this update and will continue to permit end users to log in as all user types.

FOCUS-44062 - Print Class Lists: Teacher's lists not found


FOCUS-43981- SSS: June 2024 FL Snapshot

This update includes the SSS June Snapshot for Florida SSS customers. For a full review of the modifications, please reference our Zendesk Guide article at

FOCUS-43785- SSS: Ensure Alternate Step Names Display in Manage Student Step Lists

Previously, alternate step names were not displayed in the Manage Student step lists. With this update, alternate step names are now displayed as expected in the Manage Student step lists for both Custom and Focus Events.

FOCUS-43404- SSS General: New Setting for Special Factors & Schedule of Service Validations

On the SSS > General Screen, new dropdown fields have been added for the Special Factor form to use in the validation of the Schedule of Service. These include dropdowns for Adaptive PE and Transportation components and options, with choices populated from the selected form fields. The default settings are the Focus form with "Select One" and field name "default." No selections are needed for current functionality, but if a form, component, and value are chosen, the validation will use the custom form.

See General (admin) and General (teacher) for more information.


FOCUS-43974- Postsecondary: Add 'Funding End Date' Checkbox to AutoWithdraw Scheduled Job

Previously, the funding end date was automatically populated by the autowithdraw scheduled job. With this update, a new "Funding End Date" option has been added to the scheduled job setup. To maintain existing functionality, this option will be automatically enabled through a migration. If a district unchecks this option, the funding end date will not be set on the schedule record.

See Scheduled Jobs > AutoWithdraw for more details.

Previous Article 12.0.53, 12.0.54 - Revision - 07/03/2024
Next Article 12.0.52, 12.0.53 - Revision - 06/28/2024