Documentation for Administrators

12.0.57 - 07/27/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-43872- feat(accounts-payable): add ability to exclude elements from an accounting strip widget for POs

System improvement adding ability to control elements used in Purchase Requests/Orders. To enable: Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Element Exclusion.

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable for details.


FOCUS-44358- Add a visual indicator to the "Supplement" button when supplements are present.

System enhancement to add a visual indicator to the "Supplement" button when supplements are present on each individual position on the jobs position screen.

See Human Resources > Employee > Jobs > Supplements for details.

FOCUS-44315- T&A - Timecard Entries Approval

System Improvement preventing final approver from auto approving when manually adding a time card in Human Resources > Time and Attendance Approval.

FOCUS-44243- Add Sort Arrows to allocations table - Position Control > positions

System improvement adding sort functionality to Human Resources > Position Control > Allocations.


FOCUS-44454- Schedule: Improve Inclusion Class Minutes Weekly Calculation (Florida)

This update corrects the calculation logic for Class Minutes Weekly when using Inclusions in Florida. When an Inclusion is added or removed from the Primary Parent Schedule record, the Class Minutes Weekly will update accordingly. Further changes to the Inclusion section's Class Minutes Weekly will trigger a recalculation in the Primary Parent Schedule record. However, adjusting the Class Minutes Weekly in the Primary Parent Schedule record alone will not trigger a recalculation of the Inclusion section's minutes. This ensures accurate tracking and reporting of class times.

FOCUS-44408- Online Enrollments: Resolve Error Processing Applicant Students

This branch resolves an error in processing applicant students caused by an unnecessary second step to validate after the student ID was generated. This correction streamlines the process and eliminates the error.

FOCUS-44385- Communication Platform: Allow Messaging Future Active Students Before Start of School Year

Previously, teachers could not see students in the communication dropdown before the school year started. With this update, students will now appear in the communication list even before the school year begins, provided the "Hide Schedules" preference is not enabled. If schedules are hidden from teachers, the dropdown will still be empty.

See Communication (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-44377- Translations: Minor Improvements to New Translations

This branch implements minor improvements to the new Translations system, including a performance enhancement to the /apply feature when selecting a language other than English.

FOCUS-44372- Document Management: Resolve Error Importing Compressed File in Import Student Files

This update resolves an issue with the Import Student Files feature. Previously, importing a compressed file would display an ambiguous error with a student ID number, preventing users from importing large files containing individual student test results. With this fix, compressed files can now be imported without error, ensuring that student test results are processed correctly.

FOCUS-44357- Student Info: Resolve Error with Renamed Letter Log System Field

This update resolves an error in Student Info that could occur when the organization had renamed the system Student Logging Field for the Letter Log. With this fix, the renamed field will function correctly without causing errors, ensuring seamless operation and accurate logging.

FOCUS-44351- Communication Platform: Resolve Error Sending Test Calls with no Content

Previously, attempting to send a test call without content resulted in an error. With this update, the test call option only appears when there is content to send, either recorded or text for text-to-speech. This behavior is now consistent across compose, templates, drafts, student attendance alerts, and teacher attendance alerts.

FOCUS-44317- Communication Platform: Resolve Error on Sending Test Calls

Previously, if an admin other than the one who created the call on student or teacher attendance alerts attempted to send a test call, they would see a "You cannot edit this message" error. With this update, any admin can now send a test call without encountering this error.

FOCUS-44309- Communication Report: User Dropdown Updates

This update improves the Communication Report by adjusting the User dropdown. This dropdown will only be displayed for profiles that have "View all" permissions for the Communication Report, ensuring that only authorized users can access and filter reports by different users.

See Communication and Profiles for details.

FOCUS-44292- Student Breakdown: Do Not Display Empty Values in Chart

This branch adds logic to filter out empty chart data before rendering the final chart in the Student Breakdown Report. For example, if a school has a sixth grade but no students are enrolled in it, that grade level will not be displayed to the end-user on the Student Breakdown Report. This ensures that the report only shows relevant data, making it clearer and more accurate for the end-user.

FOCUS-44291- Assessments: EWS Report ELA & Math Assessment Level Update (Florida)

This update corrects an issue in the EWS Report for Florida where 'ELA Assessment Level' and 'Math Assessment Level' PM3 data were not pulling correctly due to missing subject codes. The following subject codes have been added to the report to resolve this issue:

- P3 - ELA Reading PM3

- RS - ELA Reading PM3 Provisional

- 9P - FAST Math PM3

- MS - FAST Math PM3 Provisional

With this fix, the EWS Report will now include the correct data for these assessment levels.

FOCUS-44281- Report Cards: Translate Inserted Fields on Letterhead Templates

For customers with the Communication Platform Translations package, this update ensures that insert fields in letterhead templates are translated correctly. Previously, when using a letterhead template with insert fields, the fields were not translating. With this update, the inserted fields will now be translated as expected.

FOCUS-44254- Attendance: New School Name Setting on Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

This enhancement adds an option called "Print School Name" to Attendance Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters. When selected, the output will include the school name at the top next to the teacher's name. This ensures that the school name is prominently displayed, making the sheets more informative and easier to use.

See Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters for more information.

FOCUS-44249- Gradebook: Resolve Importing Categories for Semester and Year Configurations

This update fixes an issue with importing categories and assignments in the Full Year or Semester Gradebook. Previously, when a Gradebook was configured for Full Year or Semester in Gradebook Settings, importing categories did not include the attached assignments. With this fix, the categories and their associated assignments will now be imported correctly, ensuring all related data is included.

FOCUS-44240- Scheduling: New Effective Date on Master Schedule Report

This update adds a new "Effective Date" field on the sections tab of the Master Schedule Report, visible only when viewing a prior year. The effective date checks if a student was active or future active as of that date to include them in the filled seats count. Students dropped before the effective date will not be included in the count. This functionality mirrors how filled seats are calculated in the current year.

See Master Schedule Report > Viewing the Sections Tab for more information.

FOCUS-44114- Gradebook Templates: Option to Restrict Editing Assignment Standards

This update introduces new permissions on gradebook templates that control whether teachers can add or modify standards on assignments. Previously, there were no restrictions on teachers adding or removing standards from assignments. Now, if the "Add" permission is enabled, teachers can add any standard to template assignments. If the "Modify" permission is enabled, teachers can remove standards from template assignments. If these permissions are not enabled, teachers will not see the available standards or have the option to remove standards. The migration installs both permissions on all templates by default.

See Gradebook Templates, Gradebook: Gradebook Templates (Teacher Programs), and Gradebook: Gradebook Templates (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-44082- Discipline: Restrict Teachers Accessing Student Info when Entering Discipline Referrals

This update ensures that teachers with the ability to enter a referral for any student in the school, but without permission to view student records for all students, cannot bypass security by clicking the student link to be directed to Student Info while entering the referral. This maintains the intended security protocols.

FOCUS-44060- Application Editor: New Show/Hide Feature

This enhancement adds a show/hide feature to the Application Editor. When enabled, the form settings are hidden on the screen, providing more visible space for end-users to review their Application Layout.

See Application Editor for more information.

FOCUS-43992- Florida Reports: Added Detailed Student Logging & Fixed Log Entry ID Not Populating DMV Table

This update improves the logic of the built-in "Send to DMV" scheduled job in Florida Reports. Now, the job results will list all students transmitted by the job rather than just a count. Additionally, it fixes an issue that caused the log entry ID number not to be updated on the FLORIDA_DMV table. This ensures better tracking and transparency of student data transmissions to the DMV.

See Scheduled Jobs for more details.

FOCUS-43952- Focus Core: Remove Legacy Search where New Search Available

This update removes the Legacy Search option for areas of the user interface that currently support New Search. For areas of the software where New Search has not been released, Legacy Search will remain in place.

See Searching for Students and User Info for more details.

FOCUS-41886- Communication Platform: New Text Editor

This enhancement introduces a new, improved editor to the Communication module. Districts can choose when to switch to the new editor through a System Preference. Once enabled, districts cannot revert to the original editor. The new system preference, "Use Original Text Editor for Communication," will be installed in the On position. When disabled, the new editor will be available in Communication, and all Communication Templates will be migrated to use it. Once disabled, the System Preference will be removed and cannot be re-enabled. It is recommended that districts review their templates on a non-production site using the new editor before updating production.

The new editor includes existing tools and new features such as:

- Easy drag and drop placement of Insert Fields within a message, with the ability to modify font and formatting for variable fields.

- A Search Filter in the Insert Field pop-up window to search for field names in any user category.

- A Find and Replace feature to quickly find and replace words or phrases.

- A Special Characters feature to add special characters, such as math equations, to messages.

- A highlight feature to bring attention to specific content.

- An Autolink feature to automatically turn email addresses into clickable hyperlinks.

- Easy editing of hyperlink text, with options to modify or remove existing hyperlinks.

- Enhanced table editing tools to add and remove columns or rows by hovering over the content.

See System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General tab and Communication > Original Text Editor vs. New CK Editor for more information.

FOCUS-38181- Graduation Requirements Report: Improve Display of Biliteracy Seal (Florida)

This update includes an improvement to the Graduation Requirements Report for customers in Florida. Moving forward, the Biliteracy Seal section of the detailed Graduation Requirements Report will no longer show a student as meeting both Gold and Silver. If the student qualifies for Gold, it will no longer show them as meeting Silver as well.


FOCUS-44445- Form Builder: Improve Updating Collections Logic

Previously, Form Builder Collections did not save correctly when changed live, causing some fields to not load in the Form History tab. With this update, Form Builder Collections now save as expected when changed live, ensuring all fields load properly in the Form History tab.

FOCUS-44297- SSS: New General Setting Allowing Custom Schedule of Service Title

This update adds a new setting to SSS > General called "Schedule of Service." It allows customization of the title on the Schedule of Service custom screen. The setting includes a 'Use a step name' checkbox and a 'Schedule of Service Title' text field. When the checkbox is enabled, the printed Schedule of Services step of the IEP Event will display a regular name. If the 'Schedule of Service Title' is set, it will display a custom title when printing the Schedule of Services step of the IEP Event.

See General for more information.

FOCUS-44288- SSS: Goals & Objectives, Transition Service Areas Enhancement

This update includes several enhancements to the Transition Service Areas in the Goals & Objectives step of the IEP Event:

1. Updated wording in the Transition Service Areas dropdown to reflect "for a student age 16 or older."

2. Added the ability for districts to customize dropdown options in Transition Service Areas in SSS > General, similar to accommodations extended time.

3. Introduced a setting for Missouri to parse out the Transition Services area, adding sections only to goal fields, excluding Diagnosis and Instructional.

Each additional Goals Field can be enabled separately and defaults to disabled. Changes will be reflected in print media once a goal has been saved with transition services.

See General for more information.

FOCUS-44428- Florida July Snapshot Part 2


FOCUS-44274- Attendance Hours Report: Resolve Error in Scheduled Hours Calculation

This update corrects an issue with attendance calculations in Postsecondary institutions. Previously, the Scheduled Hours column in the Attendance Hours Report was calculated incorrectly when a student dropped and re-enrolled in the same section within the report timeframe. The calculation used data from only one schedule record. With this update, the issue is resolved, ensuring accurate calculation of scheduled hours when students have multiple schedule records for the same section within the reporting period.

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