Documentation for Administrators

12.0.56 - 07/21/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-44301- (warehouse): inventory sheet quantity

System enhancement removing zero quantity restriction in Warehouse > Inventory Sheet.

FOCUS-43942- (accounts-payable): Prevent over receiving on released invoices

System improvement adding error message 'This change would cause the released invoice quantity to exceed the received quantity by x units' preventing over receiving.

FOCUS-43273- feat(accounts-receivable): add new deposit numbering system

System improvement adding Deposit # to Accounts Receivable > Deposits & Internal Deposits. New column will display on Journal Report. Source column on Bank Reconciliation and Internal Bank Reconciliation will now be Deposit #.

See Deposits and Internal Account Deposits for details.


FOCUS-43520- Add date for payroll run adjustment code

System improvement adding benefit related Run Payroll > Adjustments to Human Resources > Benefits > Benefits Payment as Payroll Adjustment source.


FOCUS-44324- Elementary Scheduler: Resolve Deleting Teacher Restriction

This update resolves an issue with the Elementary Scheduler where deleting one teacher restriction would remove all restrictions from the database. With this fix, only the selected restriction will be deleted, preserving the remaining restrictions.

FOCUS-44222- Scheduling: Resolve Error Switching Teacher on Courses & Sections (Florida)

This update resolves a database error that occurred when changing a teacher on the Courses and Sections screen. The error was caused by the Florida Teacher Certification check logic. With this update, the error has been resolved, ensuring smooth operation when updating teacher assignments.

FOCUS-44191- Advanced Reports: Improve Generation with Logging Fields

This update resolves an issue where logging field entries appeared duplicated in generated Advanced Reports. This was caused when the logging field setup was previously attached to a student category that was later deleted. The update ensures that logging field entries are displayed correctly without duplication.

FOCUS-44189- Community Mobile App: Improve Login with SSO Configurations

This update resolves an error in the Community Mobile App that caused a white screen upon login with certain Single Sign-On configurations. The issue has been fixed, ensuring users can log in without encountering this problem.

FOCUS-44184- Graduation Requirements: Remove Invalid Gradelevels in Setup Options

This update corrects an issue where invalid grade levels not configured in the school's grade level setup were erroneously displayed in the Graduation Requirements setup screen. The error has been resolved, ensuring that only valid, configured grade levels are shown.

FOCUS-44173- Advanced Reports: Display Address Fields (Callout, Blocked, SMS)

This update corrects an issue where the address fields "Unlisted," "Callout Blocked," and "SMS" did not appear under the Address category in Advanced Reports. These fields will now display correctly, allowing for comprehensive address-related report generation.

FOCUS-44166- Communication Platform: Improved Tracking of Log Field Record in Communication Queue

This update resolves a race condition in the Communication Platform that caused duplicate logging records when the "Add Log Records" checkbox was enabled. Previously, the same queue record could be processed twice, creating duplicates. The update adds a logging field ID to the communication_queue and ensures a logging field is only added if communication_queue.log_record_id has no value. This prevents the duplicate logging issue.

FOCUS-44154- Scheduled Jobs: New Deletion Confirmation Window

This update adds a confirmation pop-up window when deleting an existing scheduled job on the Scheduled Jobs screen. Users must either confirm the deletion by clicking "OK" or cancel the action. During this time, no other actions can be performed on the screen until the pop-up is addressed.

See Scheduled Jobs for more details.

FOCUS-44138- Communication Platform: Improved Messaging in Failed Scheduled Messages

This update adds a user-friendly error message for scheduled emails that failed to send within the Communication Platform. The error message will state "An error occurred calculating group recipients." The system is designed to skip the failed group message and continue sending the remaining messages in the queue.

FOCUS-44129- Course Catalog: Add Gradelevel K to Low/High Grade for Missouri

This update ensures that the Course Catalog select options for Low Grade and High Grade include a grade level option of 'K' for customers in Missouri. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and accuracy when setting grade levels in the Course Catalog for Missouri schools.

FOCUS-44111- Master Schedule Builder: Ensure Proper Execution of Options on Scheduler View

This update corrects an issue in the Master Schedule Builder where selections made in the Scheduler view were not being passed to the server for execution. With this fix, all options selected in the Scheduler view will now be properly executed by the server, ensuring smooth and accurate scheduling.

FOCUS-44103- Invalid Address Report: Improve Display of Override Reason

This update ensures that the Invalid Address Report leverages the customer's student enrollment field set in the System Preference called "Override Reason Field" for the value in the Educational Choice column in the report. This enhancement provides accurate and customized reporting based on the specific preferences set by the customer.

FOCUS-44097- Print ID Badges: Add Support for Computed Fields Inclusion

This feature enhancement adds support for custom Computed Fields to be included as Insert Fields in Print ID Badges. This allows for more flexible and personalized ID badge creation, leveraging custom data fields defined by the institution.

See Print ID Badges (Students menu) and Print ID Badges (Users menu) for more information.

FOCUS-44079- Hall Pass: Hall Pass Location Category District Wide Enhancement

This enhancement to the Hall Pass module introduces a new "District Wide Categories" sub-permission under Hall Pass Setup. When enabled, this allows customers to define Hall Pass location categories at the district level. Larger institutions can now standardize location categories, specifically the icons, without requiring school users to select icons for the Hall Pass module, ensuring consistency and ease of management.

See Hall Pass Setup > Setting Up Location Categories for more information.

FOCUS-44055- Scheduling: New "Inactive" Option on Inclusion Sections (Florida)

This update enhances Scheduling Inclusions by adding a new "Inactive" checkbox to the inclusion tab in Scheduling, Courses & Sections, and the Master Schedule Report. When marked as inactive, the class will no longer appear in the inclusion teacher's menu, will not be included in state reporting, and the associated primary class will not have the option to check inclusion on the student's schedule. An Inclusion section may be marked as inactive even if it has been scheduled for a student. While this will not remove existing schedule records, moving forward, the associated primary class will not have the option to check inclusion on the student's schedule. This feature helps manage and streamline inactive inclusion sections effectively.

See Courses & Sections > Adding Inclusion Sections and Master Schedule Report > Viewing the Inclusion Sections Tab for more information.

FOCUS-44028- Advanced Reports: Ensure Published Report Filters Persist

This update resolves an issue with saved Advanced Reports that was preventing any results from appearing to the end user. With this fix, saved Advanced Reports will now display results correctly, ensuring users can access the data they need.

FOCUS-44005- Scheduled Jobs: Implement Support for Negative to Positive Student ID Adjustments in Rollover Scheduled Job

This update introduces a new feature for the Rollover process. Both as a scheduled job and through the Rollover screen, the system will now adjust negative Student IDs to positive Student IDs if they are rolled into a non-applicant school.

See Rollover > Rolling Students for more information.

FOCUS-43966- Scheduled Jobs: Resolve Populate Graduation Requirements Summary Completion

This update resolves an error in the built-in Scheduled Job titled "Populate Graduation Requirements Summary," ensuring it completes without error. With this fix, the scheduled job will run smoothly and accurately populate the graduation requirements summary as intended.

FOCUS-43894- Communication Platform: New Mass Update to Attendance Alerts in Settings

This update introduces a new mass update button above the teacher and student attendance alerts tables. This feature allows you to mass update all columns except for the title, message, period, and once per day. This enhancement streamlines the process of managing attendance alerts, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

See Communication for more information.

FOCUS-43869- Add a Student: Visual Improvement to Address Area

This update implements a visual improvement to the size of the address area in the "Add a Student" section. Additionally, it ensures that error messages remain fixed at the top of the address section for better visibility and user experience.

FOCUS-43732- Master Schedule Builder: Ensure Periods Populate

This update resolves an issue in the Master Schedule Builder where periods were not being populated when running the builder. With this fix, periods will now populate correctly, ensuring accurate and complete schedule building.

FOCUS-43477- Edit Rules & Workflow: Improve Validation Behavior on Add a Student (Criteria Spanning Both Student and Enrollment Fields)

This update improves the Edit Rules & Workflow validation for criteria that span both Student Enrollment Fields and Demographic Fields, applicable to the Add a Student process. The validation will no longer prevent end-users from navigating between the second and third pages of the Add a Student process if the validation prevents saving. This allows end-users to meet the validation requirements by marking the applicable student enrollment or student field value when adding a student.

FOCUS-42036- Upload Test Score Reports: Update Date in Portals when New Records Uploaded

This update introduces a new feature for Uploading Test Score Reports to Parent/Student Portals. Previously, when a user updated or uploaded a new file/report, the change in date was not reflected in the Student/Parent Portals due to the lack of update in 'test_score_reports' records. Now, a new column has been added to 'test_score_reports' to store the hash of uploaded files. When a file is replaced, its hash is compared with the existing one. If they differ, the hash and the 'updated_at' column are updated, ensuring the student portal accurately reflects the date of the most recent update.

See Publishing Test Scores and Reports to the Student/Parent Portal for more information.

FOCUS-43205- Communication Platform: Improvements to Communications Report

This update implements several enhancements to the Communication Platform and Communications Report:

- Emails, Polls, Sign-Ups, Calls, and SMS from announcements will now display as from the last user to update.

- The emergency flag will only be marked on SMS and Call records.

- The flagged and admin flagged columns have been combined into one column.

- A new recipient type column has been added.

- A new user filter dropdown allows you to select any user you have access to.

- Autocomplete for the dates, which was blocking the calendar on Chrome, has been removed.

See Student Info: Communication, Communication Reports (Admin), and Communication Reports (Teachers) for more information.


FOCUS-44260- SSS/Formbuilder July 2024 Snapshot for Ohio

This update includes the SSS July Snapshot for customers in Ohio. For additional information on the changes, please refer to our Zendesk Guide article,

FOCUS-44242- SSS/Formbuilder July 2024 Snapshot for Missouri

This update includes the SSS July Snapshot for customers in Missouri. For additional information on the changes, please refer to our Zendesk Guide article,


FOCUS-44228- Postsecondary: Resolve Error in Attendance with 'Period or Hourly Attendance' Preference

This update corrects an error in the Attendance module for Postsecondary customers. Previously, if an organization had both "Teachers enter hours present" and "Period or Hourly Attendance" enabled, the error would persist. With this update, if the organization leverages "Period or Hourly Attendance," that preference's logic will be prioritized, resolving the issue.

Previous Article 12.0.56 - Revision - 07/22/2024
Next Article 12.0.54, 12.0.55 - Revision - 07/19/2024