Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14 - Revision - 09/01/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39674 - Communication Platform: Contact Opt Out of Notifications Enhancement

A new feature has been introduced in the Student Info Contact Cards. Under the email field, end-users will now find an 'Opt out of email notifications' toggle. When activated, the respective contact will not receive emails via the Communication Platform. It's important to note that this setting exclusively pertains to the Communication Platform and does not affect the 'Print Letters & Send Emails' functionality.

See Student Info and Communication (Admin) for details.

Added FOCUS-39525 - Communication Platform: Communication Report Enhancements

We're rolling out multiple enhancements to the Communication Platform, specifically within the Communication Reports. Here are the key highlights:

1. School-Specific Filtering: A new dropdown option has been added that lets users narrow down the results to messages sent to recipients of a specific school.

2. Message Type Filters: Users can now filter messages based on their type with the inclusion of checkboxes for 'secure', 'emergency', and 'Include attendance'.

3. Enhanced Report Details:

  • A 'Regarding Student' column has been added to identify the specific student the message pertained to. For messages involving multiple students, this column will be blank in the main report, but details can be found within the recipients modal.
  • The report now provides a more granular breakdown of message statuses. New columns for 'sent' and 'expired' have been introduced, ensuring the sum of 'sent', 'pending', 'expired', and 'errors' aligns with the total message count.

4. Improved Performance: The report's operational efficiency has been optimized, ensuring faster load times and smoother user experience.

These updates ensure a more streamlined and comprehensive approach to monitoring and managing communications within the platform.

See Communication Reports (Admin) and Communication Reports (Teachers) for more information.

Added FOCUS-39796 - Emails sent with field IDs

This branch addresses a discrepancy within sending messages in the Communication Platform. Previously, when certain Insert Fields derived from non-custom student field sources were utilized, the system mistakenly displayed the field ID instead of the correct label. This branch rectifies this error, ensuring the appropriate labels are shown.

Added FOCUS-39413 - Communication: Establish Functionality to Allow/Disallow Student/Teacher/Parent Conversations to Continue

This branch introduces several refinements to the Communication Platform:

1. Contact and User in Sent Box: Previously, when a message was dispatched to contacts also linked to a user, both appeared in the sent box with identical messages. With this update, when a message targets primary contacts, only the contact will be displayed.

2. Messaging Past Students: Teachers are now restricted from replying to students from previous academic years.

3. Search All Schools Preference: Teachers with the 'search all schools' permission can now conveniently select the school tag on the compose screen.

4. Parent-Teacher Communication Clarity: In the past, parents with multiple children under the same teacher had no way to specify which child a message related to. Now, a 'regarding student' dropdown is provided, ensuring clear communication.

These enhancements pave the way for a more intuitive and streamlined communication process for all stakeholders.

See Communication (Students/Parents) for additional information.

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